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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. And stay away from needy, desperate, weak people who don't understand that virtual friends in second life will always come second to actual friends in real life . . .
  2. Nah, your avatar information needn't be affected at all by a clean install of a viewer. If you go and post your question over in the Answers section I am sure someone will cut and paste an explanation for you, although for a comprehensive solution you will probably be referrred to the Firestorm Viewer site. Make sure you give all the relevant details, like operating system, viewer version and what colour pants you are wearing, otherwise they tend to get a bit antsy.
  3. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I don't think I've ever met a creative person who was happy with the outcome, unless they made big bucks out of it. That's why they keep creating. FIFY!
  4. valerie Inshan wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: My God! It's the Fashion Police. [i am currently serving a three month ban for inworld wearing checks with stripes.] Those who banned you for that are just so completely ignorant about what real fashion is. Mix matching patterns has never been so trendy. You'd make a blast on my side of the Channel! :-) If that's how you're dressing in Paris I think I'll stick this side of La Manche. (And none of those patterns are actually checks, so the designers are still conforming!) [Actually Val, I think your medical prosthetic devices are quite attractive. The spectacles, I mean.]
  5. My God! It's the Fashion Police. [i am currently serving a three month ban for inworld wearing checks with stripes.]
  6. There actually is a SECRET way to close a thread! What you have to do is to edit your original post, putting full stops (you might call them periods) in all the right places, then at the end of the post you have to put three exclamations marks on a new line on their own. Try it. It works every time.
  7. Leroy Jethro Gibbs told me, so it must be true . . . Booya! [seagoing types read charts, not maps, by the way.]
  8. Kelli May wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: ... [Greenland is bigger than Austria, and is the largest island on Earth; do you know what the largest island was before the Vikings discovered Greenland? It was still Greenland.] Australia is more than three times the size of Greenland. Greenland only gets the title of largest island because mainland Australia is considered to be a continent rather than an island. Oh yeah? Next you'll be telling me that Pluto isn't a planet . . .
  9. I've heard a rumour that Ebbe is working on a devious marketing plan to persuade everyone to migrate to SL V2, when if the time comes, by anonymously unleashing a plague of tribbles inworld.
  10. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: I'm loving the current geo-political geography lesson. BTW, A lot of us "Yanks" understand the historical importance of and the sovereignty of the Holy See versus the geographic boundaries of Vatican City which is a relatively new entity. Just saying. Yeah, I heard that in WWII a bunch of Marines wanted to storm it from amphibious landing craft - because they had confused Rome with Venice. They were only stopped from making fools of themselves by a wiseguy corporal from Santa Monica who thought he knew the difference.
  11. She's probably studying at that University of Corduroy Trousers in Gloucestershire, where "Playing with Computers" is a valid minor when your main course of study is "Driving a Tractor in a Straight Line".
  12. Coby Foden wrote: dldmlcks5027 wrote: dd I asked Google. define: dd Google answered: "dd is a command-line utility for Unix and Unix-like operating systems whose primary purpose is to convert and copy files." :smileytongue: I asked my mate in SL define: dd My mate answered: "DD is a pretty big bust in rl, but a smaller than average embonpoint in SL"
  13. Coby Foden wrote: What ever they get into their hands, they must try how it tastes. :smileyhappy: Note to self: Do NOT respond to this!
  14. Coby Foden wrote: “There is no manufactured conflict, If LL believe that, why do they provide a means to report abuse?
  15. Has anybody ever considered the possibility that Second Life is the REAL thing, and when we think we log out of it we are actually activating the interface to enter a simulation?
  16. OK, so I post a really artistic photo of a dead cat floating in a puddle with moire patterns made by raindrops and it gets pulled by the mods, but someone posts a baby eating a live kitten and the response is "cute!" I must have missed that day in kindergarten.
  17. Coby Foden wrote: Ok, for any possible inaccurancies, you can blame the data sources where I copied the information. Or my warped sense of humour . . . [On the up side, there will be a load of Yanks reading this forum thinking: "Damn, I thought the Vatican was an island in the Holy Sea.]
  18. Excuse me, but you have omitted both the Principality (like Monaco) of Wales (which has its own parliament) and the Independent Republic of Milton Keynes, which owes no man fealty and only pays taxes so that it can dump its garbage on the rest of England. And then there's Reunion, which is politically Europe's most southern and eastern point, and Saint Martin, which is its westernmost. And of course, if you're working by geographical proximity, Iceland might be considered an island off the Americas, rather than Europe. We won't even mention Greenland, the only country ever to leave the EU. Well, you didn't . . . [Greenland is bigger than Austria, and is the largest island on Earth; do you know what the largest island was before the Vikings discovered Greenland? It was still Greenland.]
  19. You sounded like Storm there, Derek. Well, I believe he used to call his parents, "fodder" and "mudder".
  20. Prompted by Derek's image of his current avatar, shown below, I am inviting GD participants to indicate who they would most and least want in the back of a pantomime costume with them in RL. Or even who they would most or least like to have in a costume in front of them. [But keep it clean, eh?] [No unicorns were harmed in the making of this post.] [This thread is dedicated to the memory of Shergar.] [And really tasty Pastissada de Caval.]
  21. Derek Torvalar wrote: Just the one actually. Aha! You DO have an alt! [i mean the ass in the ass of the ass.]
  22. Oh, I forgot to answer the questions. 1) When did you start your Second Life membership? A long time ago, in a galaxy far away. 2) How has Second Life helped you in real life? It hasn't; my wife still refuses to divorce me. 3) How often do you use Second Life? You don't use Second Life; Second Life uses YOU! If you need your respondees broken down by age and sex, then I definitely qualify.
  23. personaflash wrote: Hello everyone! I'm a University student in England. I'm currently working on my final year paper about Video Games and their Health Benefits. How long does it have to be? Ten words or less would do it, I reckon. Including the title, and your name.
  24. A good friend of mine from the old days only used to bother sorting her inventory when she got to 100,000 items. I think they were mainly shoes, because whenever I bumped into her she didn't seem to have many clothes on. [i, on the other hand, number my Outfits in almost double figures.]
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