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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. If you are reporting something, in a news format. You must be unbiased, basically what you do is an opinion piece. Sorry to say that, but it's true. If you were reporting on, as a reporter did. You would give an unbiased view on this whole thing. I was raised that the news had to be honest, and give both sides, and reporters were to leave their opinions at the front door.
  2. All I can say, is I have the Belleza Freya and Isis, and the applier quality for the skin is way dang better than that.
  3. I think having commercial areas too, would be great. So people could sell their wares, right in the community. Maybe a community center, and other things that would promote social interaction.
  4. Well stop using an auto refresh plugin, and you won't see this. There, problem solved.
  5. The reason why you are seeing that, is they made it so you can't use plugins to auto refresh. It was overloading their servers, and slowing them down or something. Look people just need to calm down, and understand that a home will be there for you. You just gotta be patient, and wait your turn. No need to overload the servers, because you want a house now.
  6. The Experience is no different, but this time, it's literally an experience. That whole thing on your screen, I find it too flashy and gawdy. I just want to go in, grab a demo go home, and if I like it. Buy it, without having to have god awful experience on my screen. It seems they are putting on more of a fanfare, than actually selling a body.
  7. So yeah, I was kinda bored. And Decided to play with male hairs, I absolutely found my look. The short hairs, and the rebel/punk look. So me.
  8. Thank ye. But I am gonna guess, that has to do with money, and that you cost that person a lot of money.
  9. From a good ole google search, it is Yorkshire Dialect.
  10. Honestly. because they are adults behind the avatar. With certain restrictions, I think it's okay if they swear. That is if they are out of character, if they RP as a child, then yeah treat them like a kid, and punish them for swearing. Other then the RP reason, it's totally fine.
  11. They were TMP and then they rebranded themselves.
  12. Didn't they say that on their FB when they were rebranding?
  13. Okay, but look at how many people walk around with their complexity in the 100s of thousands to Millions. Especially in events, they have every piece of bling and crap on. Clearly these people know, that is not very well optimized, when they wear pretty much their whole inventory. What I expect is them to ask questions, join the groups. Talk to the creators and people who understand this, see if this is the best product for optimal use, especially in crowded areas. Like Clubs, or even communities. I am not expecting to inspect the product, but to ask questions. It doesn't hurt to ask a question, if you are unsure. Yes I agree creators should optimize, but customers are also responsible for what they buy. If you buy into a crappily optimized product, the creator will assume that is what they want. Like Real Life, if you don't understand something. You ask questions.
  14. It doesn't take that much to google it, or even talk to a Linden about how a virtual world works under the hood.
  15. Here is the thing, we are responsible for our own avatars, and what we buy to decorate our houses, and decorate our avatars. If you want optimization, you need to do some research and figure out what is the best looking, but best optimized for you. You really can't blame the creators of the objects, as it's us the consumers that buy into this, and ultimately put it on our avatars or land. That all being said, if you want better optimization, and love what you have already. Talk to the your favourite brand creators, and see what they can do to make things better optimized.
  16. Yeah what the person above me said. It won't change anything tax wise, LL just wants to make sure they are complying with current US laws. It doesn't mean that cause this is happening, that Taxes and stuff are changing. All that stuff will stay the same, unless you make within a certain amount one year, than you will get the appropriate form.
  17. It only pertains to users who cash out, so content creators and random users who work at say clubs and stuff and use their Ls as a means of financing their RL. It isn't invading your privacy at all, if you don't want to give out your ID and make it legit to new Federal Laws, than you can just make L and keep it in SL. Simple as that, you still have a choice.
  18. After actually going through everything and figuring that this is not bad after all. I can come to the conclusion, that you all must calm down. This is to prevent certain things, like money laundering, and other illegal activities in SL to happen, especially with people who cash out on a regular basis. This will not affect us, the average Joe, and the fees are just for people who have had an inactive account for a year. Basically they are being compliant with new and stricter US laws. Which in all fairness, if they don't follow, people would not have the ability to cash out.
  19. While they were building the body, they should have handed out developer kits to clothing, skin and accessory designers. Then when it released, instead of having deformers. They would have actually items rigged for it.
  20. So since I live in Ontario Canada, an Ontario ID will work. Basically what it is, is they made it so Health Cards were not considered an official ID. So for people like myself, who do not have a drivers license, this was a cheaper alternative. Now I can't have both, but thankfully I can use this ID just fine.
  21. I do have a cash balance, but I am not an SL content creator. I upload money, that goes towards my premium payments. So does that mean it will affect me too?
  22. But we got a fair amount of warning, the complete overhaul will not be until August 1st. How is that not a fair warning? I do agree their explanation was a little cryptic, and maybe in the next few days, they will explain it to us. I do have one question though, I know here in Ontario Canada, that only employers can have access to your social insurance number(The equivalent to the Social Security number) How will LL comply with laws outside the US? Will they expect me to scan my ID? Will they expect me to send a photocopied version over to them, via snail mail. I am not gonna give out my personal info like that, until I know more info.
  23. I think with all these events, that are open or are opening up. That is your reason why creativity in mesh is stifled. Back before there were 1000s of events, and more opening. You would see a few big stores, putting their creations in the limited amount of events that were open. But you would see the creators showing more love to their mainstore, and actually taking the time to put an item together. Now with events, they pretty much gotta become a mass production factory, pumping out an object every week, or even every day. So no Mesh has not stifled anything, events have stifled creativity, and quality.
  24. I think the people who wrote, were more concerned about their livelihoods. Some people, not just creators have made a living on the profits they make in SL. It's just like people with YouTube or any other website or platform or game, that allows people to cashout their earnings. I feel bad for these people, so yeah 5% is not that much, but it's per every Linden Dollar exchanged. So that adds up.
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