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Louise Vandervoort

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Everything posted by Louise Vandervoort

  1. I believe Aeros is the way to go nowadays.
  2. I never said it was always required. I said I would do a clean install before resetting my modem. I would say resetting the modem is the nuclear option, especially when everything appears to be as it should in SL viewer.
  3. Rebooting the modem? Speaking of last resort things to do. I would check the software before I check the connection. Especially if SL viewer shows normal inventory. So clean install before resetting modem and connection.
  4. When you want to buy items from MODA, and never have been in their group before, join their group instead. The group costs 500, like all of their items, but the gifts on the wall also include L$1500 in giftcards, so for the price of 1 item, you can now buy 3 items. If you do this when there is a 50% off sale (which I did) you'll get 6 items out of the giftcards!
  5. There is a way to make a working mirror in SL for pictures, though. But it involves building your entire set on its side, using SL water as your mirror, and adapting your windlight settings to craete a mirror in the water. It's all explained in Strawberry Singh's blog. Do note the post is over 6 years old, this method may have been broken by software updates since. https://strawberrysingh.com/2012/08/11/mirror-mirror/
  6. And working mirrors in Sims 2 also lagged your system as hell if your system wasn't on par. And the more mirrors you added, the more lag was caused. Sims 2 Mirrors ran on standard nvidia cards that cost $60-$100, 12 years ago... Not relevant. Sims 2 didn't use ray tracing.
  7. What we do every night, Pinky, try to take ov... Oops! Wrong place!
  8. Make sure you clear both the upper and lower hairbase layer. If you still see (parts of) a hairbase, proceed to remove make up layers as well, but for those it's best to lower opacity first to see what is affected if you would wipe them.
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