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Everything posted by Phorumities

  1. in classic communist ideology there is the exploiting capitalist class and the exploited working class. thats what im referring to, the lefts world view . if you dont like the terminology blame marx not me
  2. so there were no antifa present at Charlotteville? the far left is generally present at any and every social justice protest. they are the losers wearing the face coverings. there is no far right running the show in america, but every time democrats take power they sink america deeper and deeper into the cesspool of socialism their rallying cry is "its not fair" and "make the rich pay" , the whole time promoting class hatred and envy. the democrats have created the mess we are in today, and even President Trump can do nothing but slow the destruction of this once great land, once a beacon of hope and freedom to the world but rapidly becoming just another socialist s**thole
  3. Ever since the free tier was doubled from 512 sq m to 1024 sq m, Linden Labs has been direct selling parcels to anyone that requests one, even if the person has no direct claim to the land. Prior to the doubling of the allowance unless one had a "strong claim" to the parcel LL put the land up for auction. Now anyone can put in a claim to buy any parcel and have it sold directly to them for 1 L per sq m. I think this is fantastic. It will increase mainland ownership without paying high land flipper prices. However, at least in my neighborhood, it seems that it's only land flippers taking advantage of this deal. Two roadfront parcels have been sold to land flippers, one after it was cut out of a larger parcel, and they are now on the market for 5 L per sq m. The downside for flippers of course is that as more ordinary residents realize what's going on, they will just walk down the road and request a parcel of their own from LL. I am an advocate of a free market, and I believe any price anyone is willing to pay is a fair price, but I really think LL should have made a simple announcement that they will not be bothering with auctions at least until the backlog of requests is cleared, and that you too, ordinary SL resident can buy roadfront direct from LL for 1 L per sq m. Just put in a request for that parcel you like and cut out the land flippers profit. The downside for land flippers, and a benefit for ordinary residents, is once the flippers see what's happening, they will be stuck with massive overpriced unsold inventory, and will have to be satisfied with a more modest profit as they shed their excess holdings.
  4. I meant I read it. The left will never compromise on their stated goal of world domination. Any compromise a leftist makes is just an attempt to confuse and deceive.
  5. For the record, there's nothing good about Democrats, and only one thing good about Republicans is .. they aren't Democrats
  6. I totally get where you are coming from on this. In my case, they don't have any real hard core rightwingers to argue with, so they hang all sorts of hateful names on someone, anyone, that disagrees with their world view.
  7. Do you feel any guilt advocating a system that has resulted in 150 million deaths worldwide at the hands of people claiming to be what you are? Oh I know, I know, they weren't "real" communists, they corrupted the ideals of the revolution for their own selfish ends, but next time you'll get it right. *rolls eyes*
  8. example please never mind, by replying i gave an example for you
  9. to be honest its generally impossible to have a debate with leftists since they immediately dig into their bag of stock labels and apply the ones that seem to fit best.
  10. but i dont troll i simply express opinions. unfortunately when someone expesses a contrary or controversial opinion they are immediately called a troll of course dismissive name calling is always easier than an actual rebuttal and, arent we all hiding behind our second life names? i don't think i've seen anyone post any rl info about themselves
  11. Since the 4th of July is next week perhaps one of the lefties in the forum would like to start an "I'm ashamed of the USA because..." thread.
  12. I believe Russell Means in his book Where White Men Fear To Tread claimed the Aztecs invented open heart surgery, but he was only half right. They were able to remove the hearts but couldn't put them back.
  13. No one has a say in what the United States of America is, except the citizens of United States of America. This country doesn't owe any other country anything.
  14. I don't recall ever saying I was against Gay Pride. Not actively supporting something is NOT the same as opposing it. Except of course, to a socialist.
  15. Liberal used to mean an individual who believed in individual personal freedom. Liberal now means a belief in group identity and group rights, so yes to be a "liberal" today is to be a socialist.
  16. However it started it is now politically incorrect NOT to support Pride. "Oh, you don't celebrate Pride, you must be homophobic".
  17. the fact you imply you know any of my feelings regarding pride celebrations is just another example of political correctness run amok.
  18. i dont recall making any statement for or against Pride Month.
  19. i was referring more to traditional ideas of morality and decency as well as that antiquated notion of right and wrong. but dont worry, when the left has completed its task of destroying america through degeneracy the new rulers will imposs a morality more rigid than was ever alluded to even on 50's sitcoms.
  20. pride month is a result of political correctness. of course any revolution only gets really interesting when they start to devour their own. conservatives are not allowed to be offended, and liberals are only offended by conservative values.
  21. even though you stopped your premium you should still be getting the benefits except for owning mainland. when the renewal date rolls around just pay again. i strongly recommend paying a year in advance. in terms of rent and stipend it ends up basically being free.
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