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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Yes. If I found the things today that I bought in 2006, made in prims, I would still buy them!
  2. I think the LL post about the new viewer warned people about the launcher (and possible window). I guess folks missed it?
  3. Good physics are important in a chair, so - It doesn’t sit on you - It does not crush you in a death trap - You sit, not flounce - Chair prims do not fall apart in a mess of prims - Chair does not surprise-teleport you - If you are accused of heresy by the Inquisition, a comfy chair requires proper physics
  4. If you have K.A.O.S., then Get Smart! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Smart#KAOS
  5. I use stickers (from Telegram) more than smileys lately.
  6. This is a good place to hang out, welcome!
  7. I use it when being ironic; sarcastic; tongue in cheek; making a pub; gently trolling; etc.
  8. Well said! Even if a derail!
  9. My favorite mashup band, Dred Zeppelin, plays LZ covers with a Reggae beat, the singer being an Elvis impersonator- so vocals are in the style of Elvis. This track is literally a mashup of “Black Dog” and “Hounddog”. I was tickled the other day to find that Alexa will play this.
  10. Like a roomful of monkeys with typewriters, writing Shakespeare!
  11. I save my naughts for doing math, Jethro Bodeen style!
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