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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I will even add one better, I was in a relationship with a person from Scotland for a year and a half. I picked up their mannerisms and speech patterns. It was weird hearing a Canadian, which we already get made fun of for our accent. Talking with semi scottish speech. Lol. So insert line that sounds very scottish and then add an eh at the end. I confused my dad and ex roommate for the longest time. Lol
  2. I lost my dad 3 years ago to cancer, ngl it took a massive toll on me. I mean I thought I lost my whole world that day.
  3. I went through suicidal ideations at a young age, especially when my mom is the reason that my whole life was torn apart.
  4. Okay let me ask this. What defines a predatory Manipulative weirdo type? You brought it up two times, so why not define it.
  5. Not even gonna get into this whole thing. For that reason, I'm out. I mean if we are gonna have this person effectively derail the topic already. Let us look at gender dysphoria. I have it and it ain't fun waking up looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing that something ain't right. So you go through major anger, depression and anxiety issues. It's not that I am many other people are confused about our genitals between our legs. Which you so eloquently put. Its the fact that our brains look at ourselves and go well I don't feel like I was born in the right body. Okay sorry for the tirade, I am done here.
  6. Oh I know, I just wanted to add that.
  7. There is another reason why, there was this case where the mother was a chimera and the baby was not her genetic match. So basically she went through hell for years, until they found out she was infact a chimera. https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/case-lydia-fairchild-and-her-chimerism-2002
  8. Has someone actually asked that? Do they know what the word Paternity means? Lol
  9. Yeah but in my own experience, that person will get louder and more persistent. Then you will have one person who will get really annoyed and mess up and reply to him.
  10. Ngl I don't like being referred to as queer. I mean its great we are reclaiming the word and all. But I am a transwoman, not queer. But that is just my hot take on it.
  11. I feel like that topic would have been great for a discussion. But we always have one moron ruining it for everyone.
  12. It baffles me too. Also, it baffles me that people who say they have freedom of expression and speech, think they are totally above the consequences. Just cause you have an opinion, doesn't mean everyone has to agree with it and you don't get called out.
  13. Out with the old and in with the new. I think its honestly better for LL and ngl I think some builds need updating from prim to mesh and maybe some lands could use a big old update from old school to stuff out today.
  14. I think LL was talking about doing something to aid with that. And Patch said that what they have so far for Premium Plus is not the only things they will have. He said further on down the road, they will look at adding more things.
  15. Canada is also excluded from VAT charges, I think it's mainly the UK and the EU that pay VAT.
  16. Okay but you are expecting them to pay VAT for you on a month to month basis. That can get expensive, really expensive. I mean yearly can too. But it's far cheaper. It would be like me asking for Linden Lab to pay for the exchange rate on Linden Dollar Purchases to Canadian dollars, every time I make a purchase. I mean yeah it would be nice and yeah all that can get expensive. Trust me, I pay taxes on that kinda stuff. But I mean I really can't avoid that.
  17. I don't think that they can circumvent laws put on by countries such as the EU.
  18. I am just gonna say this. You do have a right to voice your opinion of distaste. But also understand this, it is also imperative that you know. If you don't like a service, you don't invest in it. I mean I am definitely gonna invest into it, I feel like it would be very beneficial for me.
  19. Patch did also say that they are working on other benefits for PP down the road. So I mean things could get ultimately better. I am a glass half full kinda person, and believe that things will get better in the long run.
  20. Okay here is the thing, he only listed off a few things. And we won't know more until a couple of days, when they make it an official post. So I wouldn't get all high and mighty about it and just wait until we know what it all entails. When it is actually written down.
  21. Well there is more updates besides that to come. I mean it's not like they are just releasing Premium Plus. That all being said, who would you want LL to sell SL to? Also wanted to point out, that SL is a business not a charity. So I think they need to look at their bottom dollar, and see what is both beneficial to them and the customers.
  22. You do realize you can turn the dinging off in settings. right? I do that for myself due to the fact the dings overwhelm me, I am hypersensitive to sounds. Being on the Autism spectrum and all. So I just turn it off, before I have a meltdown.
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