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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. when you just save the edited head and keep it without new name on the same folder it should be in every outfit, the outfits are just links to your items. ( perhaps next time also use only caps for the first lettter ... looks a bit nicer)
  2. i really doubt it is true, but doesn't take away my opinion that there should be a bit more privileges for premium members, unlimited time to be online wouldn't even be a bad idea ...
  3. it can be several reasons, perhaps the card is expired? or your limits are reached? For the first one replace the old date with the new card details, the second you can ask LL for a higher limit, or wait till it goes up automaticly/ or the new billing cycle starts.
  4. first try clear cache / inventory cache, relog on a empty sim and wait till the inventory is loaded again. If this not helps you always can do a clean install afterwards and if nothing helps, use the official LL viewer and send in a ticket.
  5. use a normal LL sytem body, you can tweak it as much you like with a good skin your look will not be worse than the most mesh bodies.
  6. scroll down on your buy L$ page, there you see the limits and the time when your limits rise to higher levels btw... we don't buy credits but trade rl money for virtual dollars, Linden Dollars or L$
  7. clear inventory cache, relog, and above all DO NOT keeping relogging and using other viewers, but wait till everything is loaded again, that can take up quite long if you have a decent amountof items, up to 30 minutes or more
  8. of course a system will help you a lot, but if it's for a handfull renters a simple file at your pc will do the same. You only have to spend 5 minutes a week to keep it up to date. A rental system will perhaps even take more time to maintain.
  9. simply click process credit, that should trigger the transfer oftewel, gezien je naam in het nl, op process credit klikken zou de transfer naar paypal in werking moeten zetten
  10. mostly the deduction of your holdings goes automaticly, but keep an eye on it, and for the month thats already in progress you will have to pay the full cycle, only the new billing cycle will get lower.
  11. ehm..now you'r talking about meters.... not regions, so perhaps make clear first what you mean.Now any answer will be a wild guess. A region is a full sim, 256 x 256 meters, 65536 sqm. Till now my answer wil stay, only selling will reduce your payments.
  12. you always can contact support by chat or a ticket, but i think the only way is to sell the region(s) you don't want anymore keeping it empty won't change your landholding and so also not your payments
  13. for the old celluloid movies a frame reate of 27 was enough to let movements go smoothly, a fps in the viewer around that is already quite ok,, a bit less isn't too bad either, but under 15 is bad Most people won't even notice difference between 27 and 50 or more... our eyes/brains are to slow to notice it.
  14. streaming and SL have no connection to eachother, the player in your viewer is just that, picking the music from the internet. Linden Labs servers aren't used.
  15. contact him/her in person by notecard or IM, or file a ticket (chance for help in resident to resident dispute 0.0% ) and you could explain a bit more what happened here.....
  16. as you can see..."we will"... so it's not in progress. Give LL a little more credit, you'r a bit tight.
  17. clear inventory cache, relog in a empty sim and wait a while till the inventory is loaded again... mostly it's solved than
  18. clear inventory cache will remove your local inventory files, and rebuild/re download them from the LL servers, most likely inventory problems like you mention will be solved.
  19. as far i know the only way to keep rain out is keep it out of range, physical behaviour of water and buildings are different than in rl a roof is only for hiding and decor no protection against weather
  20. thats nearly ...and likely... impossible that it's not restarted in 30 days . every rolling restart your sim goes down and comes up, only when a sim is having trouble it's needed to do a manual restart by the owner.
  21. if you own the land you can do that, but be sure first if your covenant allows that and also allows subrenting
  22. it's not easy to know where you find difficulties with the info you provide, but use the manuals... it's really not easier to type all here http://mixxx.org/manual/1.10/chapters/livebroadcasting.html .. or... google your problem, there are many solutioins online
  23. Syo Emerald wrote: Alwin Alcott wrote: Syo Emerald wrote Thats not correct and incredible unsensitive. Do you think they deserved to be shoot for drawing a cartoon? Assuming things like you do now is your projecting on the case, and i'm not unsensitive, i only refuse to howl with the crowd, it's a disaster for the people involved, but in a few days we will wake up in the morning and just go as we always did. Call me unsesitive but i bet you'r not different. In a week you also will eat your chips or pizza and laugh with your friends as two days ago. Apples and oranges. I understand the concept of being free to express opinions, you obviously don't and talk as if the people who died in this attack sort of "asked for trouble", because some things shouldn't be said/published. And yes, I think its not really sensitive in any case to place any degree of blame on the victim for what happened. In fact I do think (according to statements made in the past) that the magazine was prepared for reactions (because freedom goes both ways). They just weren't prepared for a criminal response. Comparing that to the impact this terrorist attack has on my personal daily life is silly. example of projection, nothing from what you write i said or intended, you understand nothing except your own
  24. And i DON'T defend or agree with terroristic violence in any form
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