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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. I sympathise with you, I have taken up with all the other MMOs that they should negotiate a common standard user interface, and none of them have taken any notice.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: It was too good to pass up. I shared your assessment.
  3. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: We could relaunch the movie title "The Magnificent 7" with a new twist on the story. That title is at least marketable. ~~~~ The poor minions of secondlife are invaded by the needy and demanding hordes wanting to steal their hard works rather than learn and fend for themselves......The call for gunmen to defend [and ultimately teach the minions how to stand tall for themselves] goes out goes out.... Oh dear, now everybody's going to be posting demanding to be Steve McQueen - and NOT Yul Brynner. [i'll be Robert Vaughn; I shared a plane with him once.]
  4. Pamela Galli wrote: We know of rice, bread, tapioca,banana, chocolate, butterscotch, and vanilla pudding. But not BLOOD for crying out loud! I blame the French. We got the word pudding from their word boudin, which actually means a sausage. And did you know that one of the answers to "what did the Romans ever do for us?" was to introduce the rest of Europe to sausages?
  5. Pamela Galli wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: Well, actually, in the sense that I am full of pity for the numerous desperate souls posting in various forums - not just "Make Friends" which you might think was the obvious place, but then, you wouldn't expect people who had their head stuck up their nether end to ask how to remove it in General Discussions. While I feel like responding to these pleas (well, not by offering friendship; who in their right mind would want ME as a friend!) with suggestions such as, fill out your profile with relevant information, particularly indicating the language you speak (as it's not always clear from forum posts) and the times you are usually able to be online, expressed as SLT - it's no good saying "in the afternoon" or 11pm-2am and not specifying what time zone you are! This, it has occurred to me recently, is treating the symptoms, not the disease. Back in the day, I seem to recall that noobs made an effort, which was appreciated by older hands, and there was a constant influx of new people into social groupings which compensated for those who left, providing a potentially dynamic and vivacious environment even at the dullest of "romantic dance" locations. Nowadays, encouraged by FacelessBook etc, it seems that noobs tend to scream "Add me" demandingly, without offering any insight regarding the benefit which might be conferred by association with them. Where they run into others of a like persuasion, the lack of any significant dialogue almost inevitably eventually leads to an apparently explanationless "relationship" breakdown, with at least one of the parties bemused and confused, if not distraught and hurt. Don't misunderstand me. I am not talking about the "deep" one-to-one connections in which some immersionists find themselves involved. That's partially chemistry, partially boredom (with RL) and occasionally grasping at straws. I am referring to the "group-hug" type of relationships, where there is likely to be an asymmetry between the expectations of the weak and the compassion of the strong. Do you agree with me that there are more lonely people out there in SL because their expectations and behaviour have been modified by other (Anti)Social Networks? I think it is yet another symptom of the plague which this era will undoubtedly be known for, as the Enlightment was: the Entitlement Era. There is a huge contingent of human beings who consider themselves VERY VERY SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT not just to their mums but to the world. * Their time is too important to bother Googling anything to find information for themselves, or figuring out what forum in which to post things. Easier to have the unspecial people do it for them. Same with all mundane tasks. * They dont need a well crafted profile, or to give anyone any reason to friend them: everyone should just KNOW. * They have no skills, but want employment just for being, well, special -- even if they dont show up. You're inspiring me to write a screenplay about the New Slackers. I shall call it "The Ignorant, the Indolent, and the Arrogant". But they won't understand the title, they will be too lazy to look up what it means, and won't care about looking stupid anyway.
  6. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Perhaps you're simply freighting the word "friend" with more significance than others do. It may be that Europeans imbue the word friend with more intimate connotations than our colonial outcasts, since the great geographical expanses of the USA, and subsequent necessity for mobility, has led to a diminution of the quality of "community" that the population density of Europe has engendered. In that context, it is the colonials who are the true "others". [Camus used the word "Etranger", and described exquisitely the sense of dissociation felt by those who had no real friends.]
  7. Caitlin Tobias wrote: I am terrible in rezzing objects and never seem to be able to rez a building without it being some degrees off Sounds like too much Advocaat to me! [i am much impressed by the way this thread has recovered from derailing and keeps chugging along delightfully.]
  8. Pamela Galli wrote: British food has always been a bit of a mystery to me, esp breakfast, and all these weird so-called puddings. Well, I can differentiate between Yorkshire Pudding, Blood Pudding, Pease Pudding, Rice Pudding, Bread Pudding and Christmas Pudding, but don't ask me about Spotted Dick...
  9. Oh dear! You didn't have any friends yesterday. Perhaps you'd better rename it Miserable Monday . . .
  10. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: We can go there and see it in person to settle this small quandary. Forum trip! [More like a flash mob actually...]
  11. Bree Giffen wrote: Don't think too much. Just answer! I don't believe anyone here needs to be encouraged . . .
  12. Sonja Smedley wrote: As you can see this thread has developed into a "general discussion"....so it is at the right place :smileywink: It's what I do, like the BBC's mission statement: "Inform, entertain and educate"
  13. Darrius Gothly wrote: Llazarus? I am getting seriously worried about you lately. Not only have you recently waded into the middle of a fight .. to break it up!! .. but now you're demonstrating an almost tender fatherly concern for the well being of GD. You're not going soft on us now, are ya? My New Year's Resolution for 2015 was to be more condescending compassionate.
  14. You may be right, Qie. I seem to recall a notice about a piece of performance art that was being planned which involved 256 chairs being placed at the intersection of four sims, with coloured pieces of card underneath the chairs, so that when 256 avatar attendees sat down and, at a signal, used an AO built in to the chairs to hold up the pieces of coloured card, they formed the mosaic image of Troi. Then, at another signal, they turned over the pieces of card to form another image:
  15. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Kewl Beans! Did you know Marina is an Essex girl?
  16. Well, actually, in the sense that I am full of pity for the numerous desperate souls posting in various forums - not just "Make Friends" which you might think was the obvious place, but then, you wouldn't expect people who had their head stuck up their nether end to ask how to remove it in General Discussions. While I feel like responding to these pleas (well, not by offering friendship; who in their right mind would want ME as a friend!) with suggestions such as, fill out your profile with relevant information, particularly indicating the language you speak (as it's not always clear from forum posts) and the times you are usually able to be online, expressed as SLT - it's no good saying "in the afternoon" or 11pm-2am and not specifying what time zone you are! This, it has occurred to me recently, is treating the symptoms, not the disease. Back in the day, I seem to recall that noobs made an effort, which was appreciated by older hands, and there was a constant influx of new people into social groupings which compensated for those who left, providing a potentially dynamic and vivacious environment even at the dullest of "romantic dance" locations. Nowadays, encouraged by FacelessBook etc, it seems that noobs tend to scream "Add me" demandingly, without offering any insight regarding the benefit which might be conferred by association with them. Where they run into others of a like persuasion, the lack of any significant dialogue almost inevitably eventually leads to an apparently explanationless "relationship" breakdown, with at least one of the parties bemused and confused, if not distraught and hurt. Don't misunderstand me. I am not talking about the "deep" one-to-one connections in which some immersionists find themselves involved. That's partially chemistry, partially boredom (with RL) and occasionally grasping at straws. I am referring to the "group-hug" type of relationships, where there is likely to be an asymmetry between the expectations of the weak and the compassion of the strong. Do you agree with me that there are more lonely people out there in SL because their expectations and behaviour have been modified by other (Anti)Social Networks?
  17. I have a feeling that Perrie was not necessarily referring to Cutey Booty body parts and the like.
  18. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: I really don't remember them FIFM! [Mary Stavin was GORGEOUS, wasn't she.]
  19. dalocogamer wrote: folks from Texas and/or England...it be nice to see different styles and blends of foods ya know. Like Yorkshire Puddings filled with chili?
  20. You could start by posting your question in Answers. GD is a discussion forum, not a place to ask questions which have simple specific answers, even if you don't like the responses.
  21. Keli will confirm that it's extremely dangerous in LindenLand to get your L, l, I and i mixed up. [To say nothing of exclamation marks!]
  22. irihapeti wrote: agree this guy is thoughtful, helpful and lighthearted carefree and happy even ps. I like this guy (: I would suggest that you reduce the strength of your medications, Iri.
  23. Pehaps the Classified Censorship system is taking revenge for the horrible colour you type in.
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