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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Oh, and: - You can rent from another Resident, but this won’t actually use your Premium 1024m2 allotment. - Beware of shady “Real Estate” sales people! - If you buy more than your current “tier” 1024, your monthly bill will go up accordingly!
  2. If you wait long enough, Premium Linden homes with 1024m may be released. Otherwise, you can get a 512m now “free”, and abandon it for a 1024 when they become available. You don’t have to buy anything; you’re not required to “use” the extra 512 if you don’t want to. Or, you could “buy” a 512 plus free Linden home (or 1024 parcel and no Linden home) mainland parcel. Your choice.
  3. Wouldn’t some of these compete with resident creators?
  4. It’s just the shadow of Clark’s Gable.
  5. Have you considered changing your name to “Misty”? I resemble that remark!
  6. I was wondering..is there a way to put a flexi prim “sheet” over your avatar like wearing a ghost costume?
  7. You, Sir, are both adorable and psychic!
  8. I guess, if Patch is our neighbor and our doggies can go on play dates..
  9. I think all pricing should be in prime numbers: L$3, 5, 11, 17..because Marketplace Prime!
  10. I can’t imagine it will be so wonderful that I give up my Park Lakeside Linden home on Belzora (236, 16). Will there be parks, and lakes, and stuffs?
  11. Are you referring to the houses, etc. as shown in Patch’s picture?
  12. I came to see this and was not quite disappointed!
  13. @Marianne Little ??Inspired by your heart picture.
  14. Actually was referencing someone’s post on here about a monkey.
  15. Now whenever I see a post referencing monkeys, my mind screams “JOFFREY!!1!”
  16. Just realized, I may not be an “interesting person”, but I’ve often been a “person of interest”..
  17. No bias here, just pointing out that people with mental health or psychological issues deserve respect, not to be called “crazies”.
  18. Maybe the houses have basements! Or portals to skyboxes!
  19. My favorite Japanese rock group (L’arc~en~Ciel) has an old DVD which includes scenes of the band sitting around laughing at people slipping on banana peels (and planting the peels for people to slip on).
  20. I read about it in a forum post about upcoming improvements.
  21. It does not appear your tag attempt was successful. @Tommy Linden.
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