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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Reminds me of the Steve Martin short written piece, "Cruel Shoes".
  2. Which is how we knew Paul was a zombie! I bet Zombies would have trouble walking in heels!
  3. With tiny design tools! And a magnifying glass!
  4. It's awesome when a question from more than 4 years ago helps someone out!
  5. Ooohh!! Without the full word, "Necro" is just a dead prefix! :-)
  6. Is "Necro" like Velcro? Or Neko? I had to think it is anything necro- because dead people don't need shoes!
  7. That's horrible! I wonder if only "LindeX market players" use that. Whenever I want to buy L$200,000 I want it now! Nao, plez!
  8. I don't disagree. I think the thing most people miss if they are not experienced is that the "buy now" feature is the only way to get your L$ NOW.
  9. L$ works very poorly, unless you just go buy some using the "BUY $" button. I only say that because of all the people who try to buy using the "market" and end up posting here because they don't understand how it works, never get their L$, etc.
  10. The way I look at it, we get "unlimited" lives. But anyway, to the OP's question. I don't care much about the "verbal emphases" on "SECOND" or "LIFE" however - the emphasis someone uses may reflect HOW or WHY they user SL. Just sayin'.
  11. Did not know about this "pay to join" and "members get share of joining fee". What could possibly go wrong? I don't see any way this could be abused.
  12. Sometimes people just have to get the last word in. It could go on forever!
  13. Love Zhaoying


    It is confusing whether the land is included in rent, or just the water.
  14. That there is your problem! Bums make terrible creators.
  15. Personally, I would be more bitter about the monetary loss. But since I spent years, months, weeks away from SL anyway, when I don't even think about SL..I will get over it!
  16. Hmm..perhaps in time they will realize that it is dying sooooo slowwwwwwly that they can maybe erm, chill? lol! Enjoy life!
  17. I have an idea, if the people who really want to argue SL is dying (instead of just moving on) would go ahead and leave SL..and the forums too! Not being mean, just making a point. If you are "not happy", why are you here?
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