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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. rent a sim full or homestead and close the open acces, thats the only way to really keep people out
  2. when you think banlines improve your privacy you'r not totally understanding the annoying flashing banlines for your neighbours and everybody who walks around near your land the use of privacy settings in the about land is more usefull, so that others can't see you when you'r on your parcel. Most estates don't allow banlines but support the use of security orbs with a warningtime +10 seconds
  3. go here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/bd-p/MakeFriends
  4. your question should be in the employment forum https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment
  5. did you try search?... it's a nice function on this forums, ánd a great feature at the www called google there are a zillion topics about requirements
  6. Alwin Alcott

    Hair Find

    how about ask the creator of the picture?... or oh wait... you could try looking at MP yourself!
  7. create a special rezz parcel, and set it to another group, people who aren't in the landowner group can't rezz more than the parcel limit
  8. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Categorized_Library
  9. i'm not sure it's possible, at start it was only possible for new members to use the L$ payment, excisting customers could only keep the CC payment info
  10. when you click on the help from the TMP itself it would be clear only CREATORS can sign up for adjusting their clothes so the answer is short : no you can not use the things you have already. the male body is still in beta, and only god knows how long they milk that out ... 10K before you have a full base ....without clothes or add ons
  11. YES it is possible without prims or scripts, but only when you own land that has 1. no limits in terraforming ( most private sims) or 2. when you own mainland and the terraform limits are close enough to lindenwater +/- 4 if i'm not wrong if you can't get this two the prim /script solution is the only other way to get the visual result.
  12. most likely your firewall blocks some ports, give free access by a manual rule and try again
  13. when you buy mainland the owner sets it for sale for a certain amount, next to that, as soon you own it you go pay LL monthly fees for the use of the land : USD 195.00/ month 65,536 Entire Region USD 125.00/ month 32,768 1/2 Region USD 75.00/ month 16,384 1/4 Region USD 40.00/ month 8,192 1/8 Region USD 25.00/ month 4,096 1/16 Region USD 15.00/ month 2,048 1/32 Region USD 8.00/ month 1,024 1/64 Region USD 5.00/ month 512 1/128 Region USD 0.00/ month 0 0/128 Region the more land you own, the higher the monthly costs. Keep in mind you raise to double as soon you go over the sqm limit, not just for the sqm you exceed. (example: for 1024 you pay 8 usd, but for 1025 directly go to the 2048 payment of 15 usd) the most you find for sale are privat sims, no mainland ... privat sims have a monthly additional cost of 295 usd ( to all amounts VAT applies if your country laws demand that)
  14. This position should only be applied for if you are: - Reliable - Independent - Dedicated - Experienced - SL Work Ethic Responsibilities: sure...all needed, but if you can't even put this in the right forum you can ask yourself if you have it yourself...
  15. addition to previous answer, if you have a router/modem there's a huge chance you have a firewall on that too next check if your ports aren't closed
  16. if you'r not sure you can reset your pw at the login page secondlife.com but perhaps try first indeed the caps lock / numlock ( you have numbers in your name so that could be causing it too)
  17. It s up for some time. Nearly all OS grids are accessable for free. And most allow hosting your own sim connected to their grid...
  18. @ Aeriabella disappearing mesh / not showing up is 99% caused by your own graphics or connection, clear cache, shut down , restart router/modem, wait till router/modem is rebooted, and than restart your machine and relog in a quiet region, stay there do nothing till your inventory is fully loaded again and than have a second look at yourself. Be sure to use the official viewer for the case you need help by LL ( they will ask you to do that if you didn't) Not solved 1 ? have a look if your firewall block some ports for sl ( firewall on your machine AND router/modem) Not solved 2 ? Send in a ticket and let LL look at your account Not solved 3 ? contact your isp btw... there are only residents here on the forums, LL will not come with a answer here.
  19. if you already lost his name after a few hours .....well... go to your chathistory you can most likely find him there ...or be prepared to browse your chatlogs in the appdata folders, but than you need to know the name or dig up all the logs till you find him
  20. how about look for a gesture shop at marketplace and start browsing.... or go inworld...or.....make yourself, you have the signs and you can add any soundfile you find as long it's limited to sl's rules
  21. and here the final answer go to group profile and uncheck show in profile ... can also stop getting groupsnotices or chats there
  22. perhaps i didn't read far enough, but what;s : New features: Internal improvements for premium users?
  23. going into and stay in Gor is a total free choice, being member of something implies some behavior and choices, but you still will be free to do what you do, and responsible for your own actions. As soon you'r Out Of Character nobody can demand actions of you or put restrictions on your choices. I know some are a bit... well bit.... very... ... strict in their rp, but as long you'r having a healthy mind and healthy look at RP it's not needed to start a thread like this, as soon you'r to deep in and it controls you this bad you need some distance and get your feet in reality again..... you'r the boss of your own life .(or should be the boss)
  24. simply solved... use the search in your own inventory if the item is there already
  25. you can see in the order history
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