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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Were you able to get rid of "the thigh gap"? I know Maitreya CAN get that thigh gap too if one is not careful. However, on my shapes with Maitreya I never had a gap from day one and with Legacy using my shapes, I have the thigh gap just upon demo so it was a no sale for me. I know the below photo I'm going to put up is an extreme, but I haven't played with Legacy other than demo, got gap, heard about a lot of crummy stuff with company and their HUD is very laggy...yada...yada, as well as looked "plastic doll" TO ME, whereas Maitreya didn't all that much even though arms are plastic doll. But, to be honest, I've always loved Maitreya...but that means it fits me. People should demo to try out what fits them. But, again, leg gap can happen on Maitreya too if one doesn't watch the shape. Not sure of the exact sliders that cause it but for slims it can be far more gappy on Legacy. See thigh gap photo below.
  2. Since it sounds like the OP has only had one body, it's still a good price for a body. It's your body and it gets a lot of use. What is the Maitreya body about $12 U.S. dollars or so for something that doesn't need changing a lot; to me that is a good deal. Maitreya (Onxy) gives a lot too with her updates. She's a very giving and thorough designer. I am still a one body player, Maitreya. I have shown photos taken on ULTRA graphics where Maitreya actually looks like a real body. This is why I love it. I like to be a thin and it could use perhaps a full petite body some day, imo. I tried Legacy, it was too dollish, imo. I do want to actually have doll looks for some of my avatars, but more like antique doll looks, not plastic doll look. Legacy has thighs that do not look real. I did not choose Maitreya simply because it has the most clothes. I choose it because it looks the most real. I loved it from the moment I saw it as well as the first time I tried it on; but it can have still a bit too big of a butt for certain thin looks but that's a fault of the rigger not starting Maitreya at 0 on all sliders, not the fault of the Maitreya body itself.
  3. I see so many flat BOOTS. Yay! As for me, I bought snow boots with fur (two styles), Blueberry's Can't Relate boots fatpack at the Black Friday sale, and moccasins and poo-poo to all the men who say women are only sexy in high heels. I'm gonna be me and I'm happy in my boots!!!! Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I'm peeved now I didn't get to say what I wanted to say in the other thread now that it's locked. I had once thought having a GD Off Topic section for the forum moved elsewhere would be better for SL in general and leaving this GD discussion area front and center for topics about GD SL only. Well, that never happened, splitting the two, and still here we are with lots of fights and name-calling. I like inworld SL much better than the forums but I know many people can and do burnout on SL and tend to like the forums better or perhaps even just as much. But, now that my SL home is fixed I can't wait to get back inworld and leave these fights out of my life for awhile or to start using block if it begins to occur. As far as a particular person, I felt their living out their SL here on the forums was full of super drama and I was even beginning to wonder if it was real or not...or just all made up stuff to ruffle feathers or to gain attention. I don't know the actual truth as to whether it was made up stuff or not...but I do know the person said they wanted to be "the Jenna Jameson of SL" early on when they came to the forum, so obviously the person does want a lot of attention. I don't, however, hate the person and merely wanted a chance to say that. It's more the wanting to be "the Jenna Jameson of SL" and the severe melodramatics that made me pull back, not that they are a horrible, deplorable person for their occupation in SL or anything like that and I wanted a chance to say that.
  5. Not too veer off topic too much but just to give an update and then drop it as I can continue in the EEP thread should I need too. Okay, EEP viewer and the top older version Firestorm viewer (the first one under older versions number -) only allow VIEWER TEXTURE BUFFERING up to 512 and it won't go any further on those two viewers. So, I re-installed the viewer below the top one under older releases - the BOM viewer ( etc) and everything is working fine now and the VIEWER TEXTURE BUFFERING goes up to 2048. Perhaps this is a problem that those two viewers only go up to 512, but once I have the ability to have VIEWER TEXTURE BUFFERING up to 2048, my house or Slouse is fine now. Anyhow, to make a long story short, my house is well but I am back on the BOM viewer ( etc).
  6. Well, it's my SL house or Slouse. It's broken. The textures rez and then go blurry and then rez and then go blurry. I've done everything I could think of...so I rented another small house to rez stuff in. I'm waiting to hear from the landlord/or landlady so I can have rez rights. I sent him/her a notecard. I'm peeved and, of course, sad. All the rest of SL and regions work just fine for me.
  7. Okay, I was finally able to log out and log back in. MP is fixed now...but not my home. Textures are still rezzing and then blurring. I talked with my landlord and contacted LL and cleared my cache as my landlord suggested, and my home is still not working. Good news is every other sim works. This happened when I installed the EEP viewer last week, textures wouldn't rez all the way when I first logged into the EEP viewer, and still won't rez in and stay rezzed on either the EEP viewer or the old viewer, and it's been a week now. I was hoping to have a somewhat Merry Christmas. Gawd, this is awful, having your home ruined.
  8. Got this message just now: Second Life Marketplace is down for maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience. It'll be back online soon!
  9. Yeah. I synced it erroneously to a new alternative email account is what I meant and had to go through a bunch of stuffs which I thought might have screwed up my cookies as they were shut off. When I tried to check out on MP I got a message I needed to enable my cookies and my cookies were shut off. Anyhoo, I hope MP is back soooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. It's through my browser. My browser can only have one master email account which works most of my sites. I opened another email account for an alt I plan to have and accidentally somehow made that account the "master" and synced it without realizing, which kicked out my main browser account which I didn't want kicked out. I wasn't speaking of my main avatar...my main email account and sites and password manager, etc is what I am speaking about.
  11. I can't imagine how my cookies got turned off though but I did create an alt account and I accidentally set my alt as my main account and synced my new alt account which I did not want to do. I have reset myself as main account as best I could and all seemed to be working well now with me as the main account holder again.
  12. I'm here, I'm inworld...I can't get into Marketplace though. I finally did get a message that it says I've turned off cookies. I checked and the cookies were turned off but I reset the cookies to on but still can't get into Marketplace. Any ideas here? This has been going on since last night.
  13. I'm not here to mind read. Not even what sliders he is willing to futz around with. Above his quote says "child avatar" meaning too short, and then said his friend said he looks like her son now. Rolls eyes and shakes head.
  14. Wait, wait...no he didn't say he wants his current shape is what I am trying to say to you, Rowan...he said THE HEIGHT IS TOO SHORT. Bilbo Baggins is a Hobbit, and Hobbit's are small in height plus a bit beefy. He doesn't want to mess around with the sliders. So, why not try the free shape I linked above as it's way taller. Then, all he'd have to do is adjust very minorly the height if it's not exact. Also, the shape I linked above has a very nice tall presence, kind of stately. It's free too! lol Don't like the free shape, just toss in the trash bin.
  15. I don't know...he mentioned taller is all I see in his OP. I can't even see what his avatar really looks like even in his avatar badge forum pic, but he does look like he has tall legs. Plus, I'm trying to help him not giving him advice on the way I do it.
  16. Yah I know but the taller shape is free, although the head shape on the default shape you get with the Lelutka head is hunkier. It's a great looking head. I love making shapes but on this one I like him just as he is face-wise but I found the body does look a bit too beefy for the size of the head.
  17. I just tried the head and the default shape on for the first time. The head is gorgeous, a real hunk, and very realistic looking. I didn't care for the body either. The women are almost always very air-brushed compared to the males that have realistic looking mouths and just more realism - less air-brushed, etc...so I think you men are very lucky and I also think the male avatars are the good-looking ones. The free shape I posted above is much taller but I like the default shape for Alain better - it's gorgeous, but yes the body does seem beefier compared to the head. You could try the free shape in the link above just to see cuz this guy's a hunk. It is a much taller shape - much.
  18. I even like it and plan to make a shape for it and I'm a real life female. It's an amazing gift and I think it's very cool. But, if you don't like it, you don't like it. I jumped at the chance for the free heads and the black friday sales. Here is a free shape I found on Marketplace. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/littleaxolotlAlain-25-Shape-Lelu-Evo-Alain-25/20916429
  19. I actually bought nothing for this time but dug through the stuff I do have and it did make me feel a bit more in the Christmas mood. (Old animation is twisting the Bento body funny.)
  20. I received a top from my Wishlist. It's the pink one I'm wearing in the photo. Yes I know she has some weird textures but her designs are gorgeous! She could improve her textures a bit rather than leaving the big white parts in her clothing but I still love it! I'm going to wear it with a long hair that is forward over the top as soon as I buy the hair. THANK YOU very, very much! xxxxxx
  21. You know I've heard this but I've always had an actively social SL but I've always grouped and stayed active with my groups. You get to know people that way by grouping...so it's really not empty. Many people don't even know how to use the DESTINATION GUIDE either...lots of people and hang outs to find there. SL is just like rl in that way - you have to make your social circle happen by putting in the time and energy.
  22. I've stated before as far as I can think, I think Second Life's key to the future may lie in full legalized chance gambling 'if' that ever happens. It could happen in a post coronavirus world. People may want to chance gamble on the internet rather than take flights, rent costly hotels, be in germy casinos. If our society does become more stay at home more than usual post coronavirus, perhaps internet chance gambling could make Second Life an enormous over-night success and be the "king" of the Adult metaverse. But, if internet chance gambling ever happens, it may be regulated to those with a license who would have to register with LL here. Who knows...I'm just thinking out loud. There need to be classes for avatar making that are easy to find should that happen though with chance gaming on the internet becoming legal. Otherwise, other sites will just give people a starter mesh avatar for example.
  23. LOL @ the "she still looks pretty MEAN". I've said the same thing about many heads in certain lighting, they do look mean. As far as closing the mouth more so not so much teeth, lowering the mouth helped me a bit. I think it is time for some dainty-mouthed mesh heads soon. I am so tired of the big blown up lips already and I've been here 3 years and most of the lips are blown up. Tiny mouths, like I have in real life, are pretty too. But, making the lips smaller can be a challenge with mesh heads I've noticed. Again, try lowering the mouth for more closure.
  24. It may just be the shading AND it happens on many heads. Google images of Genus Baby Face...many of the photos show a black line between the lips. Can you take a picture though? You may be able to reduce the line between the lips by changing the shape of the lips. I'll put some pics below so you can see there is often a line for shading. BOM skins can have a more pronounced black inner mouth as the map was not made for mesh heads. What type of skin are using...is it possible it is a skin for Classic avatars?
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