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Louise Vandervoort

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Everything posted by Louise Vandervoort

  1. If you look at Past days on the leaderboard page, it will only show yesterday as well. I think somehow the scripts broke and can't read the date from earlier days anymore.
  2. I have not used LL viewer since version 1.23 or even before that. I went with Emerald in 2009, until it's blockade, and shortly thereafter I moved to Phoenix viewer which evolved into Firestorm. There has been a period where Firestorm even saw better stability numbers than the LL viewer, but I don't know how that is now. Right now, it's quite simple, look and feel, and also features. I wouldn't know where to find everything in the LL viewer, since a lot of the menu structure is different, as well as the so called 'pie menu', which isn't even a pie menu in LL viewer.
  3. cookbook wielding, saucepan shielding, ignorant
  4. Everything. If there is a rule for it, I probably broke it in SL.
  5. It gets even funnier when you read her profile.
  6. There are even more storm clips. Stack of containers toppling over: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953939034107150336 Stack of containers toppling over (different angle): https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953941446876368896 Stack of containers toppling over (different angle): https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953938018729103360 Woman and baby, almost crushed by tree: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953967570293489665 Truck being blown on its side: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953944788595863552 Ferry being blown out of course: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953936826519228417 Roof of house being blown off: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953935545528406021 Advertisement tower being blown over: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/953947957497298944
  7. This happens to me as well, and with No Copy items as well, but I have never lost anything to it. Sometimes it happens that you do not have the correct landgroup available, or you rezz on a mesh object that doesn't work well with it (It happens, I cannot rezz items on the mesh floor of my house). Then the rezz is denied, and it seems that your item is lost. In the past, most items would go to your lost and found, but nowadays I have found that once I relog, the item reappears in my inventory on the place where it was before. So when you lose a non-copy item due to Rezz-denial, relog, and look in the folder it was in before. I've recovered many a gacha item that way.
  8. Or avoid these fancy fonts altogether, and only use readable fonts. Some people, and I admit being one of them, will address you with your login name if they have to make too much of an effort to decipher your name.
  9. If you still have the box they came in, have you tried unboxing a new pair? Otherwise requesting redelivery from the store you got them?
  10. Without having seen the store, I'm going to assume this: These HUD skins will be imported into the hud of the Mesh head you would buy them for. So, you use the skin, it gets imported into the skin section of your Mesh-head setup hud. Then from the setup hud, you can skin your head. As for which heads the skins are intended for, I think it's pretty clear they make skins for their own heads.
  11. HI all, I'm looking for a specific hair really, and it's this one: I believe the picture is for the pose, but I want to know what store the hair is from and hopefully which one it is. Thanks in advance EDIT: Apologies, please move this topic to the Commerce forum - Wanted board.
  12. It works with mesh heads, as the mesh heads also uses the movement of your eyes to point your eyeballs. The huds that come with any mesh head do not move the mesh eyeballs, they move the eyes in a similar way AnyPose moves the eyes. TL;DR: I have the hud, it works.
  13. What do you mean by ghetto shape? I have found a brand named Ghetto Styles shapes in the Marketplace, but I'm not sure whether that is what you were looking for.
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