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Everything posted by Phorumities

  1. its not possible to price gouge people on parcel rents, the competition is too fierce. I suspect most sim owners operate on a very slim profit margin. oh and the very best way to save money on parcel rents? rent a smaller parcel. Its a sad commentary on our modern world that too many people are unable to differentiate between wants and needs
  2. its a common belief that if you raise the tax on something it will generate more income, when more often than not the opposite is true. It's a lesson the Democratic Party has never learned and probably never will. *if only those horrible rich people can be forced to pay their fair share, everything would be perfect*
  3. Walter Williams for president. He's the greatest person alive. http://econfaculty.gmu.edu/wew/index.html
  4. well you picked a last name so i was referring to you by your last name trying to maintain a level of decorum and dignity to our conversation resident isn't a last name its a place holder for older items that need a first and last name. In my humble opinion they should have used Citizen instead feel free to just call me Phorumities or of you prefer to be more formal, The Honorable and Esteemed Phorumities.
  5. please stop replying to what you think i said or what you think i meant and we just might have a productive discussion. emphasis of course on might have a nice day
  6. ok if they are programmed to log back immediatly after being logged out on a restart i can see them being sent to the nearest info/safe hub. so yes they would congregate at hubs
  7. I've seen shorter job applications in rl
  8. why was the guy allowed to harass your friend for 13 minutes? griefer: hey this is my place get out of here me: no this is my property griefer: no im telling u this is my place me (after a brief pause to bring up the land access tab and enter his name on the ban avatar list) nope mine, bye bye cam on the griefer, click add to ban list and watch the griefer fly off into the air then mute him time start to finish: 45 seconds
  9. as long as furries stick to their own species its no different than two humans being intimate. its having intimate relations with a member of a different species that seems to be the problem. so to be safe anthropomorphic foxes should only be intimate with other anthropomorphic foxes.
  10. i'd bring back a sl viewer layout that was as simple and straightforward as sl 1.23 was. im terrible at learning new software but that old viewer was so simple even i managed to persevere. i currently use firestorm with the phoenix layout. thats the first thing i tell noobs asking for help. go get firestorm.
  11. hardly, but might get kicked out for flying since i hover and move around just above the ground
  12. Then let's all agree to what is obvious. Furries are the most disliked group in SL. Done, finished, next topic please
  13. The original topic has probably been sufficiently covered. The most popular threads seem to be the ones that run off topic anyway. I'm not sure why the creator of any thread would think they have ownership or control of the thread in any way.
  14. Yes I am annoyed. I'm annoyed that the TOS says someone can be ARed simply for being annoying, whatever that means.
  15. When a sim is reset and you don't tp out in time, you aren't sent someplace else, you are logged out. Try it sometime and see
  16. Phorumities Resident, Mr Resident.... It's always amusing to see the jealousy and envy some lastnamers feel toward anyone that has the purity, simplicity and elegance of a well thought out single name.
  17. Would a rotating semi transparent orb be allowed on your sim? I'll remove my hat if i have to.
  18. We have already established that private sim owners can ban you for anything. You seem to be saying that breaking a sim rule is not grounds for an AR, but the TOS clearly states that simply being annoyed by the actions of another is sufficient to submit an AR against them. And i suppose a sim owner would be very annoyed if someone broke their sim rule, and thus could AR them. Which is it?
  19. I learned from a copy /paste from the LL TOS that if someone finds you annoying they can AR you.
  20. For once and for all, I have a very simple question. What constitutes annoyance severe enough that would make it worthy of submitting an Abuse Report? Apparently, from what i've read on this thread, the consensus is that offering a single bite request in a no bite area, in contravention of a sim rule banning biting is grevious enough to not just be annoying but outright griefing. Any thoughts from a Linden that might be reading this thread?
  21. I assume that you would have to explain how you were annoyed when you file your AR. I can only imagine the staff at LL sharing some of your AR's. OMG look what is annoying him this week.
  22. You are absolutely right Mr Nightfire, if anyone or anything in SL annoys you, you should most certainly AR them and make SL safer for the rest of us. I only hope my hat doesn't annoy you.
  23. Since I decided to materialized a body in SL I discovered I had a penchant for hats. Since i don't have a head per se' the hardest part was deciding where to attach them. I decide to be conventional and chose "head", if head has any real meaning to a rotating semitransparent globe. This one just won me $500 for a Best in Steampunk Contest. After generously tipping the DJ and Host, I find I now have enough money to expand on my new interest.
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