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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. And how is this even bad? Like should all stores be on mainland or something? I don't get you. MP gives more visibility and the creators who have inworld stores are doing pretty well. I mean malls are great and all, but we don't really need 1000s of malls on SL. I like how it is now, the boutique store feel.
  2. I am with you there, the whole xstreet thing was annoying. You had to rez out a box, unpack the box inside. Just to grab the contents.
  3. I don't mind to pay a little extra, if that means I get a better service.
  4. LL is not taxing because they want to, they are taxing because they have to by EU law. So instead of being mad at LL be mad at the EU.
  5. Well here is the thing, instead of telling people to shut up and trying to invalidate dissenting opinions. Why don't you try to understand why people don't like this. Also what does having a home and being able to afford to eat have to do with running for the president of SL?
  6. He actually said no, and I am paraphrasing here. That the business was doing pretty well. That and this also gives him time to actually work on the things he loves mainly. Which is software development, and adding updates that people have asked for that is in the pipeline. But with his current workload, he couldn't put out. So this is really a win-win for everyone.
  7. This whole doom and gloom post is absolutely not needed as I said in a previous post. XStreet while it may have been a valuable service back then, it is not really that valuable anymore. I was one of those people that got annoyed with that system, having to basically get a box delivered to you, to have to unpack that box. Just to get to another box, was absolutely time-consuming. I can see why that failed. And as I said with the third-party L$ exchange platforms. I would not be able to trust them with my banking info, and would rather have something like Tillia handling all that. Again as I said, you could get scammed and they run away with your money. And I honestly don't think Linden Homes are taking away business, I think it's more inflation and the cost of living going up. And again LL is a business, not a charity, I am sorry if you were expecting it to be entirely free. If they do decide to add fees to Caspervend and Casperlet. Residents will still profit from their labors, just cause and I say cause they may add a fee. Doesn't mean they will really lose that much, a small percentage would go to LL. To help with maintaining those systems, that we have all come to love. That being said, LL has only done it 4 times. LL isn't taking over anything, it isn't Pinky & the Brain here. It's just them realizing if it winds up failing, that LL can save it. As the economy so heavily relies on Caspervend, that may hurt SL if it fails and leaves.
  8. This is just a joke, they might pull a big whoopsie with the server which in turn will lead them to rewind back a bit until they get it fixed. Like the time they did it with the netservers. Lol. Sorry Patch, that was a joke. But I mean fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.
  9. Yes LL owns the Second Life Portion and Casper owns the Caspertech portion, so his datacenters and stuff.
  10. That is what I meant, When I made that comment. I was referring to casperupdate and caspervend both being for sales of goods and services. And Caspersafe and Casperlet, has to do with land rental and land security. That being said I was just saying, yeah it will be great for integration on both ends. But if they do sell it, I think that casperupdate and caspervend will be one thing, and casperlet and caspersafe will be another thing.
  11. I can see putting the ones that are similar in the same package. But not selling the whole shebang, caspervend and casperlet are two totaly different things. One has to do with sales of goods and services, the other has to do with rentals and land security.
  12. @Patch Linden and @Casper Wardenwill there be a preorder function added? I mean it would be nice if you could say, go to the store and they are using caspertech and bam you can just preorder say an outfit. Before it comes out. I am only asking, as it would be a nice function to add.
  13. Good News Everyone!!! New SL photo of me!! I hopes you guys enjoy 💚
  14. Peeve: Someone thinking they are gonna run for president in SL. For the love of god please do not bring that stuff into SL.
  15. Is this serious or a troll? I am confused, ngl I don't want any sort of political thingamajig like this in SL. Nor do I want someone to be the commander in chief of the grid. I mean we already have the lindens. But I kinda like how they do things already. So yeah no thank you.
  16. Yeah shop vacs are fun to try and figure out. But when you figure it out, it takes away from using towels to sop up water.
  17. I can understand why they did it though. It probably got heavily political to the point people were attacking each other.
  18. I just feel like if I say something that is opposite to what the crowd is saying, especially with a royal dying. I will be lambasted just for not thinking like them called a psychopath or that I lack empathy. I don't lack any of that, I am just not really emotonally affected by her passing.
  19. I understand that there have been problems with trolls on social media and I can understand that people are gonna be sensitive. Especially with how some people are being so insensitive about her passing. So I wanted to make sure that people knew I was joking before hand. So I don't wind up having people on my butt about it.
  20. I just know that if I didn't state it was joke, I may get some people who would get triggered by what I said. That is why I said it is only in jest. Knowing my luck, I would trigger someone they would report me and I would be suspended from SL for a few days for being heartless. So ergo saying it was a joke before going right into it.
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