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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. But good luck even being able to assign 3 GB of VRAM on any viewer.. so as a worst case example it's rather irreverent. I find it more probable that this example demonstrates a bug in their VRAM accounting code.
  2. BOTTOM LINE If you place a bid on a parcel, you must be in a position to pay for it if you win. If you place a bid on multiple parcels, you must be in a position to pay for them all if you win. Linden Lab might have been ok taking your bids on faith, but you can be sure as hell resident to resident sales are not as forgiving.
  3. SL VR was tried but they ran face first (quite literally) into platform limitations based on early design decisions. A lot of what defines SL does not lend itself to the performance requirements VR demands. Sansar was the result. Although .. I'd probably just stick to playing beat saber
  4. We all miss the simpler days when SL was immune from external legislation. Playing group pot games was the social core of my SL for a long time and what engaged me enough to stick around. But those days are gone mainly because SL turned out to be a success. Gatcha might be questionable in some ways at the moment, but as with gambling, till there is external legal pressure on LL to change policy, expect the fun to continue. Make hay while the sun shines and all that.
  5. Avatar shapes are one of the least secure assets in SL, I can fully understand shape makers not wanting to issue a demo.
  6. There are quite a lot of groups with "linden" or "linden lab" in the title.
  7. The gambling ban and subsequent changes were forced on LL.
  8. You should probably start a new thread ....
  9. There is nothing wrong with progressive textures, the code that chooses what to drop or when to downgrade could do with some love.
  10. It was a huge problem, LL spent a lot of time testing lots of routers and even found some that were wholly incompatible with SL. You wouldn't want to run a small office over the cheapest domestic router your ISP gives away and it turned out a single SL client was generating a comparable amount of http calls. People don't tend to upgrade their router just for fun, so it's fair to say a sizable chunk of the SL userbase are still connecting with the same lowest-bidder hardware they have been for years.
  11. The problem was nothing to do with network speed or bandwidth, just the sheer volume of http calls.
  12. Me circa 2006 (PixelDolls) Annie Leather Pants Girl Next Door - Eyes Tickled*Nene(Black) (PixelDolls) Annie Bodice: Solid, White Rebel Princess - Black/Red Boots *TorridWear*-Female Shape 2 Nomine female Latte - glitter black
  13. This is most disappointing to those of us who only need as space
  14. Tuning the HTTP requests to match the CDN could resurrect a lot of the problems that people had with domestic routers getting overwhelmed.
  15. LL need to enforce a standard object/avatar set of detail slider in all viewers and remove the ability of users to manually hack a debug setting higher. Provision photographers with an "insane detail level" option that doesn't persist between parcel changes/teleports etc. Let products live and die by their visual quality on a level playing field between all clients. (as the initial outcome of this will be a 50% reduction in object detail for firestorm users, the trade off between hacked low Li and visual quality will become instantly apparent) LL provided guidelines and workflows should be written up for creators spelling out the steps expected of quality content in a way that is accessible to everyone. Newbie friendly guides make good reference material for the pros. As a side note, as prims are a fundamental part of Second Life, they should be given more of a pass
  16. ARC & Li have done nothing to encourage responsible content for the most part. They are just meaningless subjective numbers in a sea of meaningless subjective numbers. ARC places the onus squarely on the consumer. Either don't wear what you want and have purchased or don't care if other people can see you. Makers of individual avatar accessories have not changed their approach in anyway. There is no guidance for shoppers, just arbitrary subjective numbers. A minority of creators have released updates, but these typically only involve removing any transparent prim parts as those are heavily punished. The actual visible content remains unchanged. The adult community is actually ARC adverse in it's behavior with market leading creators making and selling updated products with insanely huge ARC costs. The consumer's choice boils down to "suck it up". Li costs has lead directly to gaming the system to push everything tough with as low an Li as possible forcing the consumer to either not use their purchases or crank their LOD setting to the max and suffer poor performance everywhere. Complain about a products LOD and you will more often than not get a snotty creator telling you to use firestorm and set LOD to max or worse, go into debug settings and set it to an even higher setting manually. Limits on textures or textures being linked to ARC/Li will result in one outcome. Hackery, bad consumer advise and another decade of us moaning about it here. Consumer demand and market forces are entirely based on aesthetic quality, most consumers wouldn't even know where to start when inspecting something prior to purchasing to assess the technical skill of it's creator (and nor should they be expected to). Meaningless numbers are still meaningless. Li only matters as it's directly related to finical cost, but as we have witnessed in SL since sculpt maps, the answer to consumer demand for low Li is hackery and tinkering with viewer settings.
  17. Set your avatar rendering really low so everyone is a jelly, go to a sim with people you wont have seen before .. wait 10 mins .. disable jelly dolls. Pop .. they all fully rez, instantly.
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