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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Thanks for the visit! That house is in such an ideal location..you can see why I don't want to give it up!
  2. It's easy to imagine such a person talks the same way - never stopping to breathe or give the listeners a chance to respond or interject.
  3. Thanking the stars that I am here today!
  4. Check out http://awfullibrarybooks.net/ , which is run by librarians. I used to check the daily updates.
  5. Sadly, I saw none of those movies! I love the beautiful androgyny in the photos.
  6. ^^This!!! But it irritates me when para RP people take a long time to post. Are they reallllly typing all that, or searching, copy/pasting?
  7. For example: I don’t *rumblepurr* in RL. I would if I could. I do as my Neko Lion under normal circumstances and also RP; but do it a lot sexier in RP voice.
  8. It should be tots obvs, but those of us who claim to have a similar RL and SL voice, prolly have a different RP voice!
  9. I was unaware my area had an infohub. How do I find it? My region is Belzora.
  10. I used to see someone on a telegram chat who said they created materials. Thanks for respectfully and carefully explaining all that in your response: My gut tells me that this can’t be the end of the discussion, but your explanation is awesome!
  11. It would be cool if you could at least leave particle footprints with your smoke.. ”Ack! A ghosk!” - Popeye
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