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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Inara Pey's web blog has an interesting discussion of the AWS servers when SL was moving to the AWS cloud back in November. https://modemworld.me/2020/11/19/ll-confirms-second-life-regions-now-all-on-aws/ They are all located in Oregon at the present time. (We have banned all up to date Big Maps here for security reasons - the real reason the Big Map doesn't work.) * * or not.
  2. Just doing my part to keep the thread active
  3. It's a small hit to the middle class, just like RL taxes. Mainand tier is not charged any fee with a connected paypal or credit card with a balance available. Private island land (rent from land companies) is often charged in lindens though, so that will increase land costs somewhat. But larger land barons also will accept dollars from your paypal directly, so you can avoid the linden purchase fee that way.
  4. Your membership is charged in dollars, not Lindens, so this Linden purchase fee should not affect you. Unless you buy Lindens of course.
  5. I am waiting for the next shoe to drop: The elimination of the Basic free account entirely, after the usual "one month free trial" offer. PIOF will be required to pay dollars or currency equivalent to SL to log into SL. A fee less than Premium hopefully, with a reduced or no stipend payback. This should cut SL active membership to at least half of present as most of the Alts drop out. But that won't look good when claiming millions of members - just count prior accounts as potential pay accounts even if 3/4 of the inactive accounts are the same people, or dead people.
  6. The old LL data center in Arizona had expenses of electric power, and a small staff to maintain the server farm. There was no per server fee, since all the servers purchased in the past had been fully depreciated. At least this is what Oz Linden, VP of Engineering said before he retired in February this year. AWS charges per use which he said was greater than LL's prior costs when in house by quite a lot. AWS did not save LL money, and will only be more economical if SL expands capacity and membership. The savings occur when new capacity is needed, since there is no more need for capital investment in the hardware. But at least for now, AWS is costing LL more than their aging in house servers. This is ignoring all the things AWS has broken, and is costing more LL engineering ($$) time to solve.
  7. And nothing has changed since then. Are you looking at Q-anon websites? Bill Gates and George Soros are watching you ! If anything it's harder to even figure out your correct city now, than it was "back then".
  8. Oh I know, am waiting until after the roll to submit my complaint to Zoha. The new breedable farm group also has 4 avatars using 1000 scripts total and consuming about 20 times the CPU time as anyone else, and they are there 24/7.
  9. My region's been zapped by some new breeding farm moving in, and taking advantage of the 30K LI limit. Will see if the SLS roll can help this mess:
  10. They are just distractions and gimmicks, same as sploders, guess the answer balls, contests, and flashing lights. Some club owners think they are running a carnival instead of a music club. The music and DJ are usually secondary at those clubs.
  11. Yes, they fired the painter recently. And painted the stilt trim in the rain. No wonder it's already peeling.
  12. Finally The Radeon HD 7480D IGP was an entry-level integrated graphics solution by AMD, launched in October 2012. Built on the 32 nm process, and based on the Scrapper Lite graphics processor, the device supports DirectX 11.2. It features 128 shading units, 8 texture mapping units, and 4 ROPs.
  13. Not so. The LAST person to work on the Big Map code was Philip Rosedale (Philip Linden, founder of Second Life). Philip stopped his technical (programming) work in SL around 2007. Philip is still around, building new worlds, and I doubt even he remembers what he coded 14 years ago. The problem was since the Map continued to work, more or less, that SL management never assigned anyone to maintain the code, much less prepare it for the AWS liftoff.
  14. Oh! I thought it stood for Very Insignificant Peon. No wonder we don't agree
  15. What?! Do you even know what VIP means? It's just a group tag for the club - you come in, ask for a tag so you can follow our events, and you get a group tag, You don't have to wear it, and it does not say VIP. There is only ONE category for group tags. Most of our regular patrons (VIP's by definition) never wear the tags. Your comment about drama and our club members meaning "drama ahead" makes zero sense. But then you don't DJ in SL because the pay is too low compared to RL. You people are funny.
  16. You use a male avatar? I always cam the avatar before I greet, since the gender is not always obvious from the name
  17. Just a difference in club owners I guess. Hostess or not, the DJ's are expected to greet and interact with the guests at our club. I think the reason our club was started was because one of the owners, the manager, felt other clubs were not personal enough with the VIPs, and the DJ's were too aloof or distant. So she quit as manager of those clubs and started her own with an owner who could afford the region. We've been going for 14 years now, same owner and manager and location, so we must be doing something right.
  18. I do everything you suggest, and more. and I still find the time to greet everyone, VIP or first time visitor. I always make a playlist, as a backup. By the time I have played 3 or 4 songs, I have adapted to the crowd and requests, and throw the playlist out, more or less. Not everyone can do that - they need pre arranged order. If I have 100 songs on my QUE list, I probably play 30 of them - the rest are from reacting to the crowd and integrating their requests into my theme. I also know enough about every song/artist I play to at least pronounce their names correctly and know what country/state they are from. Yes, I am busy all the time working that way - and sometimes I am 5 mins late greeting someone, since I am not the hostess. I don't work in the pop/electronic music clubs - we have older more "classic" patrons. The hardest part is playing new songs and artists for them, since it activates new brain cells, but I still try.
  19. Well Sid I agree with most of your comments, except the above one. If a DJ misses greeting a VIP, many will feel snubbed or ignored, and leave. And they sure won't tip you if they feel ignored. Of course you can bunch your greetings to one slot in between songs. I heard a DJ once fade out the song and say Hey, Hi Hello every time someone new arrived. Talk about messing up the song. But since it was EDM or trance music noise, nothing was really missed. Still, how am I going to get a clean copy of that song on my reel to reel tape recorder with the DJ talking over the music? The hostess is the greeter in our clubs. I worked at a club where the owner installed a Bot at the door as the greeter. Such a stupid impersonal idea, it was probably why his club failed. Remember the sweetest sound most people hear is their own name. I get newbies say "OMG he mentioned my name!" occasionally. For someone brand new to SL, being recognized in a crowd can make their day. (Well, at least once.)
  20. And you would never be hired by our club with that attitude. We expect our DJ's to voice - how frequently is up to them. Some after every song, Some every 3 songs. Some every 6 songs. And most, when it is appropriate, by greeting in voice our VIPs and newcomers alike, by announcing requests and dedications, by helping celebrate someone's rez day or birthday, or engagement, and by announcing a newly released song or new band. Of course if all you play is Top 40 from a 10 year old playlist, there is nothing new to announce. Our most popular DJ's voice, make the crowd feel welcome and wanted, and some even tell bad jokes. We are entertainers that use the music to set a mood. We do what any good DJ should do. And our DJ's work the crowd. They do NOT just play some pre planned playlist while they have a beer. They take requests, and play them! Unlike many clubs where the DJ refuses a request because "I would have to review that song first, or some lame excuse". Some think their pre-planned playlist, played in order, is so wonderful that a request would ruin it. Arrogant and lazy DJ's don't get too far at our club. If you want to only hear a continuous impersonal music stream, tune into an internet radio station. Just typing in local chat is not personal, and in fact many never see it. Our local chat can move so fast, because we talk to each other, that the DJ's pithy text comments are lost in the noise. Some couples choose to remain in IM, and never see the local chat. But they are listening to the DJ's stream. I sometimes send an Alt to a popular music club, where 60 inside the club is the norm. Many of their DJ's just play music, seldom voice or greet or interact with the club in any way. Then I check the actual number of unique listeners to the DJ stream. With 60 patrons, typically 30 are listening. After all since the DJ is nearly invisible there, they just listen to their own music. They also don't tip when they are not listening to the DJ.
  21. Good advice thank you. maybe i will find a new place to hang out in Most if not all clubs do not allow local chat Drama - period. As everyone has advised, take any personal issue to IM with the hostess or DJ. If you argued with the hostess in local chat you violated the etiquette of the club. Do not blame the club, or the DJ's, when you were at fault. Sid's advice blames the club, AND the performers for drama they had nothing to do with. And not all DJ's play at other venues. Hanging out at another club is just bad advice - when the club staff were only doing their job. Let the club staff handle personal drama, privately!
  22. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/468184-farewell-soon/ You need to get out more. Oz's going away party was Friday Feb 26, and was televised live on youtube SL TV.
  23. Joint accounts, rights of survivor, etc. are common in RL. These are private accounts, and SL should have a legal procedure to allow access to another account IF both parties agree. Account sharing is the norm among married couples, partners, trusted friends etc. This is not about giving a stranger your account information, bank info or soc security number, and is not even a relative argument. Yes, if your partner dies in RL, and there was a RL legal agreement before that allowed you access to their possessions such as a Will, then SL must obey civil law. But if your partner or family member gave you their password in SL so you could clean matters up in their account, then SL says that is illegal. You should not have to die to give access to a partner's account. In any case it's a moot point - since sharing an account for a business or personal reason is not unusual in SL. When a rule is too rigid with no exceptions, then "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is the norm, which is what the TOS comments later admit. My partner often forgets her own password, and manages to lose it in Chrome too. When she trys to get it sent again by asking SL support, they ask her things she cannot remember, so they treat her like a criminal, and she gives up. So she asks me to send her her password - 100 times easier than losing her account. I guess the TOS would call that criminal. Ignore bad rules! The world is full of them
  24. Logging into to someone else's account, with their full approval (written if necessary) to provide temporary help that would be possible in NO OTHER WAY, should be allowed. This is none of SL's business. If there is an agreement between the parties, then it does not break any reasonable civil or criminal laws, and rigid "rules" that are not enforceable or reasonable must be ignored or challenged.. I can think of so many examples where residents would not be able to log in to SL at all, if there was no one to help them. But what does SL care about the sick, the disabled, the aged, the confused, their parents, their grandparents, anyone but themselves? Fortunately helping a trusted friend or partner is commonplace every day in SL, despite the "company rules".
  25. I really doubt any such rule as "you are not permitted to log into another person's account" ever existed. Probably some techno-nerd who's life experiences end when they turn off their computer screen wrote that, or the self appointed SL police spread it around. You can give your password out to anyone you TRUST. It's up to you to know who you trust, but probably your RL wife, or a 10 year long SL partner might qualify. SL is not liable for any damage you incur by letting a friend use your account. Long ago when I was a sim admin for a property company, I would find newbie residents who rented a parcel and bought a new house, but had no clue how to rezz it so it was aligned to the grid and did not overlap parcel boundaries. Or deed the radio to the land. The only way to help them was to log into their account and set their house and radio up for them. Trying to train them could take days, and most were already overwhelmed just trying to walk in a straight line. (And before someone says it, asking them to give us Edit rights was also beyond their abilities at the time.) They had to trust the company admins to help them. If they rezzed the house at 23 degrees off the grid with 10 meters overlapping their neighbors, and refused help - we just returned their land fee and objects, and kicked them off the land. We did suggest they change their password after we were finished - in fact we insisted, since they were not our trusted friends.
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