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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. They for sure haven't fixed the TP/SimXing issue for me!
  2. Interesting. I seem to be suffering this more than my partner, and I have a connection with a slow ping time (I live a long way from anywhere). The actual transfers are fast, but the latency is bad. This issue does seem to be all about timing. (I came on the thread late, and have not read all the pages and pages of it) Edit: So I tried this, and turned the bandwidth limit right up. No issues so far. neither TP nor sim crossing in vehicles. Edit again: but actually, after further testing, it is just as bad.
  3. I have a simple take on all this. If I get thrust out by a security orb, I go back and find the name of the owner, then I add them to the long list of those banned from my sims (where my own security system in in place). It's one of the virtual life's little pleasures.
  4. When I left the Legion (about 135, iirc) I vowed never to admit to have been in it. Oh damn!
  5. Don't save files on your computer, use Google Drive, then you know they will be safe, and no one else will ever read them...
  6. I came across these books by Witold Jaworski, and was seriously impressed with the detailed explanations he uses to show how to make High-Poly models of aircraft in Blender. Despite them not being books for Low-Poly game asset design, they are at least books, and can be used to learn these free programs. You can use these to go from 'never heard of 3D modelling' to relative adept, but not, of course, in a short time... nie czytasz polskiego?
  7. I have been thinking seriously about this manual business. Re-reading the comments here too, vital stuff. There are two kinds of Manual for a piece of software: 1) Reference Manual - takes each function or command and tells you every detail about what it does. It critically depends for understanding on you having agreed the context and vocabulary with the author. 2) Training Manual, or User Guide - demonstrates selected scenarios of use of the software assuming only common knowledge. A good User Guide will have multiple scenarios described for any complex software. It is a mistake to think that this is a read once and trash document, you often need to go back and look at the workflows again. In fact you could call this a Workflow Manual. This is the documentation that establishes the context and vocabulary to use the Reference Manual. For SL use of Blender (and Maya, 3DMax, ZBrush, Gimp, Photoshop, Meshroom...) we have (1), but we are mostly missing (2). So our problem is a missing context and vocabulary for SL workflows. In some ways the ubiquitous YouTube tutorial is ideal for (2), but in others it fails badly - we've been over all that in this discussion. I could envisage an online resource that wraps snippets of tutorial videos round with workflow text and diagrams - that would give the best of both worlds. So, Question: does there exist a technology for making such a resource? I can do it in HTML/CSS/PHP/JS, but it will take years.
  8. Like you give the minimum dab on left arrow and the vehicle turns 90 degrees left. Also when just flying (as an avatar, no vehicle, so no script) impossible to regulate how high a minimum dab up or down will take you. It could be my Arch Linux setup. But I have no idea where to start. Edit: I found one thing. Somehow, despite it being turned off in preferences, the viewer has Flight Assist turned on. Had to turn it on, save, turn it off, save. And now I can fly properly. Vehicles seem a little less violent too. Sorry for hijacking the discussion.
  9. Have you also noticed how hyper-sensitive Native Linux Firestorm64 is to arrow keys, compared with, say, Windows Firestorm64 under Wine? I mention this as I am struggling with trying to find a way of getting the responses to be the same. Driving SL land vehicles under Native Linux Firestorm64 is almost impossible due to the hyper-sensitivity, and there doesn't appear to be a control for it. I don't have any spinning drives at all now, just SSDs and cloud-backups...
  10. the other 30%(sic) is 'who to ask' (or what book to open). Edit: 2nd thought. I have a Certificate from Google as an Advanced Searcher. The course was all about how to ask the right question (unfortunately it didn't cover avoiding the paid-for answers). All of our wonderful technology for learning depends critically on how to ask. Just as you say, Wulfie.
  11. Yes, but retention is not skill. Skill involves discretionary use of retained knowledge. Which is probably why the 'Teach someone else' line is the 90%... This is kinda encouraging me to think if I should not write the manual I am missing, and as I learn more things add to it. This is a very encouraging discussion.
  12. It would indeed be wonderful if there was a set of such videos WITH accompanying reference texts. To have something on paper (or on a tablet/2nd monitor or Kindle/Nook) next to you while watching the video would be absolute learning heaven (for me). If someone starts such a project, I'll help.
  13. We still loves ya. Disagreeing isn't disliking. And I'm a ***** too.
  14. That don't reference Blender 2.8. If you are starting out now, why would you bother learning 2.79?
  15. I don't sell anything. I don't consider anything that I have made to be worth the hassle of providing customer care. But my method starts in high-poly, then I make the low-poly derivative and bake the textures from the high-poly onto the low-polys. I'm always annoyed when I end up over 1Li per link. But this all takes a long time to learn. And because there is a lot of complexity in each step, and I do other things too, I need 'Reference Material' to go back to. That's why I favour written, rather than acted, Tutorials. It's very hard to find the bit you forgot from a more-character-than-fact video, or worse still 'stop-motion-video-with-no-explanation'. Who knows, I might set to and start to write some, if the bloody blender interface would stop changing...
  16. It's the modern way, I know. But it doesn't lead to good learning, just copying others. But I won't change Earth today, I know.
  17. Sorry, bit late to this discussion. One of the problems I have is that everyone assumes the Video (YouTube) is the best way to communicate 'howto'. And it isn't. The best way of all is to have a written and illustrated step by step documented guide. Video is full of the personality of the presenter (yes Andrew I mean you cobber!) and takes so bloody long to get anywhere, and then goes far too fast through the bit you don't get. Yes, you can rewind and replay, but it is just so terribly slow compared with re-reading the paragraph. If you want to see what I mean, search here for Aquila Kytori. Instant understanding. Is there even one good book on using blender to create game assets? Just one? Even a bad one then? I ain't found it yet. Ditch Youtube, write books.
  18. Rolig, this helps me a heap. At least now I have found the section of the script that might be relevant. I was never good at boolean algebra, it's too black and white for me I'll do some more debugging, and report back. ❤ EDIT: Thanks to the help I got here, I found where the control(...) event handler was (hidden in link #9, the pilot seat), and fixed it. Very many thanks to everyone.
  19. I'm trying to mod a helicopter script, to use it for another, much larger helicopter. Basically it now works, but I have a problem with the sensitivity of the script to the arrows and page up/dwn keys. It is far too sensitive, and overshoots my target. I have pushed the Operating System keyboard repeat sensitivity to slow (and fast) and this makes no difference. And I cannot find anything in the script that seems to be related to this. Can anyone point me at an LLSOMETHING() page I should read? Or something to search for? I can't really show you a copy of the scripts, as they are not mine to release publicly. Grateful for any tips.
  20. Have you checked none of them is even slightly more than 64 meters in any dimension (in blender)?
  21. Anna Nova

    Prim to Dae

    That's true, but as Beq says, sometimes an exported mesh is a good quick way of getting scale and fit. The other reason is to collaborate with someone else on a build, where one of you roughs out the ideas in SL, and the other refines them in Blender. Given the massive skill (and nomenclature) investment required to use Blender effectively, this works very well. Having made the investment in Blender skills, I'm not sure if I will continue with it now the new version changes everything in the interface. Looks terribly like change for change sake to me.
  22. The important part of my comment (the one Wendy quotes above) is this one. We all need to be on our guard against the way modern businesses and governments can work to remove freedoms. This is why I am not Wendy's customer.
  23. Anna Nova

    Prim to Dae

    I always find that importing a dae that has been exported needs a new UV made in blender (or something expensive). Just importing to blender, and making a smart UV unwrap is occasionally enough for something simple. The warning in FS 6 Beta is because the opensim version doesn't use Havok, for IPR reasons, and so the uploader is not necessarily as good. I use Linux, so this is important, because Linux versions of FS don't use Havok either. I found, for instance, that a linkset of meshes imported via the Linux FS 6Beta came in at 1.7 download-dominated&analyzed LI, whereas the Havok-based Windows FS6Beta run under Wine (allows running native Windows apps in Linux) came in at 1.5. But there was nothing else wrong with the non-Havok upload. I now use Wine/Windows FS6 for all uploads, despite it being a PITB. The native Linux FS6 is fine for actually experiencing SL although it always reports lower FPS than the Windows one. YMMV. Only Beq can explain it properly.....
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