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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Imagine having a UMF SL OR a tomorrowland SL brought you by the people who made these rl events.
  2. A lot of roleplay community sims could benefit from the this new region. Especially with the lag.
  3. I would have to disagree, only a minority of the people protesting were of that nature. A majority were peacefully protesting against government mandates. And to add to that, the people who were peacefully protesting. Asked if there were anyone who was using violence and other stuff, that people turn them in. They even had a reward that they would pay to get them to turn them in. So no it is not different, there will always be a small group of people who will bring violence to protests and that is why you saw the riots and the occupation of the 6 blocks in that city during the BLM protests. I mean I live in Canada and I know that most of the truckers were just people fed up with the mandates. And then it turned into the actual people, people like me. Who got fed up with the government mandates and started protesting.
  4. I am neither left nor right-leaning, I think both sides have every right to protest what they disagree with. I am centrist and always have been.
  5. That was literally a protest against government mandates, its the left that painted them as terrorists. I for one am all for people raising their voice, when injustices happen. I mean BLM protesters blocked vehicles and major streets, and we don't call them terrorists. I mean there were literally riots and an actual occupation of 6 blocks of a city. But we don't call them terrorists. So how is what the left did for BLM any different from what Canadians did in Canada during the protests?
  6. Funny thing is, this alt is always alphaed out. Lol
  7. I use an alt as a camera and a storage unit for all my full perm stuff. It helps keep my inventory organized.
  8. I mean unless you have a digital to analog converter. But this woman is arguing that digital television signals are not possible. But Canada changing to all digital August 31 2011 says differently. Lol
  9. We have them here in Canada. Lol. Canada went from analog to digital a few years back. So Digital Antennas are the norm over here.
  10. Well, they are using a Digital Antenna and you can get them anywhere. I remember the old-school Analog antennas. But ever since signals got converted over to digital, they needed to find a way to broadcast to new types of antennas. So the High Definition Digital Antenna was born
  11. 1 PayPal Account, multiple stores. It sounds like a shock website name. Lol
  12. Their lives are more in danger than that of someone who is not in a war-torn country.
  13. Okay, so we can't worry about the lives in the ukraine? Especially if they are part of the LGBTQ community. I honestly don't get it, how come we as people who don't live in the US? Always have to worry about American Problems? I know transgenderism as a whole and the issues that come with the territory are not only American. But Americans seem to have this thing to go, why are we not focusing all our time and energy on issues facing americans? You are not the only country in the world.
  14. I may not be the best person, but I am transgender male to female. And honestly, I really never had a problem when coming out, nor did I have issues with harrassment. I had a group of friends who were quite receptive and warm. I did however, have some dude attack me on behalf of his gf, who was my ex. Before I came out, for being bigender.
  15. I have not really been hit on, however I can see how it is annoying. But whenever I got hit on, I would get both males and females. Lol.
  16. Happened to me once, I spent a crap tonne of money and I got dumped days after. This was back when mesh bodies and mesh heads on males, didn't really line up well. So I wanted to stay system until it improved. But my dumb butt had a thing for this chick, and basically did as she asked. I will never do that again. I have put too much time and money into my look and love it. So I am not gonna change it, even if someone pays for it.
  17. No not really. Even when I did smoke, I didn't find it funny.
  18. Some inventory settings and I honestly don't remember the other settings. It has been a while since I changed my name.
  19. I vape as well. My current partner suggested it to me and I am loving it.
  20. Okay my biggest pet peeve. Is that LL never warned us. That after legacy name change. That some settings revert to default. They really need to warn us when it happens. I thought it would be seamless. But I had to take 15 mins to fix my viewer settings.
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