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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Um..isn’t the advertised business intended to help “crazies”? Using that term is very insensitive to those with mental or psychological disorders. I hope the original poster does not support your choice of language.
  2. Doesn’t each MP store require a different alt/account?
  3. Agreed! Especially considering a lot of fixes and enhancements were released for the MP just this week.LL is obviously trying.
  4. You may need a fresh heart for the reshoot! I remember reading that chocolate syrup was used in some b/w movies. Not directly helpful, I know..but I was thinking they chose that so it would be a solid contrast to everything else.
  5. I’ve learned a lot from everyone’s feedback, thanks!
  6. That’s kind of what I was implying. I figure, anything that costs L$1 is worth about that much.
  7. My “screen name” on AOL was CominOut for years!!
  8. Yes..but, until you know, you don’t know that your audience is umm..”sensitive”.
  9. Maybe..LL uses “rejected” Pic of the Day..or needs PS lessons!
  10. So, no one went back far enough?!
  11. Don’t forget, I have a pretty thick skin. I would enjoy debating with a certain someone until he would break down and call me names. So..my feelings aren’t hurt, I just don’t have to read abusive posts if I don’t care to. It’s all good!
  12. But right after that, I guessed something well!!
  13. Ah, got lost. Could also sell at market rate, right?
  14. This may seem dumb, but I often sort by “most expensive first”. That way, the items that merchants believe are worth something are shown first.
  15. Consider buying at the market rate, “buy now”.
  16. Odd that not many people are saying, “This is more fun!” Nobody likes change, but everyone has to deal with change, over the coarse of their lives.
  17. With animesh puppies.. Super Sized Parcels for big ‘ole houses..
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