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Everything posted by BelindaN

  1. NCI Kuula was also my playpen....
  2. Skell, you could poke your eye out with those claws........😛
  3. Errrrrrr....Genus?????? Big question.....is the Powder Pack worth buying??
  4. Wouldn't it be something, to be able to go back in time and study the evolutionary process which led humans to this present position. Why such hatred exists. How is that beneficial to our survival? I wonder if it exists in all cultures? We'll never know the truth of how we became what we are, but obviously greed, selfishness, and hatred have prevailed. That's not to say we are all like that, and when you meet a benevolent soul, it can be truly mind blowing.
  5. I don't think that the marketing pictures will actually make much difference. If somebody gets as far as those pages, and seeing its free to join, then I suspect that most will select an avi and jump in. Its what happens next which will determine whether they stay, and having recently fired up another alt, I wasn't engaged by the entry portal. However, everyone is so different that how do you even try to engage them all? A primary link would be how to improve your avi, leading into MP, and in world stores. When I started I had no idea you could shop in world and didn't discover that for weeks. Beyond that, its a case of using your imagination, and the bigger that is, the more you find to do here. The forums have been so important to me and I found the site a couple of days after joining, but clearly only a tiny number of people post here. Most of the front page pics are wooden with poor lighting. Way better images exist in the forums, and even more imaginative images appear across flickr. So even if Flickr sourced images are not used on the front page, there should be a signpost to the SL Flickr pages.
  6. Reminds me of one of my Oscar nominated blows........ The neighbours boys had been misbehaving and scared my daughter. She was maybe four at the time. That was a big red line. They were on the street, so I went out, fully charged..... They saw me coming and beat a hasty retreat.........down the road. So......I came back indoors and did a complete costume change......... I sneaked back out in the opposite direction and walked round the block. I came at them from an unexpected direction, and got right up to them before they realised it was me. I gave them both barrels. Y'know, I admire those who can verbally rant on, and make sense, but I can't do that convincingly..... unless I'm in the zone. That day I was in The Zone. I don't remember what I said, but they got it for maybe two minutes. They stayed straight faced and silent during my onslaught. From that day they never bothered my daughter again. Job Done.
  7. @LittleMe Jewell If your vertigo is BPPV related, have you tried the Epley Manoevre, or the Brandt-Daroff exercise? I suffer spells of BPPV, and Epley works really well for me..........🙂
  8. This was one if the most difficult concepts to grasp as a newbie. Not far behind appliers in fact. I really struggled at the start, but most of my early buys were of the drag to the ground in a sandbox variety, so once I understood the sandbox concept I was Ok for a while. Then I came across the touch to unpack thing, which threw me, and then the double boxed, for which I had to get help. I rarely come across drag to the ground items nowadays, but just occasionally I have to jump to a sandbox. Thats always annoying when I happen to be naked....... Free gifts? I'm not that fussed usually. Very few of my outfits have anything which was free. I do take group gifts, but I'm such a picky shopper, that they rarely float my boat. But just one or two have been right up my street. 😊
  9. Where I use shoes in many colours, I've started making a copy and just using the right colour for each outfit. Sometimes I just use the hud, but its annoying having to change like that! With clothes I sometimes start with one colour, then get the FP. Sometimes FP first, then maybe an odd single colour. Again so I don't need to mess with the hud. I just like to click on an outfit and go.........
  10. It takes a lot to tip me over the edge. A real lot. When it happens, I'm told its impressive. I don't know...... Thankfully that's exceptionally rare. When I just get narked, I tend to switch into my pragmatist/reflector mindset and contemplate how to move forward. Sometimes that may be revenge. Other times I just move on.
  11. Can you select your orginal system avi and rez that? Use the SL viewer as Sylvia suggested.
  12. I didn't come here for any sort of relationship, and that position has caused me a few headaches when guys I friended and hung out with occasionally tried to ramp it up, despite being told from the beginning where I stand on this. Because unfettered freedom here is sacrosanct to me, it's the very reason which keeps me sane and engaged with SL. But as I once said before, the wedding day thing is hugely compelling. Wedding days are such a high point in RL, and being able to dress up here and do it here.....well, I don't know why they don't offer a sham wedding day package...……….haha! It would be such a thrill to spend a couple of hours with friends, all glammed up and taking loads of pics. But it would cost a lot of money...…..well, just like RL then...….. Maybe I should get a life...………..
  13. The thing which really does my head in about this is on the nude beaches...….*coughs*….(where I'm never nude by the way)……...the guys who have elephantine accoutrements, and don't get me started on the Mr Universe muscles...…….really? I'm more likely to engage with a skinny looking guy with a pair of shorts on...………..
  14. For me, the mainland is the undiscovered country. I really do need to make an effort to go there! Any LMs for pods or railroad stations would be a good start!!
  15. Going back to the plot, I have a couple of observations. The approaches I get are almost always the same no matter what I'm wearing or where I am. What does confuse me is that I get way more hits on a beach than when in a club. On the beach I'm always dressed in at least swimwear. In fact I get more hits while shopping in store than in clubs....... Most are "hi". A few are txt spk. Very occasionally I get a real conversation. Sometimes the conversation is articulate and funny. I do apply "filters" and my number one hate is repetative use of the "F" word. A few days ago, four of us were dancing on a beach. "Who wants sex" came in on local........ My second observation is from my early days. Innocently dressed and with a simple AO, I was bombarded with requests for sex. Plus all the other Yuk stuff which comes from the predators of newbies. This isn't real life. As someone said earlier, its a cartoon. But some people treat it just like RL, but at the same time think they can short cut to having sex. There are better ways to spend limited time in SL than having sex with strangers! Thats not to say I haven't done it, obviously. Yesterday I came in from having afternoon tea in a conservatory in RL...(Ooo-errr!). I then met up with an SL gf in a consevatory, where we sat and had soda and chatted for a half hour. Nothing more. It was good fun! SL should be all about having fun, but some people are just here for the pick up and sex. Just how it is.
  16. Yeah this! I have a few anims for myself but my two alts only have a couple each. Thats not to say I might go out any time and binge on AOs. I don't think AOs should be read too seriously for all the above reasons, I just pick the ones I like, for my own amusement......
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