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Everything posted by MoiraKathleen

  1. I have lived on private islands at times, but have always come back to mainland. For some reason I always feel isolated living on a private sim. I enjoy living alongside a road - there's just something about that which makes me feel that I can head out anywhere :). I live on one of the Pod routes, and when I walk down to a little beach parcel I have on the edge of the next sim (where I have a little dock to set off sailing from) I often see a pod going by. Every so often, I will TP to land for sale alongside a road on one of the continents, and then spend some time exploring what's along the road in that area.
  2. My main home is in Goodelli on the Heterocera Atoll. I have a house and a little farm there. I also have my little ''city" house, in Bay City - Morton. I have, a few times, traveled from my house on the atoll to Bay City without TP'ing - a combination of driving, sailing, and then driving again. It took awhile, but it was a fun accomplishment
  3. I'm not sure that I would call this "plain" though I suppose it's all relative, and relative to me, your look is pretty edgy.
  4. You don't lose the stipend immediately when you downgrade - that stays until the end of the current period that you have paid up to already. The only thing you lose immediately has to do with land - if you own any land, the system won't let you downgrade until you've sold or abandoned the land and/or linden home. (This was the case as of a couple of months ago, when an alt downgraded from premium).
  5. You might also want to take a peek in the folder that your skin is in - I've purchased a couple skins in the relative past (last couple of years) which included appliers for Slink feet and hands. You might just luck out
  6. I came in 2014, so it was really on it's last breathe by then... I'm sure it's not the same as it was in the very early years. I've read a lot about the early years, in forum archives and blog archives, and I would hazard a guess that it has matured since what sounded to me like 'wild west' type days (from what I was reading). I find it interesting that it has existed long enough, and changed enough, that some people experience 'in the good old days' type nostalgia. Places, shops, clubs.... it is natural that these will change over time - people change, get older, change interests, move on (sometimes from RL as well)... but there are new places, shops and clubs that keep popping up. I understand about the gradual decline in number of sims over the past years, but I don't know that I would qualify that as 'dying'. To me, when the day comes that LL is no longer making changes or adding new features and benefits, that will be when I would consider it dying. The entire time that I have been here LL has continued making improvements, adding or modifying features and updating the viewer. There are some, who make look at that with a cynical eye, and call it life support or CPR, but to me it shows that LL has not given up on it and has not abandoned it. I think some of the 'another sign it's dying' stuff is, in part, a perspective that is only focusing on the things that support that perspective. As was noted, the song's the same on the flip side.
  7. I would vote for all three of these. There are times that I really wish I could rename a no-mod item. Being able to add a tag would be helpful, although that wouldn't change it's order in inventory like renaming would (when you sort inventory by name).
  8. I am really enjoying this thread. I love seeing the different things that people have envisioned and created. I am always amazed, inspired (and sometimes a little intimidated) by all the creativity.
  9. I couldn't resist this outfit... the top, skirt and boots work on the Lara body as well, but there was not an applier for the fishnet stockings, so I reverted back to my classic body for the full effect. (And the skirt is very well behaved when sitting ).
  10. Thanks for the additional information Marianne. I think I understand that all a little better now.
  11. Great information, Marianne. I wasn't aware of that level of detail regarding the eyebrow shape item. On a related note (I think) I was browsing through some of the outfit files in the Inventory Library area, and noticed that some of the females (Library->Clothing->Initial Outfits->Carla, for example), have a 'System Eyelash Alpha' item, so I'm thinking wearing that may also be another way to get it transparent (?)
  12. As long as you're comfortable... and you save on tier or rental fees I sometimes wonder if I really need the cost each month of the land I have, and having more than 1 house most of the time. However, that is where I get a lot of my enjoyment and relaxation from in SL. This is my creative outlet - the landscaping and the decorating (within the means and abilities I have). I still can't terraform very well, but I feel that I've come a long ways from some of my first attempts here.
  13. Very pretty, especially the cabinet in the corner. It looks very relaxing.
  14. It's kind of a pain, picking up all the furnishings to change a house, but it keeps me busy for a day or two
  15. I was thinking that was the one you were referring to. I like that one too, and also walk through it periodically. Besides the height (and the cost), it also needs a pretty big parcel size. I was out exploring around a week or so ago, and actually saw one. I can't remember where that was though. It didn't look as out of place as one might think.
  16. That house (the built part) is very nice. I have one of those and was using it until a few weeks ago. I kinda collect houses, so I end up changing which one I'm using periodically. By the way, loved what you did with the building forms next to the house.
  17. Pamela's kitchens always leave me hungry after seeing them. They are so beautiful. I'm trying to figure out how to buy one of her kitchens and rez it in my RL house
  18. It's very out of character for me to run around like that Might be the start of a new trend
  19. After all the posts about mesh bodies that I've been reading the past few weeks, I finally bought one last night and switched over. After lots of switching back and forth between several different demos, I finally settled on the Maitreya Lara. With this nice new body, I decided it was the perfect day to go to the beach...
  20. I recently was inspired to do something different on a little narrow lot I have in Bay City. Put a tiny house (9 x 18 or so, I think) on it, and thought of it as being a 20's or 30's era house, just barely renovated/updated, and furnished in a boho, flea market type style. It still looks a little bare to me, but I haven't been working on it for too long. I like little things that tie back to RL - I especially love the crate shelf by the front door, because I have a shelf just like that at the end of my RL hall way, that I've had since I was in my late teens. The dresser in front of the window in the bedroom picture is textured on the front by a picture of my RL dresser, which was handed down to me from my grandmother.
  21. I don't know a lot of hairbases or toddleedoo's but what first comes to mind is that the hairbase is too large for the toddleedoo's head size, and that's why parts of it are sticking out. Though I don't know if a hair base (or brow base they're also sometimes called) is something that can be edited, so I don't really have an answer... except maybe editing your head shape slightly in that area (so it's slightly larger there)?
  22. I joined in 2014, and it didn't take very long, or very much observation, to figure out that one would have to be very talented in something unique (or with a unique twist) in order to make any serious amount of money, and secondly, that it was easier to buy things than to figure out how to make everything yourself. Still, I tried a lot of different things just for my own enjoyment and learning of skills. I learned how to do very, very basic prim building (and had a little store for a couple of months, where I sold absolutely nothing), I set up a parcel as a rental with a house and some landscaping, learned how to use caspervend and smartbots to automate things - no one rented it, but it was fun and I increased my knowledge about things. I had a little coffee house for awhile - it was fun to find things for it and get it all set up. I didn't worry about whether or not there were visitors, or if they left tips (though that would have been a bonus!). I enjoyed doing all of it, and I did it more for me, for my own entertainment value, than in thinking this was going to supplement my real life income in some way. It's all a hobby for me, and I've learned how to set aside entertainment money in my budget for it, and am still able to enjoy the time (and money) I spend in SL.
  23. Back to the original topic for this forum: Regions for Sale: Homesteads. If you really own the homestead directly (pay USD tier directly to LL monthly), you should probably specify what date the tier is next due, whether it is a grandfathered homestead or not, what price you are looking for (or free if you really want to give it away) and whether you or the buy will pay the transfer fees. If you are paying tier to anyone else - either on a weekly or monthly basis - this is the wrong forum category. Additionally, you should check your agreement with whomever you're leasing from to make sure that you can sub-lease it. If that is what you want to do, I would suggest a new post in the "Rental Regions: Homestead" category, with just the details about the rental - size, prims, cost, etc. I believe in this scenario whomever rents it would be paying you, and you would still be responsible for paying the owner of the homestead sim. Given what you have written above, I would be very wary of renting in this situation, because I would have doubts about whether you would be remaining around in order to pay the sim owner. If you are truly planning on leaving SL however, I would suggest that you not renew your lease (don't pay for any additional time than what you have already paid for), and let it run out after the term that you have already paid for (in which the land will revert back to whomever owns it at that point).
  24. Even with just half of the new account 1st month trading limit, and a homestead.... I think I could entertain myself for days landscaping, putting out houses, furnishing them... even if was all spent on clothes, spend some time trying each one on, organizing inventory so you'll be able to find all that you purchased easily. There are lots of places to go sight-see at and take pictures of yourself looking beautiful while visiting. You can also make purchases from the marketplace with paypal direclty, in USD. If you are this bored already, and can't wait until the limit is increased after the first month, then this probably isn't the right place for keeping yourself entertained.
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