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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. if you want to change just a tp routing you can set that for every seperate parcel in the "about land "
  2. try again later.... this might be the problem Rolling Maintenance Main Channel [Posted 4:47 PM PDT, 6 April 2015] We will be performing rolling maintenance for regions on the main Second Life server channel on Tuesday, April 7th, beginning at approximately 3:00 AM PDT. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects, making inworld L$ transactions and remember to save all builds.
  3. support you can't change it yourself
  4. at first... when you think it's in the wrong place, why don't put it at the right one? next.. did you check the grid status? it's on the front page of secondlife.com there are restarts, thats always giving some problems to some or all residents. Try again later. Rolling Maintenance Main Channel [Posted 4:47 PM PDT, 6 April 2015] We will be performing rolling maintenance for regions on the main Second Life server channel on Tuesday, April 7th, beginning at approximately 3:00 AM PDT. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects, making inworld L$ transactions and remember to save all builds.
  5. Poet Scarborough wrote: I've never heard of the blob you describe but I do know that skilled hackers can steal whole avatars. Copybot is not dead. yes it's for sure alive, but nothing in this thead has anything to do with copybot
  6. i do'n'see a griefing action in what you describe, going invisible sounds more like your graphics hicked up. the hello avatar means nothing, it's the most basic script of sl.
  7. yes it's ugly, they recommend facelights, the most horrible thing to use to look good, when we would need to be a lighthouse LL would have build a lamp in our heads.
  8. Muletta wrote: To me it look liked, that she only asked a technical question... a technical question isn't packed in relationship troubles, possible the attention for her "bad" experience is more what she intended. Some see what's written differently, that's where forums are for ... when posters expect people only agreeing, don't post here but start a blog without response forms.
  9. you only can change the display name, names given as username are not possible to change. Of course you can always let one rest and make a new one with the name you like
  10. Audriana LittleBoots wrote: , I'm nothing but super nice and let him do what he wants to me. but I don't want to be treated like a door mat. that super nice thing can people scare off... NOBODY is only nice, and allow everything might make them bored very soon. We only have your story here, as i said, ask him ...but... as far you describe it yourself he just had to go .. nothing more. If that's giving this drama already what happens if he really dumps the relationship, step down to rl for a while, make sl optional instead of main subject.
  11. Audriana LittleBoots wrote: I'm in love with I think may have done this to me they said they had to go please help I don't know what to do. for me it looks like you don't trust him ..if i would find one that suffacates me with "love", controls my ways and thinks i'm cheating when a bug shows online ...well i would tell i had to go too, ánd avoid contact. ask himself this forum won't answer your questions/doubts ! And perhaps make this drama interesting for us all by asking him posting his view here too...
  12. the viewer has a nice option callled "search"... next to that you give two other options yourself... MP and go look inworld Good luck! there is so much to discover.
  13. go for animations to the Marketplace or any S/M store inworld, many of them have free boxes with sub animations triggering it at your sub will be depending on scripts in the collar / AO i'm sure the S/M communities can help you better than a general forum as this, but you might be lucky to find a dom /sub here too with experience in this matter
  14. in the about land is the most clear one, but there are many scripts for counting the prims too. If you want toe clean the land periodicly you can use the auto return, set it to, for example, 24 hours and it will clean every day, only owner or group, depending what the landsettings are, will remain. for manual return you can also use the "area search" in that you can see more detailed what is rezzed by others
  15. yes you can, look for lumya or SLGo, (think you know how to use google) or txt only viewer
  16. still... their website is THE place to be, or one of the many groups inworld. You might be lucky if one can help you here, but in the groups you will get a quicker response and inworld assistence
  17. if you want a discussion go to the forums please... answers isn't a place for these subjects ... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Forums/ct-p/Forums
  18. i think you mean you see the names before you log in. That information has not really to do with SL, but thats your pw manager at your computer. Locate those files and remove it manually. Don't know your system so can't tell where you find it.
  19. perhaps too easy ... do you auto login?... your pw will not be changed for the viewer yet, do it manually
  20. eat around it first, you'll get to the fat free part fast
  21. LondieMonroe wrote: Anyway I don't want to make this too long so people don't want to read it.. most people won't even be able to read it in this annoying color
  22. the Linden home doesn't count on the prim allowance. When you shop carefully you are comfortly able to decor your house with 117 prims and even keep some free. If you want more prims, as premium you can buy mainland, but you rhouse will count in that case.
  23. keep in mind the exchange rate for dollars/euro's is dramaticly changed, did you get 1.3 dollar for one euro three months ago you hardly get 1 now, this also effects the amount of L$ you get.
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