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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Yeah, been a while since I played around with the Ruth, but when i did Omega didn't work. You're best bet is to use full perm textures.
  2. So what you want is a full perm skin kit that offers both the skin AND the textures. Or you can get a full perm kit that just sells the textures full perm and it lets you save them to your HD and open them in something like PS or Gimp. When you have the texture you can do this to get the UUID: https://gyazo.com/2d9eb3334d4457e524617bffb4a1ebda You want a full perm skin like this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FULL-PERM-SKIN-5/10592280
  3. No having a skin does not mean you have the textures. There are two ways you can go about getting a skin texture: 1) creating a skin and uploading it into Second Life yourself. 2) purchasing a full perm skin (usually a set) where you have full permissions to copy mod transfer the skin. You also have access to the skin uuids. You most likely need the uuids the most for a mod body like Ruth 2.0. But with full perm skins you should have everything you need regardless.
  4. You can use your own skins. What that means is you are in possession of full perm skin textures that you have access to the texture uuids.
  5. Right! That’s why I sometimes read it with the uptalk inflection. Then, sometimes I read it like an amused statement. Every time I see it, I read it differently!? See...now I’m doing it.
  6. Whenever I see this thread, the punctuation really gets to me. It’s my Québécoisness, but as long as it stays on the first page, I’m just going to wonder. So, is it supposed to be read like a question? Or is it a statement showing surprise? So do you read it like a surprised statement? Or is it a straight up question where it’s read with that weird up talk inflection at the end like “It’s amazing how strong SL seems to bEeeeeee?” Somebody help me out.
  7. I just knew she was going to be the next big thing
  8. Also Christopher Walken....Just Christopher Walken.
  9. You’re not petty, I do it too. I think it’s actually more petty that someone hides like three patterns behind a paywall. I think they would probably sell more if they did a pattern pack too. It falls into the “is it 1299, nice? Nah....”
  10. The only way IMs are getting around is if someone in the conversation shared it. From there it’s like Game of Thrones....everybody knows. That’s why when somebody starts telling me about someone else, I never add to it, because if I do I’m aware it could end up in a log somewhere.
  11. No, see, that’s why it’s annoying! They have the uuid, they already took the picture for the vendor. It really wouldn’t hurt to just sell it separately. 90% of the work is already done.
  12. Right! I’ll settle for a fat pack of patterns though. But you’re right single patterns would be ideal. I pass up a lot of stuff because of the fat pack exclusive thing.
  13. Thing is...the patterns are the one you really want because how many Roygbiv rompers and leggings can you buy? A couple of creators do pattern only fatpacks....which I’m more than happy to buy. I just wish that trend catches on. Paying 1200 for basic colors plus three patterns? CANCELED!
  14. That’s exactly how I found it: googling how to do stuff in SL. I never felt the need to participate because it seemed to have its own zeitgeist. It still does to a degree, but not like it used to. Forums are not the preferred mode of communication anymore, just like Usenet and BBSs back in the Wild West of the Internet days. They still exist, but it’ll never be what it once was. It’s great because it tends to be more permanent as opposed to the chat based things that have surpassed it. Its still a great resource though. I enjoy popping in throughout the day to see what’s going on. It’s not too taxing on my phone either, since I work from a gov’t pc there’s just certain things I can’t do during working hours, so that’s a bonus. I pretty much jump from forum to forum including Reddit throughout the day on my phone.
  15. Try playing a machismo, dorito and Mountain Dew code Red fueled game like Call of Duty where just hearing a female voice drives them into a frenzy. God forbid you’re actually good and have good stats.
  16. TLDR; if you feel ripped off, it’s your fault!
  17. I’m not surprised or offended when I get hit on anywhere in SL. That’s why I post the dumbest stuff in the “Lines that annoy you the most” thread. What I’m not buying though is because I’m at some venue the way I’m dressed should dictate how much or the way I get hit on. I mean, if I’m at a beach wearing a bikini, um, me wearing a bikini is appropriate. If I’m at a dance club, I’m probably going to be wearing a freakum dress. How much freak is in the freakum is debatable, but it’s certainly not anymore revealing than something you would see at a real life club or bar. If you want to say “Well everybody knows beaches and clubs are pickup spots in SL” that would actually be more acceptable than, “It was the way you were dressed.”
  18. I’m not sure I believe this anymore now. When there was a tiny outcry because some designers were Maitreya only, the answer back was “But it’s just me creating, I only have time to create for one body!” Fast forward to now. The Legacy does have support from quite a few creators. Even some that were Maitreya only. hmmmm. So instead of going with Slink or Belleza to increase sales they went with a brand that was asking to give up one of your I-teeth and your first born son to get a kit. Hmmm...
  19. Also a roadmap isn’t necessarily a forum post or a forum you can go to to find out what a company is working on as far as a product goes. The idea isn’t “Oh, I can gather information here, here and here...and also it’s nestled over here.” One, that’s not a convenient way to disseminate information. Two it operates under the assumption that everybody is ok with looking all around for things, when everybody is not. Nor should they. All a roadmap is saying is: Hey guys here’s what we’re working on, here’s when we estimate it’ll be done. That isn’t that hard to do because it’s just a list of the things. You shouldn’t need to go to someone’s blog or put two and two together. It’s should be a link that says roadmap, you click it and it tells you the things. The things meaning the projects coming up and cool things being worked on.
  20. I think that’s more of a reason to have a roadmap. That way they can be held more accountable, possibly have a dialog with residents and most importantly get some help from more knowledgeable residents.
  21. Yes, but the opt in premium or free to play with micro transactions (mp, rent from landlords, etc) has already been in place in SL for years and is working is what I’m saying.
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