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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. I should also ask, what kinda reform would you want? When it comes to immigration.
  2. But I mean there are ways that people who don't want to live in their original country can get in, without all the paperwork. I mean people can go to border guards and ask to seek asylum and they will help. I mean people who overstay their visas, need to see the visas office. However, just sneaking their way in shouldn't be allowed.
  3. I don't know how to word this, but I will try my best. Some stores need to fix a few things, as I have a pretty beefy computer, and walking through the store is a nightmare cause of lag.
  4. I am a Canadian that wants to move to the US just to be with my partner. That or Europe
  5. I chose my style, which somehow in all my years of being in SL I always went back to Goth. I chose it, cause I loved the aesthetic. Especially when I was a male avatar. I am comfortable with how I look. I didn't choose it for people to hit on me. I chose it cause that was the style in SL that always called to me.
  6. I honestly don't care if you want spicy pics. But because SL is very sexual forward, it is hard to find modest clothing at events, without it being kawaii or feminine. So for a person like me, I have a hard time finding stuff in my style.
  7. Pranks from America and Britains got Talent on YouTube
  8. I am a shopping addict, I should just buy your stuff out of spite and to further my shopping addiction. I also love nature too. So that would be right up my alley. Lol
  9. But you are talking about consumer culture in general. Why be a part of it and buy items, if you don't like them? Why not make your own things? Go off grid? You seem to be a hypocrite. You are basically saying it's bad, but actively participate in it .That is like someone who says down with capitalism, on a new iPhone in a Starbucks, wearing the latest designer clothes. It makes no sense.
  10. Consumer Culture isn't bad at all, you seem to be on this kick of how its bad for the world. But how I see it, it is far better than consumer culture in RL. I mean nothing was harmed in the making of the item.
  11. I have met many creators like this, basically call you ungrateful for raising your concerns for the item. And they ultimately ban you from shopping at their store and marketplace. Creators cannot take constructive criticism if their depended on it.
  12. I mean some of us don't want to waste away 14 plus hours of our day working on creating stuff. But here is the thing, people can complain about subpar creations even if it is free. I mean if a creator or their little posse want to attack you, that is their perogative. But we do have a right to freedom of speech, complaints are part of it.
  13. And using RL as inspiration is a bad thing? So what should we do about it, ban any sort of use of RL items being created in SL? You need to offer solutions to these issues and instead of saying is bad and keep on that train.
  14. I wasn't whining about it, I said that what bothers me is when creators mark gifts with a linden value. That isn't a gift anymore, that is just a heavily discounted item. I don't like how in SL creators have found ways to redeifne the word gift, to mean making a profit. And if anyone voices that opinion, you are somehow an entitled Karen and somehow should be happy that they released it at all. I mean yeah I would be a Karen if I was complaining about a free item. But a gift that costs me money? How does SL society consider me a Karen? In that same boat. How does SL society consider that a gift?
  15. So how do we go about having an economy without consumer culture? What do we do with the goods and services that help pay the bills of the creators?
  16. I mean the best thing to do, is to make a discount board. Make it look really nice then people wouldn't be confused if it was a gift or not. I hate how they do it, it gives off the wrong impression. Oh and if you make a post about it on Social media. you are somehow acting entitled. I have had that a few times. I just don't get how they can call it a gift and profit off of us. For something that is supposed to be given to us without any sort of monetary value.
  17. I hate when they do that, or when they call 1 Linden items gifts. That is not a gift, that is just a heavily discounted item.
  18. I always stay under 100k as I don't want to be a hog and lag up a place. I mean you can look pretty without being over 100k.
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