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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. Actually, can I change my wish to having a car park fall on Dominic Cummings?
  2. I forgot to mention that her breath could tarnish and rot away all the new brass instruments. She'll also wake you up at 4am.
  3. Granted, but you've got my little twerp to keep you company. She sits on your head and tries to eat your food and comes on your lap just as you're planning to get up. I wish the heat melted all of my new neighbour's brass instruments and warped his drum sticks so he can't make noise any more.
  4. Granted. He can no longer speak or sing so he takes up the trumpet, the trombone, the tuba and the drums. And he's terrible at all of them, but very very loud and enthusiastic and dedicated to his practise. I wish the fan was quieter so I could have it on me during the night without being kept awake.
  5. Sorry guys, I didn't realise how enormous those screenshots are when you're on a computer. They look normal on a phone.
  6. This is why I craft, especially cross stitch. How else can I stab something 500000 times and still create art?
  7. I could just get all three (and maybe one or two of the others as well) and skewer them all in a line with my longest knitting needle.
  8. Ok, I do genuinely need a new pin cushion. Trump, Johnson or Cummings?
  9. From the website: Few people are more to blame for the mess we’re in than the bulbous-headed Mekon of corruption, Dominic Cummings, so I made a pincushion of his nasty little face to achieve some relaxing catharsis and if you need one, I’ll make one for you too. Make that sulky little pout of his make more sense by sticking your pins in his f****** head. Holding your pins for you while you sew (or just while you stick pins in his head to feel better) will probably be the most helpful thing he will ever do for anyone except himself. If only he’d used the undeniable powers in that big head for good instead of evil.
  10. Behold. As with her Trump, Johnson, Gove, Rees-Mogg and others, she assures you that it was hand made with utter contempt and violently stuffed for your pleasure. I do actually need a new pin cushion, so I'm spoiled for choice really. I've been thinking of getting the Greta Thunberg Christmas tree topper too.
  11. I think I'm going to shell out £25 (it's not as though I'm going to spend it on theatre tickets or meals out) and buy that Dominic Cummings pincushion from Snorkers Imaginarium.
  12. J K Rowling offered to pay this person's salary for a year.
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