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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Rolling Restarts for Second Life RC Channels May 19, 07:00-08:00 PDT We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on the Second Life RC Server channels on Wednesday, May 19, beginning at approximately 7:00 AM PDT. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects and remember to save all builds. Please check this blog for updates. Posted on May 19, 07:00 PDT Note this is an amazing post from the Future! It is now May 19, 02:50 PDT - Can I have the closing stock index numbers for today, before the market opens? Thanks,
  2. The LH Security system did NOT eject the flyer, only sent her a warning. She was banned by another system that auto banned her for legally flying over a Belli parcel, which is not legal. The same auto ban system can be used in the Mainland, where those who feel banning EVERYONE who touches their parcel for 10 seconds should be banned. That is why Bellis is so popular, and Mainland is full of paranoid landowners. LL has no intention of changing that situation. There is nothing illegal about flying low enough to see the landscapes and homes at 51 meters. If anything, a 400 meter and above orb free zone is only used by Jets and rockets that have no interest in viewing anything but a bare outlines of land masses. Or war games I suppose, although the lag might make fighter jets crash. The reason the LH TOS requires a 15 sec minimum warning below 400 meters, is to allow low flying aircraft, including hot air balloons, enough time to safely cross a parcel without being ejected. And of course boaters, and land travelers. No one with a wind powered sailboat that grazes the unmarked parcel water line of some homeowner for a few seconds, as they struggle to get away before their journey is ended by a 15 second orb, has "ill intent". That is a marketing scheme by someone here trying to sell Auto-Ban orbs in Bellisseria. Travelers have no "ill intent" - just one of the dumbest phrases used in this thread.
  3. Just a couple scripts in a sign prim, in your store. I'll send you a scripter and store example.
  4. Yeah I lost my bet and edited my post. Reminds me why I never use the SL Viewer. At least it updated nicely.
  5. I'll bet DD 32 works in the SL viewer. Edit: I lost my bet. Just installed latest SL viewer, and most of the useful chat line commands are missing for SL viewer. Nothing in their debug menu either. FS (and other TPV's) have added those instant command line commands, or retained them from SL V1 viewers. Why do companies treat their users like they all are idiots? Did LL hire some MS folks? So how does Abnor set his Draw Distance to 32 using the required SL viewer for Moles?
  6. I guess you are trying to explain why bots are in SL. Large businesses with tens of thousands of customers probably need bot automation. But there are not that many in that category, and they are usually all in the same region as the main shop. Most of these functions can be handled by a 1 prim sign. No avatar/bot needed, just the scripts loaded in a prim. Smaller businesses and clubs do not need bots to function. We prefer personal attention by the staff. That is why we hire a real-time staff. Group invitations are only sent by personal invite by a staff member - no impersonal bots involved. That allows us to screen group members as well, which keeps the griefers under control. To the OP: Trying to understand SL by finding the bots seems like a poor way to enjoy SL. Maybe it's just a curiosity and you find real live people in SL too, I hope so
  7. Sky Alert: Sky Alert will notify you in chat if someone has been in your parcel and within 1000m of your position for at least 15 seconds. It can only be activated in a skybox above 2000m. LH security systems are free and copy. If you want security in your skybox, you must add one to your skybox. It already adjusts for your altitude, hence adds the sky alert option only in skyboxes. Each LS Security System uses One LI. You can easily adjust the detection limits for a skybox. For instance, here are my settings, from their menu: You may adjust the Security System's upper and lower detection limits. This system is now 3902m above sea level. The upper limit is now 4002m The lower limit is now 3877m I also have the LH system installed at my Stilt House at sea level, but I have no reason to ever turn it on. I have a large hungry sea mammal swimming under my house, and if you peee on my deck while visiting it will have you for lunch.
  8. If by "they" you mean the LH security system, they already meet all those requirements, other than forcing everyone to use the LH security system. No reason for the same settings, as long as they meet the LH TOS security rules - I set eject time to 60 secs so I don't dump folks out of their hot air balloons. And then I turn the security OFF, because I am not doing something illegal on my land.
  9. Who exactly locked your account? There was a long discussion about logging into a TRUSTED FRIEND'S account a few months ago. The SL TOS is ambiguous about this, warning that you are responsible for who has access to your account in a later SL discussion, and they are not responsible if you do so. Not going to go there again - just that MANY do allow a trusted partner access to their account in reality in SL. Just don't ask SL or brag about it. And of course there will be zero support for that in this forum for the usual reasons... Alts are fine, it you have the resources in your alt accounts to create a photo - eg the avatar skins, shapes, and clothes.
  10. Does same thing happen in Firestorm? I exclude llplugin\dullahan_host.exe, SLPlugin.exe, and SLVoice.exe from my antivirus program.
  11. If you get the yellow box warning of a restart, it's not a crash. A screenshot of "the region is going down" would be useful. Crashes usually just happen, often with your screen going to black and white first. A short restart of 1 to 2 mins is typical now, if it is just a normal server refresh. Also some Linden owned regions restart on Friday's. Linden Realms and PaleoQuest games for instance. Sometimes with a 60 sec warning and some with 240 second warning. They all restarted on April 23.
  12. I think this could be a hint of a future Bellisseria Linden Home theme/region. Check out all the other characters in the preview video - they didn't just come in off the street in those costumes, well unless it was the Castro district. Patch hinted a future theme would be out of this world, so perhaps this is the start of that campaign. Getting more Premium members $99 USD to join is still LL's new income stream. BTW, that progress bar goes much faster after it has cached in your browser, about 1/2 second for me.
  13. I was comparing it to the SL Photo, and the RL model was a woman (I think). So you used a male Catwa head on a female body, which is why I said the head looked like a guy. Trans girl is what I should have said, but it had the head shape of a man, so that's what came out. No insult intended, and not sure what your chosen gender has to do with building an SLavatar that looked close to the RL photo. You didn't say it was your normal avatar, with blue skin, so why would I think that was you?
  14. As noted in OP, Robin's store and creations are still available to admire at her stores at Livingtree. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Livingtree/117/124/25
  15. Point Taken... Marketing will change their Main page to this image next week, after they commission their production company partnership team to produce this picture with real models:
  16. 10 mins is just some text message inserted in Tillia's software because there is no way they can predict execution times less than that. And as they say, 10 mins could be 10 hours, since they can not predict the future. As I said just bid a a price in the money, where the software will always execute your order first and you only lose 1$L in exchange rate which is trivial. I think I assumed you always did Market Instant orders, which is really only for the financial "impatient", to be kind.
  17. No 249 was listed as 10 mins, so I use 248 and it executes in minutes. The minimum "wait time" is always 10 mins with Tillia's software, even if you will accept 100 L$/ 1 USD. But if you are first in line, you get instant execution. If you want to see how many orders are ahead of you, look at the live market transactions, updated every 15 seconds on the Lyndex. If there are only 10,000 $L at 248, and since First In FIrst Out is the algorithm, your wait will be very short. Paying directly in USD avoids all these trading games of course, and avoids the new fees.
  18. I am not Rathgrith, but I made the post you are asking about. I won't reveal the company here, but it's one of the top five SL land companies in holdings, and the name begins with Z.
  19. Go 1 Linden farther and your Limit Order will fill in minutes. And there is about a 750 $L savings using a Limit Buy order vs a Market order. The 10 min wait was for 249 $L/USD. Enter 248 and its only a few minutes. You still save about $3 USD additional on a $100 order before the fee increase with a Limit order:
  20. Some landlords have taken rent payment via PayPal or credit card for years. After all, LL insists you pay your land tier in USD, which they take from your Tillia $ balance or PayPal or credit card, and they charge no fees for this. So why would a private land company not be allowed to accept payment in USD, just as LL does? My land company has always allowed this. Here is the web page where I would make a direct payment from my Paypal for monthly parcel rent: If I bought Lindens each month to pay my rent, It would cost me $50.65 x 1.075 = $54.45 USD/mo. A difference of $54.45 - $47.15 = $7.30/mo more to buy Lindens with the new fee schedule. Of course I could do a Limit Buy for $48.82 plus 7.5% fee and save a few bucks, but most Residents don't know about that, and just use the market price and buy through their viewer. If your private landlord does not accept dollars as payment, I guess you could always suggest they do, or find a new landlord.
  21. That would be a 225% increase in a Premium account! Possible, but might be too pessimistic. Mandatory 2FA, Premium increase, a fee for Basic, and closing down all Adult regions! That would satisfy the bean counters, the paranoid, and the prudes. That's the ticket !
  22. The simplest answer is a Linden made a typo
  23. In my Firestorm, all 40 zoom levels work perfectly. Are you running out of memory to cache the tiles? Slow internet connection? I thought the tiles were all loaded into AWS site.
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