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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. The purpose of life is very subjective. You gotta make life your own and live it how you want to live it.
  2. LL needs to combat this somehow, this is getting annoying. It feels like my Spam email folder all over again. Lol
  3. I live in Canada. Lol. The place where wait times are horrendous and for a specialist even worse. Lol
  4. I had never been to that store or even heard of that store. I mean I have had my fair share of sneaky practices when it comes to hiding the subscriber script in the vendor or in the unpacker. But when you haven't even heard of said store or been there. How can you possibly click on the subscriber? Especially since I know for a fact, that I don't own any products. Also I wasn't online when I was added to the database.
  5. NGL I would rather see an American Doctor when it comes to specialized healthcare. Especially for Facial Feminization, Top surgery and my scoliosis surgery. I feel like I would get better care overall in the US than in Canada.
  6. The funny thing I wasn't online, I was literally trying to find a place RL and prepping to move. So what did he do, camp at my place and just grab my uuid through an object of mine? When I say camp at my place, I mean did he like sit on an open land near the parcel I rent and just copy UUIDs?
  7. I don't know if anyone else is dealing with this. But when you block someone who owns a subscriber, only to somehow get put back in the same subscriber. That you never had a clue about the store or never even subscribed. I was dealing with RL at the time and was barely on SL. I log in quickly to block the owner of said subscriber and come back on about a month later to the same store and being in the same subscriber list.
  8. I am utterly terrified of bees wasps and hornets and fire ants. I hate fire ants, I got bitten by a bunch of them as a kid. Oh boy does it sting. Lol
  9. again never said that, stop putting words in my mouth. I don't think anyone should have to move or have to relocate. But I also think that the federal government having the final say with certain laws, is just way too far reaching.
  10. Never said that. I said I am all for body autonomy, let me say that again. I am all for my body my choice. But I don't think the federal goverment should have the final say on the laws dictating states and provinces in Canada. So please do not assume that I want that. I am merely saying, that I live in Ontario. So laws here on things are totally different than laws that are say in Quebec.
  11. Let me preface this by saying I am all for body autonomy. But I think that each state or each province in Canada should be able to create their own laws based on body autonomy.
  12. Roe V Wade just takes away the federal powers of creating abortion laws, and gives it back to the each state individually. Roe V wade has nothing to do with Gay Marriages or anything like that.
  13. Oh I wasn't trying to derail it, I just feel some changes need to be made and if we went the route I am thinking. Even if the doctors were required to still use Universal Health, but you gave the citizens the choice to choose between Private or Public Medical Insurance. We as a country would have more jobs and less wait times, more specialists. As it would be more advantageous to be a doctor in Canada. As well as more Family doctors. I do think that healthcare should be a fundamental human right. But something has to give, we as citizens should have a choice to choose between say OHIP and a private medical insurance company. If doctors allowed both, they would be making more money and well doctors would be happy. And I forgot to add, as Canadians we don't have a choice to choose between public and private health insurance. We are given the provincial health insurance off the hop. And the doctors are put into this whole Mafia style deal. We have an offer you can't refuse, and if doctors don't like it. They really can't argue the fact that they would like a bit more money for their hard work, or for sacrficing their lives. Especially when it comes to deal with humans with transmittable diseases or other things that could put doctors health at risk.
  14. I think we also need to give Medical professionals a right to choose between medical insurance users and universal healthcare users or both. Then maybe we would have a better system. I mean with how Canada is now, wait times will be longer and someone wanting a family doctor will not be able to get one sooner. I feel like a change to the healthcare system in Canada with what I said in mind. Would improve the overall system in the long run. We would see more doctors in Canada, we would have a choice to choose health insurance from a private provider or even from a public provider(Universal Health Care.) And ultimately you would see the increase in family doctors and decrease in wait times.
  15. Yeah the waitlists and the lack of Family Doctors will only get worse for the years to come. Unless the Federal Government gives canadian medical people the right to choose if they want to use Universal Health Insurance. a paid system or even both.
  16. Ngl I can't stand politics at all, and also I tend to keep to myself and be in my own space when it comes to news and politics. With the way the world is going, I want to keep my hair in my head and not be constantly anxious or stressed. And before someone says, I am ignorant. No I am not, I know enough from people talking about it on social media. I just would like to keep my sanity and mental health intact. I mean I do scroll on by posts like that.
  17. She did go on a political rant. I just noticed the hypocrisy. Lol.
  18. The one thing I don't get with Pride, is why do stores and corporations do it only once a year. I mean I feel like its a big old way to make a crap tonne of money off of us. Then they change it right back, about a couple of weeks right after pride is done. Lol
  19. This was my look yesterday, I absolutely love nature, and love the grunge/goth look
  20. NGL, I wish when rigged mesh became a thing. That they had the dang single body unpackers. It would have made my life a whole lot easier. Lol
  21. I mean at least give us a choice if you want to go digital to sign in online. Like at the place I usually go to for bloodwork, I can just sign up for an appointment online with my PC or my Smart Phone and I just have to walk there and tell them my name and check in.
  22. I will just stick to moving to the US for my partner or moving to Europe. I think those other countries are pretty and all, but the wildlife there is scary. Lol
  23. NGL British Comedy is better than American Comedy. xD. I loved the show Little Britain. Also I live in Canada, where British media was very much prevalant here.
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