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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Thank you, I’ll take “distinctive” as a complement! I post on “most” threads and try to stay positive except when responding to bullies. My sense of humor (or lack thereof) gets me into trouble. P.S. I crossover Real/First life a lot. My avatar has my RL tattoos, and some similar outfits to some I have in RL.
  2. Voice? I’m a neutral sounding gay/bi man, neither “femme” sounding or “butch”. But I write in the same “voice” in all contexts.
  3. If I go there on mobile, I saw one bloke..
  4. What will that do to any existing 1024 textures in 32-bit? Reduce resolution?
  5. One of my favorite quotes is, “Hell is other people.” You flip that on its head!
  6. Agreed. Hope I can say without getting in trouble, that perhaps the Linden “mis-spoke” on the recent thread in stating that topics must relate to Second Life, as Pamela provided different information..
  7. Yep, I remember it came up in “that” thread! Alyona rocks!
  8. ..yet those topics are not specifically forbidden.
  9. Did you miss the >3 times so far, where I brought it back to your original topic?
  10. Why would “discussing religion” necessitate criticizing any religion? Not all discussions require criticism.
  11. Some of our history buffs will either (or both): - Declare how great things were when politics was ruled by religion - Detail exactly how utterly awful things were when politics were ruled by religion, thus setting the record straight. ..argument continues anyway..
  12. It is good, we will live forever. And moderators will protect us and clarify things.
  13. How can you NOT admit your statement is baiting and/or trolling?
  14. The place I have learned NOT to derail: on advertisement threads. Highly likely to get reported.
  15. Agreed. I suppose my point in emphasizing one part over another is: the directive to “stay on topic” (for the post) doesn’t seem to be enforced very consistently. Perhaps only when reported..does that make it “ok” to derail perfectly good threads? Nobody asked me.
  16. Sadly, many consider posts even slightly off-topic to be derailing.
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