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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. i don't know what you mean by platinum, but you only can use paypal when it's a verified paypal account, connected and confirmed to your bankaccount and/or creditcard
  2. W95?.. omg even the support for XP will be left behind in a short time, it's really time to grade up, drivers won't save you anymore
  3. great you are at Uni, hope they will finally teach you to read too ..there will be NO new second life, not in name, not in world, not in anything, it will be different. I fyou are in such need of a clone go to Open Sim
  4. you are mixing up two different things, premium membership and renting home are seperate things, unless it's a Linden home. if you were late with your payment and have a Linden home you will have lost the benefits of that cycle and not have a home at the moment. If you rented from another resident you also will have lost the home by now, they normally only allow NO late payment or just a few days. In both cases you should be able to start a new rent/ new Linden home if not able to get a new Linden home, you'r premium so you can send in a ticket to LL for solving this problem
  5. uninstall your viewer, and re install, preferable as admin (right click .exe and run as adminitrator) if that doesn't work, go to the online help section of your viewer, or inworld help group.
  6. i think you get a more to the point answer here : http://www.firestormviewer.org/support/ Firestorm is developed by another group of people than LL.
  7. ehm..did you even try searching yourself? because with your question i get a lot of items in the help section ..to be preciser..50 pages ... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?q=statistic+bar
  8. no you can't sell it as normal objects because tbreedables are no copy unless you are the creator (assuming you'r breeder and no creator). You need to sell it as limited quantity goods, just one is available of each.
  9. you don't need a parcel/land to try it out, when your broadcast is online simply go with your browser to the ipadress(+port) you gave up in your software, if you can hear it in your browser it will also work in sl, (because thats the same source as SL uses )
  10. just curious... how much L$ did you make after the first time it was recommended here? ..
  11. have a look here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  12. i think it depends totally where you are with the vehicle... in public space filing a AR might help, but as soon you enter privat owned land your AR will not help much, the owner makes the rules what can be rezzed or used there. In fact, at private area's you should ask for permission to enter with a vehicle before you even cross the border.
  13. in spanish... perhaps try here https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Foro-en-espa%C3%B1ol/bd-p/SpanishForum
  14. no we don't need place for our store, we just need landlord who can read an put their advertisements in the right place
  15. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EVIAN-DEMOS-SALVATORE/6581039 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Steve-Mature-Skin-M3-by-Unique-Megastore-1-Face-Option-Eyes-Bald-Base/4682557
  16. great for you but next time perhaps in the right forum?
  17. migth be the events calender refuses caps? try again and this time without caps, it's seen as shouting and rude
  18. to add .... a reactivated account what had stipend in the past does not get the stipend back after being deleted/deactivated.
  19. a 2005 account doesnt need to be premium to get stipend, also basic accounts from that time can have a, lower, stipend as long they log in every week. @ OP try calling LL, the phone numbers of billing are Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646
  20. did you, after re-enter you card details, also re-enter the details for what you want to use it?... just paymentinfo doesn't work.
  21. for some stupid reason i thought the french forum was below... even for helpers ...
  22. mosaic Vaniva wrote: i left sl for a while, ... mesh body/ head i cant get it to work. i wear and then click install, then nothing happens left for a while... mesh... nothing happens..... ehm make me think at ... AMD drivers?... old viewer?....
  23. i'm very sorry, but if you aren't able to see the language button you really should go see a dr
  24. by most inventory problems it's enough to clear (inventory) cache, relog in a empty sim, and stay there till your inventory is fully loaded again.
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