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Everything posted by Vulpinus

  1. LincolnGabriel wrote: what do i need to get to put over my home/room to stop people from being to see me and my guest inside? You can't put anything over it to stop people being able to cam inside. If it's your land or you have the ability to set options in the 'About Land' dialog, you can un-tick 'Avatars on other parcels can see and chat...' which at least means an avatar would have to be on your parcel to be able to see you; then you could disable public access so they can't get in. That's the best you can do unless you own your own private sim, I think. If it's a shared residence or anything like that, there's nothing you can do to stop camming inside. please message answer to lincolngabriel inworld....many thanks. Why? No. Bottom line really is... there's not much privacy in SL without some big drawbacks like banning public access and having to whitelist people. By the way, most of us hate ban lines when public access is disabled. Do you really think people are that interested in what you are getting up to? Most people are up to too much of their own stuff to care. If not, tell them to get a life (I really dislike that phrase, but sometimes it fits).
  2. This is an update to Sassy's LSL script to push sales from in-world vendors to the database. I've just added the hash generation (well, it's better than no security at all), escaped the string fields to get around the eaten-space issue and changed some of the field names to correspond with Roscko's php script (because I'm easily confused otherwise). Tested and working with my database with the test data in the example. Thanks again to Sassy for the original. // SaveToANS function and example code// Modified from original as follows:// Hash generation using salt from marketplace// Escape string fields where needed// Remove surplus fields// Change field names to match Roscko's php codestring url = "http://mywebsite/myphpans.php"; // change this to your php code URLstring salt = "1234567890abcdef"; // change this to your saltkey reqid;SaveToANS(string TransactionID, string ItemID, string ItemName, string PayerName, key PayerKey, string ReceiverName, key ReceiverKey, string MerchantName, key MerchantKey, integer PaymentGross, string InventoryName, integer PaymentFee) { string values = "&TransactionID="+TransactionID+ "&ItemID="+ItemID+ "&ItemName="+llEscapeURL(ItemName)+ "&PayerName="+llEscapeURL(PayerName)+ "&PayerKey="+(string)PayerKey+ "&ReceiverName="+llEscapeURL(ReceiverName)+ "&ReceiverKey="+(string)ReceiverKey+ "&MerchantName="+llEscapeURL(MerchantName)+ "&MerchantKey="+(string)MerchantKey+ "&PaymentGross="+(string)PaymentGross+ "&InventoryName="+llEscapeURL(InventoryName)+ "&PaymentFee="+(string)PaymentFee; reqid = llHTTPRequest(url+"?"+values,[HTTP_METHOD,"POST",HTTP_MIMETYPE,"application/x-www-form-urlencoded",HTTP_CUSTOM_HEADER,"X_ANS_VERIFY_HASH",llSHA1String(values+salt)], "");}default { touch_start(integer total_number) { // insert some dummy values for testing these would come from your vending or payment/splitpayment script string lTransactionID = "12345"; string lItemID = "01"; string lItemName = "Super New Product"; string lPayerName = "A Customer"; key lPayerKey = "123456789-abcd-abcd-abcd-0123456789ab"; string lReceiverName = "The Recipient"; key lReceiverKey = "123456789-abcd-abcd-abcd-0123456789ab"; string lMerchantName = "The Seller"; key lMerchantKey = "123456789-abcd-abcd-abcd-0123456789ab"; integer lPaymentGross = 100; string lInventoryName="Inv Name"; integer lPaymentFee = 0; // call the function to insert the data to your database SaveToANS(lTransactionID,lItemID,lItemName,lPayerName,lPayerKey, lReceiverName,lReceiverKey,lMerchantName,lMerchantKey,lPaymentGross,lInventoryName,lPaymentFee); } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (request_id == reqid) { // status will be 200 if the web page replied OK. Check for any other web errors llOwnerSay((string)status+" "+body); } }}
  3. CSV, I've not come across an XLS option for the purchase reports. The issue was that what I thought was the Item ID in the report, wasn't the Item ID even though it was called "Order Item ID". I didn't notice until I had imported the data a few times and wondered why it didn't seem right. I ended up having to combine both the CSV export report, which had the buyer and recipient, and the TXN CSV export report which had the actual Item ID albeit sometimes in one field and sometimes in another, just to be extra annoying.* Anyway, that's done now and everything seems to be working as expected. *I've just spotted why that is - I had a comma in some of the item titles which has then got involved in the CSV commas in the export. Note to self: don't put commas in things that are going to be CSV'd.
  4. Ahh - you need to detach the ear, rez it on the ground, rez the other parts, then position and link the parts to the ear. Then take it back and wear it. When you are linking them, make sure to select the ear (if it is - photo isn;t that clear for me) last, that way it is still the root of the whole object. Also, if it's the whole head and not a detacheable ear, same intsructions apply for the head.
  5. As Venus said, you can't link items while they are attached to you - and you probably shouldn't be trying to anyway. All that is required is to right-click on the item in inventory that you want to attach to yourself, select 'Add' to make it attach to its default place (if it has one - if not it will go on the right hand) or 'Attach To' and select the correct body part. If you want more than one thing on that place, just do this for each item. If you have done 'attach to' and it is not moving with the body part, you've either attached it to the wrong body part, or something very weird is going on. For instance, attaching to the spine will not make a wrist watch move with the wrist. If it still fails, then we need more info on what exactly you are trying to attach and to where. ETA: The onle exception (although not really) that I can think of is some sort of animated pet or follower that attaches. Even that should show some movement with the body part though.
  6. I just want to say thank you Sassy for this info, and the video. You really could not have made it much easier for people to follow. And to Roscko too, for saving me having to read the wiki and make the changes myself. I read it anyway to check, but that's me. It took all of about five minutes to do the whole thing. Shame it then took an hour to sort out the ridiculous market place reports into a format that I could use to import and populate the database with my existing transactions. Stupid marketplace! Withing a few minutes of going live, my first new order had been added to the database. Nice! I would have given the buyer a discount for being so helpful, but he bought a freebie. Spend some money you cheapskate! Now to write a fancy vendor. Thanks Sassy!
  7. This is a longshot. Firestorm have just released a public beta, and it brought to my attention a bug which as far as I can see is not limited to that beta, and which has been going on for some time, and not just in Firestorm either. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6925? It seems that attachments and HUDs are randomly removed when tp'ing... sound familiar? I've not seen the issue myself, and I am using the new beta. From briefly reading it, it seems very random but when you suffer from it, you really suffer from it.
  8. It is... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/how-old-is-your-avatar/td-p/2929828
  9. Heh, NSA are getting sneakier every day! Still, they already know more about me that I do, so... here's me in a couple of guises. I actually fed quite a few through the website, and it's fairly consistent. Quite impressive for the NSA! Looks like I'm the wrinkly of the group so far.
  10. Ooh... I'm not far off that now with my sales since I made a gadget a month ago. Been wondering what to do with it. Thing is, I could easily spend it in five minutes. It isn't that much; I'm temped to just keep saving until I know. However, if someone just gave me 50,000 and said, "Spend it," then: A couple of good yachts Some 'furniture' from Dutchie for my mansion. That could use the whole 50,000 easily, I would have to choose carefully. That animated belly dancer model that I saw outside KRC and finally tracked down. Just for fun! (although, I would rather find someone real willing to be my dancer...)
  11. I Bree Giffen wrote: I'm not sure what the mesh bodies and faces use. Maybe someone else will answer that. I can answer for my Niramyth Aesthetic. The head is 1024x1024, torso has three 1024x1024 textures (front, back, arms) and the lower half has two 1024x1024 textures (legs, pelvis). Wow - that's quite a lot really; I hadn't looked until you mentioned it. Plus it has specular and normal maps for each of those. Double wow! (more accurately, triple wow) It does look good though; I wouldn't say it's a waste or unnecessary on the avatar itself. I would rather spend the pixels there than on a wall or a table. I do use a couple of big 1920x1200 monitors though.
  12. Now this is a good idea - thank you! I only just got to see Phaze Demesnes before it closed thanks to a post in GD the day before. Looking forward to lots of new places to visit...
  13. LaskyaClaren wrote: It's a lot more fun and flattering to picture oneself in combat with dragons, but the truth is more often that we are really just shooing away annoying rodents. I have no idea what historical events you are all talking about, but that quote is worthy of a signature line!
  14. It usually happens if you've clicked a link from somewhere that takes you to the MP, and the link contains the language setting of the person who made it. The MP is just stupid enough to remember that and ignore your own language preferences until you change back as shown above.
  15. Take a look at the body I mentioned above. It really is good, if you like the bodybuilder look (properly done!). It is very adjustable, can use your own SL head if you want and blend the skin to match yours and the support is second to none. There are a few thousand market place items available for it now, and it's only been out a month. Even I make stuff for it. Just search the market place, and there's a link there for in-world models. There is no demo you can get, but plenty of people on the Niramyth group will be happy to show off if you ask. Me included.
  16. Chic Aeon wrote: As far as I know, TMP is the only male body out there. I am guessing that SOMEONE SOMEWHERE must be working on one that works a bit better. But we do know that men's clothes, accessories etc just don't sell like the gals stuff -- hence limited choices these days. There are several, I've recently bought the Niramyth Aesthetic Enzo. It's very good, and there's an updated HUD coming hopefully today/tomorrow with a much improved alpha sectioning. It's also a lot cheaper then the full TMP, which I am too cheap to buy.
  17. Yep - mine failed too. It fails every time. Go here to download the update manually, then run it to install: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Updating should not have any effect on your inventory, although you *might* need to clear your cache and let it all redownload if things are badly messed up by the failed update. That's never happened to me though, once I download the updated viewer manually.
  18. Nice car! We did a month-long tour in a blue one of those some years back, when the weather was nicer than it is now. There's no way I could let Mrs. V. practice on my toenails, simply because my feet are so ticklish that we would end up with nail polish all over the ceiling. She loves a foot tickle, but I won't let her near mine... she has an evil streak though at times! That paint idea is really quite good. I might suggest it; I have some touch-up kits in the garage... It's certainly a less expensive idea than buying a new car to match the nails. Madelaine McMasters wrote: When I drape my left hand over the door and wiggle my fingertips, I'm irresistable. I can picture it, and I bet you are!
  19. ZoeTick wrote: The confusion is entirely yours, in considering that real men and imaginary men are non-intersecting sets which comprise the whole universe of men. In fact, I am suggesting that the set of real men has only one member, myself, that imaginary men are the null set, and that the wearing of open-toe sandals is confined to a subset of men who are not real men, which is also a subset of men who are not real men who believe they are real men and can therefore wear whatever they like, including open-toed sandals while not on the beach. Does this clarify the matter? To quote a now familiar phrase, NO In fact, you are clearly more confused then ever because, prior to this statement of yours, I had concluded that you were female, and therefore not a man, imaginary or otherwise. My sincere apologies is this offends any female members of the forum. In fact I had surmised that you might even be an imaginary woman, since a real woman would likely be less concerned about with the sandal status of a man's feet and more interested in the size of the aforementioned feet (in which matter the wearing of open toed sandals is a benefit to visual inspection), given the usual proportional relationships. Or, she might not be interested at all, or only as a matter of curiosity, if her preferences lay elsewhere. In closing, perhaps I should mention that at this moment in time, I am sat at my desk wearing open toed sandals, having just been outside to empty the kitchen waste. It is dark and I do not enjoy the popping feeling of slugs under my bare feet. The sandals are, however, the only thing I am wearing because it is unseasonably warm. If I were an imaginary man, I would at this point assure myself that this makes me a real man, however, I am a real man and therefore do not need such reassurance or even to consider the matter.
  20. ZoeTick wrote: Vulpinus wrote: Real men wear what they want, beach or not. Perhaps you are only familiar with imaginary men :smileywink: On the contrary, I have yet to meet any other real men. You seem confused... it sounds like you are disagreeing with me, yet making my point, simultaneously. Please consider: 1. You have yet to meet any other (than whom?) real men; therefore you meet only imaginary men. Ergo my suggestion is correct. Also, you don't get outside much. 2. You consider men who wear open-toed sandals away from the beach to be imaginary men, and the only men you meet wear open toed sandals and are not on a beach. Ergo my suggestion is correct, if only in you own mind. Also, you live in a hot place where sandals are cheap and real men are real men, and have comfortable feet. 3. You are a hobbit, and thus find the very thought of sandals confusing. As an imaginary character, you consider yourself to be real and men (assuming you mean Homo sapiens; are hobbit males called 'men'?) to be imaginary, regardless of their sandal status. Also, you are a figment of you own imagination and thus I should not be talking to you. Get out of my mind! 4. All of the above. I await clarification without wearing my sandals (I am not at the beach) in order not to increase your confusion.
  21. ZoeTick wrote: And open-toed sandals? Ewww, no real man would wear them except on a beach. Real men wear what they want, beach or not. Perhaps you are only familiar with imaginary men :smileywink:
  22. Ahh, so it is temporarily attached by something in-world, directly to you, rather than something you are really given and have to attach from your inventory. (using llAttachToAvatarTemp for us scripters) I think we would need to actually take a look at the game site and try it, to know anything more. I would, anyway - I've not used that system. I have my own guns :smileywink: I can't think of any particular reason why it would work not work for you, based on the current info. Best bet is to try and contact the game admin.
  23. Just keep in mind that doing it this way, by changing the actual parameters of the object, means a much higher load on the server, your bandwidth, and everyone elses' that has the object within their draw distance. The animations are (usually) just a client-side effect - the server sends the initial info, then your viewers do the rest making things animate locally. Nice and easy, very low bandwidth and server load. Now, there are 50 * server calculations and object updates every second that have to be sent out to everyone within range, and updated in their viewers in order to redisply the object. You can see what I mean by turning on the 'show updates to objects' by pressing CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-U and looking at the object. Compare what you see to something running an animation with TargetOmega or TextureAnim. Press that sequence again to turn off the feature. I'm not saying not to do it, but you need to know the consequences of doing things that way. Basically, potential lag. * Actually fewer, you can't do that many even if you set the timer for 0.02s.
  24. In addition to are you actually wearing the gun... Does the gun require manually loading? Try typing 'reload' into chat. Perhaps there is a HUD you need to wear to do this, or the gun might have an automatic reload feature which needs turning on (again, maybe with a HUD). I don't think an AO actually stops the gun working, it just means you don't appear to point it. It should still work and fire at the aimpoint. Certainly that's been my experience with what I've used, so that's probably not the issue. Still best to eliminate everything you can though.
  25. Another common reason for that error message is if you are trying to rez an object on top of another mesh object. For some reason this always fails and you must instead rez the new object on the ground and move it into place.
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