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Zoya McDonnagh

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Everything posted by Zoya McDonnagh

  1. While i am in the US and can't really respond about the time frame you asked about, I can describe some of the other points you asked about. There are 2 large groups: Bellisseria Citizens and Bellisseria Community. Both are pretty active chat wise any time I log in. There are people from around the world in both groups. For activities, for example, like house warming parties, beach parties (the Sunday ones are Dj'd by someone in the UK) we get together and explore using various modes of transportation from bikes to boats to roller skates to horses (there is also a Bellisseria Riding Community group). People are getting together and fishing, or meeting at a cafe or pub (a house the owner turned into one for RP purposes only, no money involved). Some get together on the beach for morning coffee. The most discussed shopping topics are things for the home and boat, water sports, and when those types of items happen to pop up at events. Last night there was a discussion going on about avatar appearance but not what you first think lol it was how to age ourselves because of the retirement community thread You don't have to have a home to be part of the community. We have quite a few that are waiting for a new batch, or playing Refresh Roulette in hopes of getting one that was abandoned. So if you want to join in the groups, or explore around and get a feel for what is happening in Bellisseria, go for it! (We also have a newspaper, and an events page that have started up) As to the alt, I understand the all or nothing annual over trying for a month. If you do upgrade the alt and decide later you don't like Bellisseria, at least you're getting a good chunk of your payment back in stipends. Can just sit on the alt and let them accrue their money. Or have them use their free 1024 for mainland.
  2. Um...1024x1024 is a really big plot. They all, whether a 32x32 or 16x64 will equal 1024 square meters. Although a 1024x1024, if that is for a new ultra premium I would upgrade for that!
  3. If it is what I am thinking it is, that is their work area. They work up there and then bring the section down to Bellisseria. Go to the Land Forums, then to Linden Homes and click on the thread called SSP.
  4. I know she isn't a Golden Girl, but is Ousier an option? I so want to be her when I grow up!
  5. /takes her card and laminates it Although next to Blush/Debi, I feel like I haven't even hit menopause with Zoya (2006)
  6. I have a Mesh Gen as well, and also just recently (thank you Joy) learned about the FS method. Unfortunately (and I do not know why) I was having trouble uploading the .dae file created by FS yesterday, but when I went the Mesh Gen route, that .dae file was uploaded no issues.
  7. I want their house as an option! And dang it, I wanted Dorothy! LOL I guess I will take Sophia or Rose. As much as I love Blanche, I am just not her.
  8. Instead of building the world we are building the community. Although, I have to admit that I am building a lot more than I have been since sculpties hit the scene and started the the downfall of prim building. I may actually learn Blender finally!
  9. I wonder if it a regional thing? Like those that say Wal-Marts & JC Pennys and you can't convince them otherwise to drop the S's.
  10. I have been! LOL I don't think they realize that their repeated empty threat of cancelling their premium doesn't really have the same effect it does on most other sub based services. As a Basic, they can still buy $L's, they can still buy from others, they can still rent (making those Premium land owners happy!). If anything, they're making LL's life easier! No stipend, no mainland ownership, no Live Chat, no Priority for events.
  11. I think in one or both of the largest groups (Bellisseria Citizens and Bellisseria Community) a house number maker was put in the notices a week or so ago by a group member
  12. I need to find a greyhound avatar. I have alts that could become.my greys and also give me back my 44 Li where they've been staying
  13. We used to live in a house (in rl) that we dubbed "the beetlejuice house" because I don't think there was a right angle anywhere! And whoever lived there before us made a door frame (and matching door lol) so skewed that just eyeballing it you could tell that the top of the frame was not parallel to the floor. When we were in the process of buying the house we currently live in my husband excitedly informed me "we have right angles!!" during the first inspection.
  14. Not sure about the buoy. I've been using the personal/wearable one (7s) until there is an official answer. As for my bait vendor, I only pull it out when I need more bait. I don't advertise it anywhere but also don't need someone AR'ing me because it IS a vendor on residential land.
  15. Now you have me thinking lol I might have a tree house with a climbing rope I can rip out of it that now I want to try lol
  16. Better than me! I used collars and leashes on alts for a sort of auotofollow lol Someone once begged to be my pet. I had no clue what to do with him. So I had him chase down prims I shot into the void because I mixed up x and y coords. So I had a pet for a day I think?
  17. I always love seeing how you decorate! At first I feel like a little kid playing with Duplo blocks next to you lol but then I become inspired and push myself to do more/learn more. Cannot wait to see what you create next
  18. Just trying to set up a friend's computer for them and their cats just won't leave me alone!
  19. Thank you for the link! Like you had mentioned in a previous response, I prefer wearable. Especially when sim crossings are involved.
  20. Omg this exists?!??!! I need to find one lol Also, anyone else a little clueless reading this thread and thought "water horse" was what people were calling a sea horse? Or just my slow brain? Lol
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