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Everything posted by cunomar

  1. Ha , I alternate between forgot i logged in and forget to log in . Not sure how or why i came to it but my philosophy is if someone is trying to sell it tome then i probably don't want or need it .
  2. Must have been 8 or 9 when my mother took me to the doctors saying she is sick of finding me staring out of the window wishing he wasn't here . The lower part of the house was decorated by a stepfather i hated so i moved into the derelict and damp attic putting a mattress on the floor and a lock on the door . Doctors advice to my mother - "sort your own life out and give the boy a chance" . They didn't know it but what i was mostly contemplating is why adults are stupid . I didn't need help I just needed left alone because the only solution to my problems were to grow up big enough until nobody could tell me what to do . 40 years later i know that child was right about almost everything he thought , though he could never have guessed he would one day be a stupid adult as well lol . Often the loudest and wildest are simply overcompensating for the very same deep insecurities as the quietest shyest people suffer .
  3. As a pregnant teen 4 parents really gave them no choice in the matter - her husbands parents hated her for it .
  4. This is exactly how i live my second life now and i have no rl disorders , evidently even the most unlikely complete strangers find me very easy to talk to in rl though i can't be bothered justifying that statement online because for me sl removed any wish to believe avatars might have any good intent . Met a girl like you in my early sl , her rl story was very sad perhaps because there was nothing extreme in it , she had simply spent decades married to a bloke who destroyed her self confidence . We chatted and played open and honestly with me telling her i am not what she wants or needs 2 to 4 hours usually 5 times a week for 2 years or more . My objective was to help her find herself nothing more and nothing less . She still messages me very occasionally usually when she feels trapped into an sl love triangle situation that she can't escape without very reluctantly hurting somebody . She became a social butterfly while i became a reclusive caterpillar lol . You need a friend that cares more about you than themselves is all .
  5. I spent 5 enjoyable hours cleaning my engine bay yesterday which is not easy when the bonnet is about 4.5ft high , looks better than new and it will be easier to clean next time i charge through mud and rivers far off grid where your more likely to find a skeleton than a technician . Different strokes for different folks .
  6. This is exactly what is wrong with windows . It wants to be like the ipad which a 3 year old can work out how to use without instruction in about 10 minutes . 4 kids over 8 years learned to use the girlfriends ipad and it has never been fixed or in need of repair , it simply works . Shame i find touchscreen maddeningly frustrating .
  7. cars are my primary hobby the youngest i own is 25 years old , I could could sell all three and buy a brand new car with change left over but why would i when nobody sells better than those i have . Nowadays they are all rolling laptops you see and even the manufacturer usually has no idea how to fix them when a drop of solder cracks .
  8. £ V $ About $1300 entry fee - for SL and nothing else !!! I wonder if one of these will last a year before the kids spill pop on it ? https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/laptops/alienware-x17/spd/alienware-x17-r2-laptop/nawx17r204?gacd=9687022-5016-5761040-271164963-0&dgc=ST&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIopH5wfP39wIVA_hRCh0nugbpEAQYASABEgJ7kfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&nclid=H3XJ6RjR_jFjWa1zyyyHlTT6KRcluw7kONTU3YCmt4Jebq0QIl4rMzQuXExYegIb
  9. HP Envy 4502 printer works fine until win10 notices something actually works and decides to "improve" my experience . Trial and error dictates the fastest way to fix the problem is to do an erase everything factory reset , print what i needed an hour ago and then spend the rest of the day turning off every "helpful" windows setting i can find in the hope that one day they will recognize that this is my computer and not theirs .
  10. Guess i won't even bother making it 64bit then . £300 in parts to fix my gaming laptop is just not worth it only for SL . What killed that didn't even scratch this rugged little thing which makes it more valuable to me than the gaming laptop which would cost circa £1000 to replace with similar . On the bright side no updates means my printer always works which is a necessity of my livelihood that win10 refuses to accept .
  11. Crucial suggests PANASONIC CF-52 can cope with a 4TB SSD AND 8gb OF RAM which sounds impressive but means absolutely nothing to someone who's idea of precision is and inch and a smidgen and a gentle tap with a huge sledgehammer lol . For me it works or it doesn't and win10 never will .
  12. This is what had me wondering if the link works https://uk.crucial.com/scanview/CFA18F3531D926C3 And i know my has 4GB of ram with a spare slot to add another 4
  13. I won't buy it because i own one already , kid found it in a skip years ago totally wiped with no operating system and asked me if i could fix it for him . At the time i could only find a 32bit Dell win7 installation disk which was a dodgy copy but i got it working and he never returned for it . As is it will do everything i might ever need to do on a computer and its been my unbreakable go to spare , I been using it for SL the last 3 months . Win7 is ace because it doesn't break anything and everything that works with every update . Thanks for all your replies anyway its a subject i can find no interest in so i asked because SL is by far and away the most complicated thing i will ever ask any laptop to do .
  14. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124495052765?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338353466&toolid=20006%26customid%3Ds%3AGS%3Bgc%3AEAIaIQobChMIrJ6GuaP19wIVB_hRCh0hkQB-EAQYCCABEgJnn_D_BwE%3Bpt%3A1%3Bchoc%3A2&customid=s%3AGS%3Bgc%3AEAIaIQobChMIrJ6GuaP19wIVB_hRCh0hkQB-EAQYCCABEgJnn_D_BwE%3Bpt%3A1%3Bchoc%3A1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrJ6GuaP19wIVB_hRCh0hkQB-EAQYCCABEgJnn_D_BwE I'm not thinking of buying it but i have one of the same spec and i'm wondering if its worth buying and upgraded SDD and another 4GB . Keep it simple please I'm far more comfortable taking a laptop apart and reassembling it than i am following any win10 instructions from microsoft .
  15. Kid i know , well he's probably about 30 now , is ruined by a whole heap of mental disorders . Doctors are mostly concerned with his outbursts of violence so they have him sedated into a zombie . I know even if doctors don't that remaining permanently stoned for too long is what set him on this path . His father begged me to talk to the lad because he respects me enough that he won't go violent on me - but what can you do ? Trouble is the "cure" is in the positive absolutely denied by the problem , you have no energy or will to reach the goal you know you should want . You can't be bothered . I told that kid he will never think his way out of the rut so he needs a challenge he can realistically achieve . Can't fix your head so fix your body and when you can swim 100 or 50 or 20 whatever lengths of the local swimming pool your a winner . Can't swim he says which made me cheer because everyone can swim and its only the fear of sinking that prevents us . People float so there's a mental and physical challenge you can most definitely beat . One small step in the right direction will open doors you can't currently see . Oh and in the UK doctors will prescribe nicotine patches if you tell them you want to quit smoking .
  16. It will be frowned upon so i do not forward this as advice but menopause induced anxiety that resisted all medication for my better half is now kept in check by nicotine . She quit smoking more than 10 years ago but there you have it .
  17. The universal answer regardless of creed , colour , race , religion , sex or any of the other falsely dividing factors is to improve our own life in any way we can . Shame the majority fail to understand that the easiest route to that goal is often to assist others along that same path . What goes around comes around .
  18. While I'm happy to watch , help and encourage 5 to 10 year olds do their best at something they love , for me team sport ends with school because after that the team with the most money wins . Even in motorsport i won my last bet on it a long time ago by correctly predicting the best rider would be in pole position when his engine spat a cog making the actually winner a dead cert .
  19. Some just find it useful to have a whole army of alts when they are trying to piss somebody off , gets so everyone you talk to is hostile so whats the point of talking .
  20. Anything leather you have to search for second hand . The biker jacket i wore daily for 20 years was given to me by an ex gfs father who wore it when he was a young man . When i eventually found its replacement it was very old hardly worn and of quality leather you might make a saddle out of 👍 Books i prefer paper , and i figure millionaire authors won't mind if i give a few quid to charity to borrow one of the trillion used books i haven't yet read . I don't read so much any more but i used to arrive at oxfam or some such with 5 books and leave with another 5 and a fiver went to charity . I logged in though to remind everyone of chips wrapped in old newspapers fried in fat that might kill you if you ate it 30 times a day (rolls eyes) . Visits to the chippy are rare for me nowadays but i can't help it that every time i get my hopes up only to be disappointed . Pubs that were a shortstop front room , a temporary respite for an hour between the responsibility of work and the responsibility of home . They were once a jobcentre , an infohub , a place where reputations were earned and respected . Now most are just glorified cafes that sell beer 😪 This will probably only make sense to Brits .
  21. Quality over quantity , stuff made to last long enough that you don't remember buying it . When my 80 odd year old father in law passed away his kids recognizing i did more for him than all of them put together asked me to choose anything i like from his possessions when they emptied his house . I chose his tin opener which might outlast me as well as him .
  22. I worked out in my first few months of sl that profile "picks" was the only way to find new places to visit ....... even if 9 out of every 10 no longer exist .
  23. My mistake i added the "total" , linden and private regions . So if i give up my car which is mostly a hobby , my phone which i hate , and smoking coz i'm bored i could own maybe 5 regions then . In the uk 50g of golden virginia cost about £30 or at todays rate according to google about $38 .
  24. Censorship should be solely aimed at protecting children , let obsessive idiots ramble and there is at least hope of intervention before criminal atrocity takes place . As someone who doesn't use any social media platform i clearly see the mainstream media farming social media to push their own agenda , an agenda that is always in favour of big business in opposition to the people who's blood , sweat and tears go into making big business profit .
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