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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: ...The marriage, and Monohan, didn't last long. For som strange reason that reminds me of a line from one of my favorite books: "She had buried three husbands and at least two of them had already been dead."
  2. Contact Linden Lab at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  3. Aethelwine wrote: So that suggests that to me at least that there is a strong sense of community on SL, and a desire to allow people the freedom to explore. Oh yes, there is that too fortunately, it's not all dark. But as you say, the selfish - or maybe it's more about the thoughtless actually - spoil it for others. It isn't actually hard for landowners to set up their land with good security and minimum disruption to others, and - to see it from the other poitn of view - it shouldn't be hard for travellers to understand that they can't just barge in everywhere and act as if they owned the place. Most of those problems are unnecessary. There shouldn't really be a need for this discussion at all but there is of course.
  4. Aethelwine wrote: I would think that functionality to protect your home, within its walls or precisely defined areas would be a selling point. No it isn't because so many people in SL couldn't care less about others. Second Life has a very strong culture of distrust and selfishness. It's I, Me, Mine and Nothing Else Matters. That is the essence of the problem and there's no techonological solution to it because any such feature is worthless if people can't be bothered to actually use it.
  5. Alwin Alcott wrote: you simply keep in denial that others pay for your enjoyment, land is just less worth when you have to allow others on it all the time, there's no point to buy it than. Visitors on my land don't cost me anything, I have to pay the tier anyway. By keeping my land as open as possible for everybody I get to meet lots of interesting people, I get more green dots showing up on the big map, I hopefully help a little bit making SL a better place for everybody and every now and then one of the visitors becomes a good tenant and/or customer.
  6. Christhiana wrote: I don't want to log onto SL only to find that a boat is stuck in half of my vendors for the past few hours. There's always autoreturn. This is what works for me: Most of my rentals are sized to fit the 4x4 m grid so the inside of the house can be partitioned off as a separate parcel Scripts: anybody Object entry: anybody Build: group only on the house parcels, anybody elsewhere Autoreturn: 1 minute inside houses, 5 minutes elsewhere Most of the houses can be screened from outside view and/or sound if the tenant want it (most don't actually) but again, only the inside of the house. No ban lines - ever! The only exception is the KimKy store. I can't have autoreturn there because the vendors can't be assigned to my landowner group and that means I had to restrict object entry and building there too. So far this has been enough to prevent all object littering and land griefing on my land with no problems for my tenants and a minimum of inconvenience to visitors. As for intruders, I generally expect people to respect each other's privacy. If there are problems, I usually just assign the tenant to the surpervisor role in the group so they can ban and evict intruders themselves. Lockable doors help a lot too. It's not foolproof of course but it still stops the vast majority of intruders. Even so, there are cases when a security orb is the only option. Some people are concerned about stranegrs entering their homes while they're away, I don't know all my tenants well enough to entrust them with ban/eviction rights and there was this case where two tenants turned out to be old enemies... So if a tentant wants a security orb, they get it. The settings are: The orb only covers the interior of the house/skybox and the space 30 m above and below. Warning time is ten seconds (plenty of time since the orb's range is so limited) The rude default warning message is replaced with a friendly one. (And of course, one that mentions that there are lots of other lovely houses for rent in the area. I don't think I ever got a new tenant that way but it's free advertising and you never know.) Unfortunately I can't do anything about the neighborhood. The worst thing are the unattended no-autoreturn parcels. The only option you have to keep spammers and litterers away, is to fill them up with invisible phantom prims. That of course means no vehicles can enter them.
  7. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Hopefully since the prim is over LL protected land they will remove it. Unfortunately the owner of the 56,000sqm can put it up again over their land most likely. Yes but at least it won't cover the public road etc. and that really is the main issue here. One more ugly ad sign on a map so littered with garbage already doesn't matter nearly as much as that.
  8. Oh that's a bad one! To add insult to injury it's one of those garbage gacha resale places. It's always worth sending an AR. Linden Lab doesn't usually act on them but sometimes they do. Fingers crossed
  9. Fessy wrote: fps from ctrl+shift+1 menu I mean sims where about 50-60 peoples on small zone like 20x20m That sounds like a seriously overloaded place, I don't think you can expect better performance than that even with the strongest gpu in the world. To reduce your gpu load: Lower Avatar Maximum Complexity (100 000 may be low enough but in a crowd as dense as that you may have to go even lower) Lower the draw distance Reduce your RenderVolLODFactor to 1 If that isn't enough: Switch off Advanced Lighting ModeI'm sorry about that but fact is, a place crowded with more than 50 modern high ARC avatars is simply at a completely different level of graphics workload than anything else you're ever likely to ask your computer to do.
  10. (This post may turn up twice. I posted it and then edited it and suddenly it had vanished without a trace. Not sure what happened - I may have hit Delete rather than Edit by accident - but I'll try again) Tytia wrote: It was a limited gacha item. If it's a dodgy gacha reseller you can try this if you like: Go to one of the store's listings Right-click on the page and select "Show Source Code" Look for the line starting with <meta name="keywords" Copy one or more of the spam kewords (that is those that don't match the item) Do a store search for one or more of those keywords and flag the mismatches - most likely you'll only need one search to flag the entire store You should also open a support case at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ to inform LL of which keyword you flagged the listings for. Also, there are some cases where flaggings seem to get lost in the system and are never acted on but a support case you can reopen and remind them if they don't react. If there are too many TOS violating listings to flag them all, you can just skip that part and only open a support case. (Remember to tell them why you didn't flag, they'll understand that). There was another MP fraud thread here recently and if I understood Dakota Linden's replies there right, LL is very keen to catch MP cheaters so it shouldn't take more than a day or three before they've cleared out the whole store.
  11. Whirly Fizzle wrote: I've never seen the crash logger use that much processor capacity, so I'm not sure what's wrong there. Oh no, it does that all the time. And it's not just my computer, I've heard several others say the same. The leftover crash loggers from earlier sessions don't use any processing power though but they shouldn't be there at all. When I close the viewer, I would expect the crash logger to quit too but it doesn't always. And of course, the moment I start walking in SL, the crash logger gets busy talking to the server. No idea why but I've noticed if it's running and it hits the firewall, ping sim time jumps up to 500-800 or even more the moment I touch an arrow key. No such problem with the crash logger disabled.
  12. Whirly Fizzle wrote: Don't delete the win_crash_logger.exe file. It is used to send in automated crash reports from the viewer. If everyone deleted their crash logger, LL wouldn't get crash reports & wouldn't be able to see crashes that needed fixing. I have to disagree with you there, Whirly because: The crash logger does not quit when you quit the viewer The crash logger uses up to 25-30% of your processor capacity even when everything runs like normal The crash logger uses noticeable bandwidth even when there are no signs of crashes The crash logger does not ask the user for permission to send data to the developers Each of these points would on its own be more than enough reason to deactivate it. You don't want software as obviously dodgy as this to run on your computer if you can possibly avoid it. Edit: Yes, I do understand that crash logs are very valuable to the viewer developers but if they want them, they have to find a proper way to get them.
  13. Andreaus Beck wrote: Hi when i install the new update it fails to complete and i have to abort everytime i try i keep getting an error about a crash logger or something That's standard procedure. Just click on the ignore-and-continue button. What happens is that the crash logger fails to quit when you quit the SL viewer. It keep running in the background until you restart your computer and that means the isntaller can't replace ti wityh a new copy. In any case, once you have installed a new version of the viewer, open the program files folder and just delete the win_crash_logger.exe file. It isn't doing you any good and it can seriously lag down your computer.
  14. Some advice? If you're renting on mainland, at least put a little bit of build on the ground, jsut a few trees or other plants that fit the surroundings Place the sky platform at least 1000 m above the ground Don't bother with ban lines, they don't work at sky platform heights anyway. As to where to rent, well I'm not going to recommend any of my competitors of course. We're friendly competitors but there are still limits. You're welcome to contact me in-world though, I'm sure I have roomfor a build like that at my place.
  15. SIeaze wrote: The brains are inside the catwa mesh heads Oh, so it isn't the usual hair base thiingy then?
  16. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I saw that text in the post summary and got excited. I thought you were talking about this... http://iupac.org/iupac-is-naming-the-four-new-elements-nihonium-moscovium-tennessine-and-oganesson/ http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/01/04/461904077/4-new-elements-are-added-to-the-periodic-table ;-). Maybe she was. Nihonium exists for only a thousandth of a second and the other three aren't exactly remarkable for their longevity either. Just like the changes Karen Michelle managed to document here.
  17. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: when the process works normally it uses almost no CPU. I'm afraid that's not correct. It's not uncommon for it to use more than 25% of cpu time even when everything works as normal. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: the more crash dumps that get to viewer developers, the better, so it really is preferable to kill the occasional runaway crash logger than disable it altogether. Oh, I didn't think of that, very good point and more than enough reason on its own to kill it. A crash logger that reports back to the developers without asking the user for permission first is completely unacceptable and not something I will ever allow to run on my computer if I can possibly avoid it.
  18. Sassy Romano wrote: Second, based on the ratio of flagged items to the store owners sum of products, if that goes above a determined threshold, the whole store gets taken offline. Ummm, do you mean that's how it is or just the obvious: that's how it should have been?
  19. Interesting. It's not the same thing though. If you look at the list of factors affecting LOD I posted in another thread, the Firestorm JIRA describes #2 and/or 3 on the list, while the hexagonal cylinder is clearly related to #4. The elongated cylinder becoming a hexagon issue has been in SL for as long as I've been rezzing prims here, it just didn't occur to me until now it has any connection to the z LOD bug. It's conistent, it is affected by RenderVolLODFactor and the LOD model always switch back and forth at the "right" distances - that is the distances that would have been right if the z dimension had been 0. What the Firestorm JIRA describes is LOD delay or LOD hangup and that's a very different issue. A newly rendered object gets stuck at too low a LOD level. Increasing the LOD factor won't improve the LOD here, if it has any effect at all, it only makes it slightly worse and once the right model has been force loaded, it stays correct. This is not a new problem either but yes, I do think it has grown steadily worse over time. I don't know why and I may be wrong anyway.
  20. Cordelia, I'm neither wrong nor right. I just tell you what the server statistics say. So if you want to accuse somebody or something, tell the server it's lying, not me.
  21. Errr.... this is the merchant section of the forum so the question many people visiting here are likely to ask are: How do we get our hottest fashion items and/or Venues included in the HUD? Just asking in general, I don't do fashion nor venues myself.
  22. Alwin Alcott wrote: Nearly all from the same shop. Wow! Nearly 900 items in that store! That's the most massive single person keyword spam attack I've ever seen. It's going to be very interesting to see what LL does about this.
  23. Have you looked inside your head recently? All avatars have something like that inside them. It's that bald hair base. Nobody uses the old system hair anymore of course but it's a mandatory part of the avatar so you can't remove it. The solution is to shrink it down so it's hidden completely inside the head. This is the first time I've seen a designer making something out of it though. Most of us are hair brained,.
  24. Pamela Galli wrote: I don't understand. Those don't look like a cylinder and tube. I know but that's what they are. Easy test to do actually, although perhaps easier horizontally than vertically: Rez a cyliner and a tube and place them right next to each other, rotate the cylinder 90 degrees around the y axis. Apart from the UV mapping they look absolutely identical. Make them 64 m long and 0.1 m in diameter and look at their ends. The end surface of the tube is still circular while the cylinder has degenerated into a hexagon.
  25. For those not familiar with that particular bug: A mesh' LOD is of course dependant on how well the LOD models are made but it also depends on the "switch points", the distances the different LOD models are applied at. The switch points are calculated according to the overall dimesions of the mesh and should be fairly easy to determine. But some meshes have much worse LOD than they are supposed to have. What happens is that if a mesh has three or four faces, its dimensions along the z axis is ignored. Usually the difference is barely noticeable but if such a mesh is very tall and thin the bug can have a huge impact. Linden Lab has never shown any interest in fixing the issue, nor have they been able to explain how such a weird bug can even exist. Anyway, I had a thought it may have something to do with prims. After all, the whole LOD model system we use was originally made for prims and then implemented on items - first sculpts then mesh - it is thoroughly unsuitable for. Here are two prim pillars, 6 m tall and 0.1 m in diameter:  The difference between them is that the one to the left is a cylinder, 6 m along the z axis, the one to the right is a tube rotated 90 degrees, 6 m along the x axis. So, the z LOD bug applies to prims too but not in the same way as meshes:  Here the cylinder has been hollowed and pathcut so it has six faces and it still suffers from the z LOD bug. I did some more tests and it turns out spheres and cylinders have the bug, the other five prim shapes don't, regardless of how many faces they have been twisted into. This is speculation but I think the explanation is that the bug was a deliberate attempt to save a few polys back int he early beta days when there were only two curved prim shapes. LL then forgot to include it when they introduced three more curved prims later and then they forgot not to include it when they introduced mesh.
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