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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. this discussion can be very short, if you don't own the rights to sell, publish, multiply or copy, texts, objects, music and so on... it's not allowed. Not in the real world, not in SL.
  2. when yu change the attachment point the unwanted movement is most likely gone, only need to reposition it
  3. reading this post i think you have the need to feel being liked by others and need their confirmation. Be yourself and gain some confidence. it's a bit like nearly all your posts start with "not sure it't the right place" ... just write, post and move on... if it's not right it willbe moved or removed. dont doubt so much And second, don't think people who comment on it are mad, angry or blunt, it's just a response on a message, not your person.
  4. Waisting wrote: nothing good comes up, it's usually either things that have nothing to do with it or cheap skins. I'm just trying to ask around though because I've had many instances where I've purchased what looked like good skin and then it just turns out to be either only the skin and no shape or really really poor quality skin after this you still want something cheap?... you simply get what you pay for, you don't get a premium skin for a give away price, the only way you can try save money is be patient, do hunts, join groups and keep looking, only than you might be able to find something you like for low costs.
  5. assign your friend to owner, and leave it yourself, it will get dissolved after he's alone in it
  6. the search "pale male skin"on MP gives me 966 results, price under 10L - = 118 11 to 100 = 42 101 to 500 = 105 501 to 1000 = 334 1001 to 5000 = 321 think it shouldn't be too hard to find something, sort it on price and you have the cheap ones at top but high qulity for free won't work often, as you see majority is in the 500+ price range be carefull to buy a legitime skin, lot of the cheap ones are illegal copies and will poof from your inventory as soon they'r reported as stolen.
  7. Coventina Dalgleish wrote: PLEASE stop fixing this game and yes it is a game people your repairs are nothing but poorly archestrated disasters this has never happened to me before in almost 10 years and yes before some of you particle scientists point out that I am not that old I have been here longer. Tired of the absurd LL fixes to something that works for the most part great you are here such looooooong time... but clearly still not understand this "game"... there's really nobody forcing you to log in, feel free to leave and perhaps hide and seek is a better game for you, one advice, play it alone so you can't blame anyone else if you can't find yourself.
  8. most likely for the reason you mention in your no complain thread .... as i would do too if you constanly wear high scripted stuff. and quite typical you start with a thread people complain to much while you place this ... move on, there's a lot more to discover .and get banned ....
  9. your own or not doesn't matter, even only using the name GTA is possible to claim, every replicated item either.
  10. EstellaSerrano wrote: It've been making items / texures for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas before for friends.. thanks for the tip. another tip.... don't do this unless you have the publishing rights for this... or you can get into big /BIG copyright trouble
  11. register your credit card, or verified paypal account and buy L$, thats the easiest way. You are able to play sl on a machine of several hundreds of dollars/euro's , shouldn't be too difficult to spend less than 2 dollars weekly for a home. And if it's too hard, go host or dance, thats about the only jobs that don't need building skills.
  12. in addition to the other answers: don't make the textures too large, 512x512 is large enough for walls, 256x256 or even 126x126 / 64x64 for small objects using 1024x1024 will cause longer load times, and LAG
  13. if your recommend something please do it right... firefox won't be very helpfull.... firestom is more likely what you mean and it's normally not caused by the viewer, clear inventroy cache and let it fully reload in a empty sim is the most common solution.
  14. this is not caused by sl but a setting on your machine, you can change it in your sound settings.
  15. you don't get a refund, just not will get charged again and your subscription will stop at the end of the paid term.
  16. possible your shape is no mod for mesh it normally isn't needed to change footsize but wear a alphalayer, when the mesh isn't attached to the right point the feet will peek out without alpha.
  17. stipend is paid every tuesday, and your sign up bonus won't come before you been premium for 45 days nobody is stealing, and LL doesn't read here, we're all residents
  18. you will have to look at another solution, huds and the operating system of your machine have no connection at all perhaps you'r on a no script zone, or should reset the script in the huds, right click /edit and than choose the build menu in your viewer / scripts /reset
  19. jomo, unique, laq, belezza, nivaro, birth, wow, agape, soul, bloch...and many more..... and try one yourself too... if's fun to make and see how looks change with moving the sliders and... skin is for 75%, or more, responsible for the look
  20. hi Wol go to the land manager at your profile page, and raise the level of land use fees to what you want to donate than go to the group profile inwold, and at the last tab you can donate your amount of land keep in mind this only works on mainland, estate land doesn't need leveling up the land use fees, you just have to pay the landlord and deed/or set the land to group
  21. Second Life doesn't send a new password! you get a link to a page to reset it.
  22. this answer i found at top of the list when entering rgb color second life at google.... hope it still works this way, no external programs are needed. Open the Develop menu in your top toolbar and go to Show Info. Click Show color under cursor. You will see some numbers appear at the bottom right of your screen. Ignore the last zero. The other numbers are your R, G, and B.
  23. think you have to look a bit further, if this blows your mind already what happens when you see one of the REAL good ones...
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