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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. It is a slippery slope from "teasing" to "joining in on the fun" to "trolling" to being an "irreconcilable misanthrope".
  2. Yeah, attacking people because they are ESL isn't nice. Making fun of them because they obviously know English but don't care enough to write coherently..fair game!
  3. Mine was a group email. I spent some time trying to find "ignore" on phone before I went back to PC. In doing so, I reviewed Sin's postings and saw that S*n posted to P*nny (multiple personality?). And now P*nny is messaging me. Make these people go away, please? *Edit* My bad, was just someone DM'ing me ABOUT the persons. Side-track - why no strikeout font on phone?
  4. Driving topless will definitely get attention.
  5. How many others received a DM from someone regarding this thread, claiming to be an alt if the OP?
  6. Whoops! I see that particles can work with wind. See llParticleSystem(), parameters PSYS_PART_RIBBON_MASK, PSYS_PART_WIND_MASK. Each post could send a particle stream that is a “ribbon” to each next post, which would respond to wind.
  7. An alt of a troll DM’ed me, I choose to ignore.
  8. I’m not sure why you need a script for this. Unless you wanted to use particles (like a “chain”) for your rope? I don’t think it can be “flexible” if you do it that way, or respond to “wind”. Let’s see how others answer! *Edit* Hmm, the closest thing I’ve done is have a flexiprim change its “gravity” on a timer. But you could make a flexiprin that responds to wind, no script needed.
  9. Where did you last see the script? Maybe we can help you look for it!
  10. Ghandi was an educated man/person, that’s why people listened at first! You would do well and study his teachings. He also makes a rocking meme!
  11. Like FW, I skimmed it. Was surprised someone invoked my name! Unlike FW, the last 47 pages probably won’t be a single sentence about m*st*rb*t*ng with a b*n*n*.
  12. In my area there’s a “Ethnobotanical Tea Bar” called “Mad Hatter’s” with the slogan “we’re all mad here”.
  13. It’s a way of saying, “lighten up.” Therefore, it should be uplifting if one can laugh and not take themselves too seriously.
  14. Is that a Mad Hatter’s tea bar tattoo, or an homage to TTLG?
  15. Don’t give her a spork, for heaven’s sake - she’ll gouge an eye out!
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