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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Lolz great thread Scylla ! I want to share with you what it's like to be a real man in SL, a modern age caveman, if you will. This is why I wanted a Second Life Universe Man contest, ( SLUM ) because once the hairy arms tattoos are perfected I've won already ... that's a shovel in my left hand btw, mesh too.
  2. Cant purchase - UK side - nor my friend in Canada either. Clicking the status button shows everything as green and operational. Chuckles.
  3. S'fine here ... You been stung by malware perchance ?
  4. Rez it in a sandbox. Z position it anywhere up to 4000m in the air. Sit on a prim. Z the prim to your skybox height. Voila. You got til sandbox return time, usually 3 to 8 hours
  5. Could'nt even bicycle properly last night, let alone sail or fly. Every wall I brushed against on the cycle I sort of sank into, becoming trapped inside. Plain prim walls too. T'was weird.
  6. Not seen the slender blender for four days now. He down wit' the flu' or sumthin ?
  7. I have noticed a distinct pause between updating a MP listing and said update appearing live, despite F5 or cache clearing locally. That's an observation not a gripe.
  8. Link two 0.5 li mesh prims. Object shows 1LI total linked. Add a script. Sometimes it will now goto 2LI. It doesn't get worse than that though and its not everytime. Maybe its just scripts that call textures that do it, as mentioned above.
  9. Flash idea ! Start them as an orange cloud, the first quest being find and wear an avatar be it hooman furry tiny or a vampire.
  10. Shudda collaborated with Lumiya imho. It was awesome. Not to mention already developed, already tested, already android, and already out there.
  11. I just added pics to an item, clicked Update, the new pic shows in listing edit, but *not* on the MP proper ! Well done on breaking the MP too ! So I tried again some 15 minutes later and got slapped in the face by this ....
  12. I rarely advise 'tinkering' but in your situation I would 1 - Backup firestorm settings 2 - Clear firestorm caches 3 - Consider experimenting with cache size. 4 - Play with a reduced Draw Distance ( quick prefs ) I fully accept this may not help at all.
  13. Here's my first 'out the box' thought on how to look after newcomers. Three stages ... Stage One: A landing area, as beautiful as Bellisseria has become. Modern best mesh, views so realistic ones jaw drops. Thats them hooked for at least 5 essential minutes. Stage Two. A quick tour. Be it a train, bus, walk or a TP I dont know what would work best.. But the stage two experience needs to include a brief tour of each premium home type availabe, perhaps ending in a sandbox. Stage Three. This is where the newcomer has to make their first decision. Where they enter the 'real' Second Life. I dont know how that would best be done, maybe continue the portal system, maybe something new. If this leaves you thinking 'Well that's what we do already' my response is 'Well get it modernised'. Oh, and for gs, give them a decent avatar for the game. Seeing everyone else looking amazing while one feels like a cardboard cutout is not ideal. Don't need a choice of 30 classic avatars need One good male and One good female ... OK ok, and one furry and one tiny and one none gender. The win is in the clothing options they will quickly be introduced to, end of stage two or beginning of stage three. Are you with me ? ARE YOU WITH MEEEE ? Make them drool and they will returm.
  14. Looks like LL intends to do some fresh new marketing of the ole' 'game' That's great news. The question remains however. How to look after newbies. What magical formula will *keep them coming back* for more ? The current decade old newcomer scenario is way out of date.
  15. You inspired me to share this Beth. This is a collaborative region build between me and my partner, currently in its early stages...
  16. Actually, I suggest LL staff are forced to start a new user account and spend 4 full hours a day for a minimum of three days in a row, seeing how it is currently. My own experience of being bit by a vampire in a sandbox with a box on my foot might indeed be hilarious, but it could have put some people off.
  17. Looking after new users I am told SL still gets up to 3000 new sign ups every month. If this is true, and SL20B and beyond is to be a reality, LL simply must, imho, address how it treats new users. They need to 'land' in newer and safer places just for a start. Over to you, experts ....
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