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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. Syo Emerald wrote Thats not correct and incredible unsensitive. Do you think they deserved to be shoot for drawing a cartoon? Assuming things like you do now is your projecting on the case, and i'm not unsensitive, i only refuse to howl with the crowd, it's a disaster for the people involved, but in a few days we will wake up in the morning and just go as we always did. Call me unsesitive but i bet you'r not different. In a week you also will eat your chips or pizza and laugh with your friends as two days ago.
  2. yes... freedom of speech, but your freedom ends where it damages mine, freedom doesn't mean you can say everything.
  3. invisiprims are left behind long ago now, the changes in the viewer don't support that anymore, think you have to find a new set of teeth
  4. you'r quite some time inworld, i'm really very surprised you didn't encounter viewing problems before while using those far outdated viewers. No mesh support...you really must have seen strange things.
  5. sounds good.... but ... if your machine can run SL quite ok, it might be wise to wait a year till there's more news about SL2, if the whole world is changed a lower spec machine might. like on slgo. run perfect.
  6. you have to set a streamserver up yourself, or rent one inworld, after that put the stream info in your vdj and start .... thats all:)
  7. that's 1 % of the people online at a normal quiet moment, around 0.5% when it's busy... not really a amount that will bring any company excited to jump up and run.
  8. how about this ?.. http://www.digitaldjtips.com
  9. this kind of requests often make my brows raise a bit, Why can't you be friends with non creators? ....... you like to friend only?..or get support for own designs...ór free try outs for new releases?.... i won't put you in one of these boxes, but after being inworld for 8 years i know these requests often aren't meant without profits in one or other way. Send a IM to them inworld, you'll hear if they want to be friends or not
  10. this kind of requests often make my brows raise a bit... you like to friend only?..or get support for own designs...ór free try outs for new releases?.... i won't put you in one of these boxes, but after being inworld for 8 years i know some things often aren't meant without profits in one or other way. Why can't you be friends with non creators....
  11. in my opinion the current choice to hide or show usernames /displaynames at clientsde is the perfect solution. If you don't want to see simply hide it. For reasons mentioned above it's needed to be able to see the accountnames.
  12. all you need to know about is normally in the manual as delivered with the item. Resize and coloring is mostly done by huds there is no apllier needed if you buy something what's meant for builders you have to make textures yourself based on the item you create keep in mind older body shapes have the bulge set way too high for the attachements, you will have to lower that setting to have a good positioning
  13. scroll a bit down and see there were more AMD issues.... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Second-Life-Tech/AMD-at-it-again/td-p/2874086 search option isn't added for it's nice look only
  14. your system info is ok, but what are your graphic settings? you might find the cause there
  15. Deliza, i'm not questioning you but just one thing .... don't you go a bit too fast?... you put the most basic questions on the forums and already planning to buy a sim? i would really reccomend to slow down a bit and think twice before doing this big steps, sims are expensive toys
  16. what i also wonder.... does your friend have access to that alt account?..that would raise all red flags for me, you are responsible for what happens on that account
  17. next step we also should mention our income, savings and prove it with tax forms and salary slips? in all contacts inworld i see this stupid behaviour more and more too, voice?..age..? .where?...phone?... facebook?...please get a life this is my second one, don't need all that. All you need to know when we meet is my name and looks inworld, you like it?...start a talk, if not, move on
  18. you can't meet the requirements a bit... it's total or not...... it are laws where LL also has to comply to. If you can't you also can't agree to the users agreement with LL, being participant/ having a account on SL is a official agreement bound by laws, less free than most people think.
  19. depends a bit, but as soon one is really handling your ticket it can be a matter of minutes/hour before it's restored.
  20. perhaps read the grid status page... it's sometimes a very usefull place for information http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  21. LL needs that info for USA laws, as account in SL you simply have to apply or log off /delete your account, as soon you log in you confirm you agree to all LL states in their TOS and policies. if not.... don't give them the info, but don't be surprised you wil never see a dime of your L$ back
  22. if it's that bad i would hit the red cross in the right upper corner and simpy log off and wait till LL calls me in person to promess me to never do it again....such bad boys there in SF ... spank them
  23. my email settings are ok, every mail they send for advertising and announcements, IM's and more of that comes in my mailbox, but the replacement is not received ... of course the animations are gone.... of course it's still in the AO itself, but it's gone again as soon you try to replace it in the FS ao. and still no response from LL?...what a great service to their customers, downgrading to basic
  24. perhaps you should use the search... only really for sale is listed there, and you can sort on price, maturity and size ... traveling will keep a lot of good parcels out of sight next to that i see you are sooo willing to buy land, but have almost no experience or knowledge how things work, it's not to scare you off but think it would be wise to read a lot more before you put a lot of real money in it and get a huge disapointment when it doesn't work. If you need to resell it's a big chance you will loose a lot, the market is very bad.
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