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Everything posted by karynmaria

  1. I think that is a lovely parcel. And you have water all around. That is what everyone wants. I wouldn't risk abandoning this one right now, as sand on the oceanfront is going to be very very hard to find at this point. However, if they are releasing more of these homes next year, then there might be more available with sand then.
  2. @Chic Aeon@Prokofy Neva Here is the link to his post in regards to that. Right now they are thinking about it, but haven't done anything about it yet. I currently do use a skin, however, if they ban them, I will remove it.
  3. Yes! Do it now as there is lots of Victorians to be had.
  4. Yeah I haven't had much of a chance either to decorate. Can't decide on what house yet and people are already making some add ons. I always take my time decorating mine will probably never be done. And I am with @BJoyful there are houses to see and decorating to copy! 😁 And even if people don't decorate the parcels look fabulous anyways!
  5. I think that is pretty cool! Scared the crap out of me though the first time I heard it. 😃
  6. Just agreeing with you as I have always been able to get some pretty good locations with abandoned parcels. You'd be surprised what people give up. Even waterfront because it was either too sandy or not sandy enough or the house doesn't face the way they want it too. Lots of parcels still out there for the taking!
  7. You can change the type of camper you have when you get your home. There is a post with a camper pic on it you click that and you can pick from 8 different campers.
  8. You go here: https://secondlife.com/my/?lang=en-US Also when you go to claim it where it says meadowbrook click the drop down and you will have to pick Bellisseria then it will show you the houses, campers , HB, that you claim.
  9. You should be able to try for one now. There is lots of homes still unclaimed. Just go to the land page and go for it!
  10. It's so nice to see these homes showing up all the time! Not sure how long it will last but nice to see.
  11. Well I would love to see a pic of it! Even though I really like the new LH's I have always had a quad home in meadowbrook and always loved it. I loved all the windows and how open it was. There have been a few posters here that have stated they want to keep their older home too so you are not alone.
  12. Yeah I am on Banebury up against the mountains too. Now it would make sense to use the mountains to divide the Traditional from the Victorian ones, but you never know what they will do. I am HOPING they will keep the mountains and do some landscaping, but expecting that they may flatten it and put houses there. But I am not going to worry about it now, I am keeping this parcel and I will see what happens and make a permanent decision then.
  13. The only way your main can take control of the parcel is you will have to release it and hope your main can get it back and that really is a long shot. Someone else will most likely get it before you do. If you want to keep the spot you will have to keep paying premium on your alt.
  14. Don't give up and don't get disheartened. I bet there will be lots of people releasing parcels and I am sure you will get one.
  15. I got one in Banebury and the train tracks are right across from me and I can see the train lights from my house! I am happy happy!
  16. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! to all the moles and Lindens for all your hard work on this new theme and getting this ready for us so we can have it before Christmas. It just looks so beautiful. I got a plot with train tracks in front of me and a nice big hills in the back. Can hardly wait to see what is next.
  17. Sometimes I can't help it either. I let a TH go on my main as I want to get the Victorian on that one.
  18. For sure, it would be terrible to have to lock up the kids in the closet while house hunting. But you know..............................priorities! 🤣
  19. @Mitch Merricks What a lovely post. Just wanted to say that as I think it deserves more than just a click on the like button .
  20. I bought tons of things during the AF sale so I will probably use that stuff along with other stuff I have. I am not going to buy anything specific for these new houses until they are released and I can actually put some things out and see how it looks.
  21. I still have tons of excitement for the homes and the Victorians that are coming out. I am not bothered by seeing the mainland and Bellisseria being closer together. It is like having peace and quiet in the middle of a storm. Mainland to me has always been chaotic and out there in my face and the LH's to me has always been about simple, quiet and peaceful. I don't put too much stock into maps, I want to see the area and be in it. Maps tell you nothing. I don't really see where stuff is really cloned that much other than some of the houseboat islands but those make sense to me. I also think that we have all become a little obsessed with these new houses and trying to find perfection. Not that I am criticizing cause I have been doing it myself. I currently have a camper, a houseboat and a traditional house. And yes I have a 4th alt for a month to try out the victorian. I have never had more than one premium account and now I have like 4. I know at some point I am going to have to just go down to one. But I have them because I am really enjoying this whole process of the new LH and watching it unfold. I think we also have to be careful that we don't have too high expectations. There is nothing wrong either with taking a break if you need one.
  22. @Mollymews I love you and I love your house! Thank you for making it available.
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