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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. perhaps not the most usefull response you get here but did you use search? perhaps your answer is here already ... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=labels%2Clocation&location=forum-board%3AYourAvatar&q=maitreya
  2. what to do?...ehm take off the smiling AO... thats making your face more scary than a black hole
  3. lind ehomes have on structural parts, including fireplace, nothing else and nothing counts against the prim use, 117 prims are available, thats normally enough to have a nice decoration ( if you take some time to search for low LI furniture)
  4. simple... no you can not remove items from your linden home other than you rezzed yourself
  5. most likely has nothing to do with your computer or second life, but in spite you think your connection is good, it most likely is not. you can try a few things: shut down your computer, shut down your router and modem for few minutes be sure to unplug them, restart modem, than the router and finallt your computer if that doen't help add Google's DNS servers, do not remover your ISP onse, but add it, have a look here http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/
  6. you have to wear the alpha for the systemeyes, and . the mesh is a little to large for your face ór it's a bit to far out. Try editing to bring it a little deeper, or use (a hud? if it's delevered with one) to make the eyes a little smaller
  7. add the paypal at the same page as your debit card was: billing info be sure your paypal account is verified or it will still not work.
  8. well if after 4 pages you still don't understand there is nothing to talk about or share about SL2 you should perhaps try reading from post 1 again there is no SL2 there will be no SL2 useless to share thoughts about it, unless you'r in some hidden secret pre alpha group to develop the new platform, not very likely that will be on this forums.
  9. no, not really unless you find something exactly fitting and rigged the same way as soon you really want to use it for daily things you need alpha's designed for that body, and stops being free, thats their business model...
  10. you can add a credit card or verified paypal to your billing information at your profilepage, and buy your own L$ Even as basic member you can do that, no need to become premium As premium you will get a 300L$ stipend every thuesday, and the extra bonus after 45 days
  11. you can try another browser and if you'r not a premium you simply can let the account for what it is, just don't log in at it anymore, in that case you can come back whenever you want later
  12. you can ask your landlord, but lot of rental companies have a covenant that mentions "no refunds". And because you accepted the covenant by renting they might keep you to that.
  13. if it's mainland, you'r premium, so send in a ticket to LL or ask in life chat chance is you want be able to get it back, but you can buy new one if you'r on a private sim, send a message to the landlord and ask if it's still available
  14. my advice would be to find your way in sl first and not step into business before you know basics inworld
  15. if yo plan to go sell blocks with a texture i reccomend you think twice but indeed the textue upload will be 10L
  16. it costs AT LEAST 10L, the 10L is only for textures, mesh items can go much higher
  17. legal entity is indeed just a real person, able to handle your business and subject to taxes if you'r without job i would recommend you find somebody who has knowledge about income in your case... earnings from sl are seen as income in most countries, so you can expect questions in case you don't fill it on your taxforms
  18. it's quite simple LL needs to be sure they transfer the money to sombody who is a legal entity, they will provide this information to the tax departments. If you don't provide the information it's quite simple too... you won't get your payment, but also not get the money back to your account inworld.
  19. yes i could, but you posted it in the general discussion, and as long i keep my comments between in line of the community standards i can respond to it. Taking comments that don't agree with you as "rude" only shows your limitted understanding of discussion.
  20. https://www.google.nl/search?q=creat+AO+in+second+life&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=jK1AVbnrOsXl7gbGxoG4DA#q=create+AO+in+second+life
  21. we also could discuss the breeding habits of the green and bluestriped purple spotted sparrow, but would be useless too
  22. i don't know what you mean by platinum, but you only can use paypal when it's a verified paypal account, connected and confirmed to your bankaccount and/or creditcard
  23. W95?.. omg even the support for XP will be left behind in a short time, it's really time to grade up, drivers won't save you anymore
  24. great you are at Uni, hope they will finally teach you to read too ..there will be NO new second life, not in name, not in world, not in anything, it will be different. I fyou are in such need of a clone go to Open Sim
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