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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I love how LL is helping by doing humanitarian aid. But for them to temporarily treat SL as a necessity. Like I get they are trying to be nice. But I would rather LL focus more power on humanitarian aid.
  2. I mean if I were in their shoes, I would be more anxious and worried about my RL. Not if I was gonna lose a piece of land in a game.
  3. SL is not a necessity. I feel bad for the people on Ukraine. But I think they should worry more about their safety and not if they will have their land. When they come back.
  4. Material on mesh bodies and heads. Specifically referring to the specular aspect. I mean yeah everything reflects light. Except for the darkest black paint. But c'mon, we don't reflect naturally like we are latex or like we slathered oil on our bodies.
  5. Under that same boat, stores that constantly create it. Like somehow all men in SL want that. I remember one year, where every store created bulge pants.
  6. With most of my stuff, I have it set up where I get an email and a text notification.
  7. Ngl, the modding comnunity does a better job with optimization and staying within the constraints of a render engine, than SL creators. And most mod creators are self taught too. Maybe SL creators need to take a page from mod creators.
  8. We need to fix the render engine and hold LL accountable to do that. But we also need to hold creators accountable to optimize their mesh and textures. That's my thought pattern. SLs render engine clearly can't handle the high poly objects that creators put out. So yeah we need to hold both accountable.
  9. I have honestly never been to bay city. What's the place like?
  10. I mean you could always tell a creator to optimize their creations. There is one item, a phone accessory. That has 11000 complexity. You don't need a phone with that many vertices. Creators just need to learn to optimize and retopologize their builds. That would help reduce lag, as it would mean things would load faster. It's 2022, you don't need heavily detailed meshes with a high poly count.
  11. Avatars should look like computer generated people. They don't need to have hyper realistic emotions or skins. That is just creepy to me.
  12. Knowing LL, if they did that. They would require people to give SL access to your webcam to play SL. If that were to happen. I would not come on ever again.
  13. Ngl, I don't want LL having access to my Web Cam.
  14. If you want realism, then go about your real life.
  15. And some vegans don't understand about strawberry flavoured cows milk. Lol
  16. That and they don't really know the behind the scenes work, that creators who create for mesh bodies. How much time and work it takes to rig and other stuff. Yet feel like the creator should make for more bodies, as it would make them more money. When that is not exactly the case.
  17. Ngl, they should have let it die and not been so desperate to find an alternative. I just think that Gachas they had a great run, but like every good thing. It's time to let it go and move on. Not hold onto it and create a new system. It's kinda like losing a friend, you just gotta move on.
  18. That and they don't really know the behind the scenes work, that creators who create for mesh bodies. How much time and work it takes to rig and other stuff. Yet feel like the creator should make for more bodies, as it would make them more money. When that is not exactly the case.
  19. I used to be a troll back in the day. I got bored and then just gave it up. But from time to time, I will troll someone who I feel is doing something wrong. Like being racist, and I am getting sick of arguing back and forth. So I will just troll them, just to get them going. Lol.
  20. Creation Engine was used when Skyrim was released. Before that, Bethesda had a contract with Havok and used that engine for Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3. I would also say Fallout New Vegas, but obsidian created it, Bethesda was just the publisher.
  21. Me thinks the op needs to step back and take a break from SL. If SL bugs you that much, then you need to take a break.
  22. Then you haven't seen 4chan. That is literally where all the trolls hang. And yes it is very much a culture. It's like a haven for trolls to socialize and stuff. Then you get some of the 4chan people coming to SL, and they enjoy trolling people. They get pleasure out of someone else's displeasure. They are the exact definition of schadenfreude. Lol
  23. I really don't care about the NFL. I have never liked football. I am more of a hockey person myself.
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