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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. Out of interest, why are you sneaking around looking inside this person's house? You may be their landlord, but presumably they haven't asked you to fix a leaky faucet or anything. Or does your rentals contract have a "Peeping Tom" clause allowing you to spy on them?
  2. Pamela Galli wrote: Do you have it on or off? I haven't had it off for almost ten years now. [Don't tell anyone, but I am not missing it one little bit.]
  3. Do I win this week's prize for oldest necropost in GD? [Given Ms Ember's political disposition, I suppose her continued absence here is less to do with her annoyance at being seen through as a Linden shill and more because she has slashed her wrists regularly in despair at the current UK government.]
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: I'd also be a little more specific. "Improve the destinations panel" is rather vague. Details really help. OK, make it pinker.
  5. Richtea57 wrote: I shall return to this around 4.15ish with my tip. As Carole's Spirit is around the 16/1 mark I shall ignore the proabale winner,(Annie Power) and go for L'unique at a similar price. Annie Power (despite starting at 2 to 1 on) was classified as "also ran", which presumably means that Ruby didn't actually pull her up. L'unique was the other horse in that category. Your bookie must love you! Carole's Spirit justified her price, struggling in fifth. I don't think she liked the soft going, and that guy sitting on her whacking her with a stick didn't help.
  6. You have to remember, some of the people reading this think that windlight means setting your farts on fire.
  7. irihapeti wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: Not for nothing are ignorant people conventionally described as being "in the dark". i can turn your light on for you if you like My present's so bright I have to wear shades. [Congratulations if you get the cutural reference.] [Hint: I'm a peeping-tom techie.]
  8. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I'm rather drunk. I'd rather guessed that! [still celebrating Mardis Gras, I presume.]
  9. Not for nothing are ignorant people conventionally described as being "in the dark".
  10. Ah, but do they have a "Mile High Club" scenario like the original Orgy Beach did?
  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: My tip for today is Carole's Spirit in the four o'clock, which I believe is the LGBT Handicap - which suggests you should do it each way. [Carole (Franizzi) is a much-missed quondam participant in these forums.] Wut? ...Dres See my edited post for additional context.
  12. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Would it be objectionable that I envision you and Llaz together in a gay sex video? Probably, but only to those who lack your imagination. Dresden Ceriano wrote: (And would it make a difference who's the top?) We'll take it in turns.
  13. Hoshi Kenin wrote: I had intended to take a break from the these forums of the undead, but you keep dragging me back in. Then the strategy is working! Said strategy being to persuade Viagra Linden and the mods to clean up General Discussions (don't much care if they ask stupid repetitive questions in, say, the Role Play forum, although it can be fun to visit and occasionally stir things up) so that inappropriate threads get moved, allowing (un)serious contributors not to have to waste their time sorting wheat and chaff in order to post provocative, but coherently argued opinions. That includes even quondam participants we don't really like, although in the main they seem to have been deterred by the fresh wind of change blowing approbation for well-composed and spell-checked viewpoints. Although some recalcitrants have been taking the opportunity to post kitten pictures. They will be dealt with in turn, but as a lower priority.
  14. Richtea57 wrote: I have to concentrate on picking slow horse for the Cheltenham Festival My tip for today is Carole's Spirit in the four o'clock, which I believe is the LGBT Handicap - which suggests you should do it each way. [Carole (Franizzi) is a much-missed quondam participant in these forums.]
  15. Richtea57 wrote: In my defence, it's early and I have to concentrate on picking slow horse for the Cheltenham Festival That's apparently all of them, unless they are trained in Ireland.
  16. Richtea57 wrote: 'Top Rank Suite', it was as classy as it sounds. They filmed the dance hall scene from Quadrophenia in there. Ah, the Top Rank. They had one of those in Swansea, and once I had been there I realised why my Dad used "rank" as a pejorative...
  17. I spent a lot of my time this weekend looking my wife vacuuming. I was trying to watch sport on the TV at the time. Is it normal for a carpet to need cleaning for four hours a day?
  18. One of my mates in college had a leather jacket he had swapped with Jean-Jacques Burnel. He is now the Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford. [No, not JJ, my mate.]
  19. William Wordsworth must have felt the same way about Second Life when he was alpha testing it back in the 19th century: "I wandered lonely as a cloud . . . " [Obviously, there were problems with the avatar rezzing properly in those days too.] [He was a founder member of the LGBT community too: "A poet could not but be gay . . . "]
  20. I once appeared in a movie (In The Line Of Fire) with Clint Eastwood. You can just see my right knee poking out from behind a pillar in the Arrivals Hall of LAX International Terminal when he, that ugly Russo woman, and a bunch of extras fly in from Washington to let Malkovich try to kill them. Clint looks much older in real life than he does in the Rawhide TV programmes.
  21. I think you have rather missed the OP's point. Perhaps you spend too long in Answers. Or perhaps you should spend more time there.
  22. KaineKatarn wrote: i have checked with the owner of the club and hes says im not banned and other people were getting into the sim no problem I wouldn't believe him; he's probably having a laugh at your expense. Or maybe one of his security staff are. Try and sneak in with an alt.
  23. I found this on the SL marketplace. It doesn't say whether the drawstring is included.
  24. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Not even I'm running Vista anymore. My home network has workstations with every Microsoft OS since 98 - including Vista. There was a Windows 95 laptop on it, but it got rusty. It has just one Unix box, but that multi-boots with several different flavours, depending on which side of bed I got out. No Apple equipment though; I have to draw the line somewhere. [My wife has an iPad, but I told her she couldn't connect to my wifi, so she just plays solitaire on it.] [Except when she wants to check her email, when she goes out in the garden and uses the neighbour's hotspot.]
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