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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. VB.Net or COBOL LSL or Python HTML or SQL MacBook or Pet Rock
  2. Possible survey disguised as innocent question? Maybe mods will just move it to “General Discussion”.
  3. Why? And why didn’t you tell us which ones you have an account on?
  4. That’s called giving someone the “side-eye”.
  5. I interpret it as, “I was successful in the previous LR. But, I did not have a full set of crystals to cash-out on my last time playing. And even if I did, it won’t let us cash out with the old LR hud.” If this is the case..
  6. She’s also in one of those impossible models poses, that could only be achieved by a RL contortionist with a gantry and series of ropes and pullies.
  7. My point in that silly response is: a “rule” stated by others almost demands a response that breaks it. Dontcha know.
  8. I was disappointed that Alexa doesn’t know what Klesmer music is.
  9. My point was, if Auctions were a big source of income, LL would be motivated to fix them faster.
  10. I find lately, that after getting “corrected” by other Forum users (my term: “slapped down”) for posting on other’s threads - perhaps playfully, perhaps askance the topic - I find myself policing my own posts! Now: this is not like me at all. Not sure if I am afraid of moderation, seeking positive feedback, or what. But I’m used to being an independent voice. Does anyone else have this experience or any advice?
  11. Thank you, I’ll take “distinctive” as a complement! I post on “most” threads and try to stay positive except when responding to bullies. My sense of humor (or lack thereof) gets me into trouble. P.S. I crossover Real/First life a lot. My avatar has my RL tattoos, and some similar outfits to some I have in RL.
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