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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Su Voir and Oracul might be your “best” cheapest options. I’ve found cheap bento AOs on MP, I’m talking 50Ls cheap that were decent. There’s some buyer beware involved with buying AOs from MP though so be aware before you go that route.
  2. For me, my shopping has trailed off for a couple of reasons that mainly deal with some disturbing trends that just weren’t sustainable. 1) repeat items. I think this started happening about a year and a half ago. You go to an event, Nice boots. Go to another event, same boots. Worse still two events later...Nice boots. Don’t I have those? Check inventory to confirm, yep have those. 2) Hiding the unique patterns in the fat pack. Let’s face it, everybody could use MORE leggings, especially when they come in a unique pattern. Thing is, I don’t want to spend $1800L for all the basic colors, just for 3 striped leggings. And no adding a zipper in the back isn’t enough to make me want to buy them either. Some designers have smartened up and sell mini fat packs, it’s still a thing though. 3) Creators are copying each other. I know that’s always been a thing. It’s just gotten to the point where it’s insulting. I remember the first time I noticed this, saw an outfit. Two booths over...same outfit. I’ve been noticing this more often. So, I think there is starting to be a little bit of fatigue with events and cranking out item. It’s probably starting to show with sales too.
  3. It depends on my mood. Since I’m a biracial French Canadian and I am married to a Puerto Rican man, it could range from chansons like Coeur d’pirate or Renaud to rap music to classic rock to reggaeton to synthwave. My Spotify suggestion playlist are always interesting.
  4. Talking to me like we’ve been friends for years already always sucks me in. Having a good sense of humor, being able to laugh at yourself goes a long way too. I’m pretty low maintenance when it comes to stuff like that. The problem is those two things are very hard to come by.
  5. The Maitreya only thing used to make me upset, but never enough to switch. I’ve conditioned myself that when I see certain brands to just keep on walking. The funny thing is, if I started creating I’d include Maitreya. I just would do only them because of the pain I feel sometimes.
  6. I will admit that’s how I keep seeing it though!
  7. I pointed this out a couple pages back. The post basically starts off in a way that is inciteful and says “If you don’t agree with me, eff off.” Since I did it in a humorous way, I was a meanie. We’re actually discussing “how to open a box” and “which way to open a box is better” Only on SL....
  8. Cheaper heads usually lack the features and support more expensive ones have. A while back a friend of mine switched to a mesh head. My friends and I suggested Catwa because it’s easy to work with as far as features and customization. She opted for another brand, then realized skins and customization were minimal. She wears a Catwa now.
  9. A lot of people from IMVU come to SL and do IMVU type things. Like stand around in a static pose. Little head, Big body Big head, little body Tiny hands and feet I’ve bumped into a couple of transplants and a few of them have said the graphics on IMVU are better. My response was always “Whatever you’re smoking, pass dat.”
  10. One of the reasons I use Firestorm instead of Black Dragon is because it doesn’t do 3rd person behind perspective natively. You have to go through a process just to get it like that. Its a great viewer it’s just super technical.
  11. Let me put it another way. Those phrases are not the same. If I’m in a room with two doors with two guys standing next to them. One says “behind this door you’re pretty much guaranteed to find a million dollars” and the other one says “you’re not really going to find a million dollars behind this door”. Guess which door I’m taking. And I was “not really” making fun of you! I was pointing out that you’re the “pretty much” in the statement since everybody else pretty much disagrees.
  12. Also, starting a thread off with “If you don’t agree with me you’re a big doodie-head” pretty much guarantees nobody’s going to agree with you.
  13. I feel like adding the box, clicking the unpack, or better yet it unpacking itself into a folder is better and more efficient. Much more efficient than drag the box on the ground, right click box, click unpack, click to confirm, get a message that says some contents aren’t copyable, click, click, click. 2 clicks is more efficient than 5 or 6 clicks. Thats just me though, I’m a millennial.
  14. I get angry when I have to Rez a box on the ground. Worse still when it has group join stuff but no unpack stuff. Like who does that?
  15. I will admit I pause sometimes when I see a skin and think “Hmmm, I want to wear her face on mine”
  16. Suddenly you find yourself in a cheap, primmy 50L rental standing next to a nakie noobatar with a expensive foot and a half long wang!
  17. Played around with the Genus Baby Face today and....Whoa Baby!!!
  18. I know lots of terms of affection, but since I come from a place where they’re all saved for a child, close family members/friends, or your SO...probably not the best person to ask.
  19. You mean the random not even “hi” tp? Oh yeah....
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