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Everything posted by Vulpinus

  1. I'm starting to learn Blender... (a.k.a. newbie alert) I've made a few small things and sucessfully uploaded them to SL, with a UV map. This one simply won't work though, and I can't figure out why because I'm pretty sure I've done everything right. (but obviously haven't, somewhere...). The mesh is a simple building front (to replace my prim one) with a couple of windows and a door hole to fit an existing frame. The mesh seems fine, I've created eight materials with image textures and applied them to various places on the mesh, and unwrapped. I did have the UV maps all nicely scaled and aligned, but when I exported to .dae and uploaded to SL, all I got was a solid colour on all faces. All eight faces can be selected as they should, but I can't get a texture on them, just the solid colour. I've since done a 'select all' and 'Unwrap' again, and left it at that with no extra tidying up of the UV maps. You can see in the pictures below that blender shows the textured faces, but I still only get solid colours in SL. I've repeated this over and over and got nowhere. Suggestions welcome, please...  P.s. I should probably add, just in case it makes a difference, that I exported my prim build from SL to start this model. Then I removed all the excess stuff to basically leave just a load of planes where they were needed without any superfluous vertices.
  2. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/Why-Things-Were-Less-Than-Optimal-This-Past-Weekend/ba-p/2994441 Sounds like you had some fun there. While I might whinge when things are broken (well, there's not much else to do when I can't get 'in' but come here and moan) I do appreciate the difficulties faced in running such a system. At least, as much as I can without having worked there, but having spent a lifetime (mostly) working in IT from programmer upwards. I suppose I can't even imagine some of the issues that crop up in that unique environment. So basically, I'm saying thanks for getting things working again as quickly as you did. And to April Linden, hope you get some good sleep now! (and nothing else breaks for a while to disturb it)
  3. Well, the current aliens are supposed to be tall grey men, not little green men, so I'm going to go around as a naked grey guy for a while. It's the only way...
  4. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep. (...and yes, SL is fubar'd again right now so I'm looking for alternative amusement...) Seriously though, democracy is the biggest, most vile confidence trick ever in human history.
  5. Yaiza Galicia wrote: and there you go: Unscheduled Maintenance Beat you to it... ;-) (I must be bored... )
  6. The status page has finally been updated. It only says what we know already: Unscheduled Maintenance. Unscheduled MaintenancePosted by Status Desk on January 9th, 2016 at 01:51 am PST[Posted 12:51 AM PST, 09 January 2016] We are performing unscheduled maintenance. While the maintenance is in progress, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may be logged off or experience degraded performance. Please check back here for updates.
  7. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: 666mila wrote: in the USA it's night.... they will fix it? yes, the login message has been updated by hand so there are human beings there and aware of it. Hey, that was your post number 666 in reply to 666mila - nothing omenous there...
  8. Yay, I just joined the "Unplanned Maintenance" group instead of the "Your account might be dead" group. All we can do folks is chill out until someone wakes up the SHTF team and they plug the wire back in that the cleaner unplugged to use the floor polisher. Now I wish I had a dog outside of SL to take for a walk... must find something RL to do...
  9. Majestic Kohime wrote: this is midnight for them.. Oh dear... I think I'll take the dog for a walk then. Oh wait, I only have a dog in SL... erm...
  10. Don't you just love the "unplanned maintenance" message? (not that I've had that yet here)... Unplanned maintenance = Something blew up again and no-one has fixed it yet. What time is it where LL is? I wonder if it's work-time or if they are all in bed.
  11. I'm glad it's not just me then. No, not glad as such, but relieved, let's say. This is happening on all my accounts this morning. Instant refusal to log on na dbeing redirected to status at the website (which says nothing useful) so I can't even ask for support. Not impressed with that... I pay for support, not to be redirected to somewhere else. Oh well, such is (second) life.
  12. Never mind - I finally got it. I realised I had my operands the wrong way around on either side ot the * in the very first way I tried two hours ago. Darn rotation maths!
  13. I really don't see how the script would help... a diagram maybe, but not the script. The script in A simply sends its root's rotation in a message to B, when the rotation has changed. I need to know how to transform that rotation into a rotation that realigns B with A. Really, there is nothing in the script that's anything to do with that part of things. That's what I need to know. Everything I have tried does not work, so what's the point of copying a dozen or so failed transformation formulae? As an example of what I'm trying to do, imagine an aeroplane with a propeller which is not actually attached. The propeller has its Z axis aligned with the plane's X axis. Their Y axes coincide. I need to be able to rotate the propeller so that it stays in the correct rotation relative to the aeroplane when it rotates.* No translation is needed; the roots are centered together. *ETA: A better example, given that the roots coincide, would be a fan inside it's housing. Move the fan housing, and I need to move the fan blades to match.
  14. ETA: Never mind - I got it. Confucius say: make sure to get the operands the right way around the *. Well, he actually said, "Don't quote me". This is boggling my head. After two hours I've hit the whisky and decided to ask for help... I have a linkset , A, with which I need a script to align a second linkset, B, with, but not with the same axes. The two linksets' roots have different rotatons when in position and I can't change that easily. With A aligned with the world, and B in position, B's rotation in the edit box is <0,90,0>. When switched to local, B's Z axis moves to where the world X axis was, and B's X axis points down, aligned with the world Z but downwards. Why does something that looks so simple cause me so much of a headache? My script needs to rotate B when A is rotated into any orientation (A sends a message telling its rotation when it changes - no problems there) so that it remains in the same orientation with respect to A, as if they are joined (which they cannot be). At least their roots are centered together; I'm grateful for small mercies. Please help before I finish my bottle of Macallan :)
  15. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: when an avatar sits on an object, it becomes a child of the root prim, no matter where it is sat. so, it only moves relative to the root. Oh, of course. I really wasn't thinking straight (I blame last night's cheap tequila). Thank you for straightening out my brain. Yeah, hierarchical linksets would be wonderful, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting.
  16. Before I think I'm losing the plot, I thought I would ask... Should an avatar seated directly on a child prim that alone has an llTargetOmega rotation, rotate with the child prim? Because, it isn't. If I unlink and sit on the same (now single) prim, I rotate with it, but not when the child is linked. For clarity: only the child prim has a sit target, I'm sitting on it, and only the child prim is rotating with llTargetOmega. And I'm not rotating with it. Arghhh!
  17. If you haven't got to the bottom of this yet, just check the move/view joystick configuration. In firestorm it's here: Preferences / Move&View / Joystick Configuration Are the "Enable Joystick" and "Build" checked? To be honest, I have no idea if it's your issue, or if these things can even be turned on if you don't have the hardware. However, I use a 6-axis controller and I can exactly simulate what you see by enabling "Build" in that dialogue and leaning on my controller with an object in edit. Perhpas it's turned on, even if you've no hardware there, and it's getting spurious data... Just a thought.
  18. Thanks Que. I think I had figured that out at one point. As you say, it makes no difference anyway. I've tried adjusting the texture all around that range to no effect. This is actually just the latest time that I've revisited this problem; I first made the screen at least six months ago. I've adjusted the texture so that it ends a little after the end of the object.. So, even if I extended the cut of the cylinder to lengthen it, the texture that would become "visible" would still be transparent. There is nothing anywhere near either end of the object that isn't made transparent by the alpha channel. And yet, the line persists. I've even gone as far as putting my trees in the middle of a double-wide (actually 2.1x) frame, with the rest transparent, so that I can set the repeat at 1.0 and make really sure there is nothing visible near the cut edges of my object. The line persists! The only way I can minimise the effect to almost gone, but not quite, is to move the texture so that the segment of the cylinder at the end has no visible texture on it. But, I want texture there. If I extend the cut cylinder to the next segment (with no visible texture on it), I still see the line when aligned with the original segment, looking through the transparent next segment.,No difference whatseover. I've manipulating the position and cut of the cylinder, but always get the line back. As I said previously, it appears as if the viewer is trying to draw the side/edge of the face itself with my texture (not the cylinder, but the surface's face's edge); like looking at the cut edge of a piece of paper. Given that the face has zero thickness, I'm getting the randomly dashed single pixel line that can only be seen when I am in almost perfect alignment with the end of the object, looking into that 'edge'. Unfortunately, the further away from the object, the wider that 'perfect' alignment position becomes. At this point, I'm pretty sure it's a bug or limitation in the rendering engine. Oh well, life is too short for things like this. That's why I gave up before. I just try not to stand where I can see it. If anyone's curious and bored enough to take a look, you are more than welcome to give me a shout in world and I'll give you the screen to play with. Otherwise, I'm giving up again for now.
  19. Thanks for the reply. I know about that, but I can't get it to work this time. The cylinder is cut 50% so the single repeat is 2.0. I've tried stepping that down to 1.9 and it makes no difference to this issue at all. I'm not sure it's the same thing that's going on. I've played for hours, changing the scale and twitching the offset, and cannot get rid of that dashed, moving line. I've realised I see it when looking exactly towards the cut end; as if the viewer is trying to draw a single pxiel thickness at the edge (not the actual thickness of the cylinder)
  20. A small but irritating problem that's been bugging me, anyone know how to get rid of it? I must be missing something... (like a brain!) I made a simple privacy screen for my land; some trees with transparency around them so as not to look like a straight wall at the edge. At the very edge of the screen, if I view from just the right angle (which I seem to do a lot) there appears a dashed vertical line, which moves up/down and the dashes shorten and lenghten as I move my viewpoint about this 'critical angle'. If you've seen it, you'll know exactly what I mean. The single pixel wide dashed line is the colour of whatever I use for the fill-in in the image where the transparency is (white if I leave it absent).The alpha channel is fully transparent at the edges both sides of the trees; I checked. If I take an in-world photo, it looks different or does not even show up. The picture below was a screen shot instead. Changing the texture offset and scaling has no effect on the phenomenon whatsoever. Setting alpha masking (which I use) or alpha blending makes no difference. The texture is on the inside face of a cut and hollowed cylinder. All other faces are the default transaprent texture. 
  21. I think in this case, the best suggestion is to forget about it and move on. Is it really worth all the effort and (I assume) stress? Life's too short...
  22. Yeah, back in. And all my bots are right where I left them. No, not bots, I mean friends. FRIENDS I tell you!
  23. Same here, and for a lot of other users too. "Unscheduled Maintenance" apparently... Get on with fixing things folks - RL sucks right now, there's nothing on the telly.
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