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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Tarani Tempest wrote: I just wanted to correct you on this. The Classic sl body of course has the added bento bones. Mesh bodies are just worn over top that system ... the basic skeleton is still considered the classic body. Well said, Tarani. I think we need to clear up a common misunderstanding here: there is only one kind of avatar in Second Life. That's the one we call "classic" and it has four mandatory parts: body shape, skin, eyes and for some reason, hair. It can also include a number of texture layers and shape deformers we call "classic clothes". Everything else are attachments added to that basic avatar. Essentially a mesh body is "only" a very complex piece of mesh clothing.
  2. Look in a folder named "Lost and Found" in your inventory. Sometimes you have to relog before the item appears there but it's extremely rare that things just disappear from the land. There are some sculpts and some flawed meshes you can't rez on top of and when you try, you get that rather confusing error message and the item is returned to your inventory. The inventory list is not updated though, so you'll have to relog for it to show up again. If you do a little bit of test rezzing with some item you don't mind loosing, you'll find there are certain spots in your house where this happen. Once you've located those spots, you can simply remember not to rez there - or you can replace the fauty items that causes the error if you like. Edit: It is also possible the item is returned to its original location in your inventory but hidden until you relog but in this case that is unlikely.
  3. My first reply was caught by the cenzorship so I'll try a new one without external links. Was the club named Club Breeze and the sims named DiLemma City and Usonia? If so, it closed in December 2010 when the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation filed a cease and desist letter.
  4. Pussycat Catnap wrote: I have always put up a nice looking 'garden' or ground lot on my land - that attracts the eyes of people... and then a skybox up above 3000m. That's an absolutely brilliant idea!
  5. ChinRey

    Bento on MP

    Medhue Simoni wrote: I'm somewhat confused by what animations you think are needed. For the most part, if someone is making a bento avatar, then they need to animate it themselves or give an animator their files and have the animator make the anims. Things like wings, tails, fingers, and facial animations can be animated with rotations without having the meshes at all, as long as those bones are not moved. All that said tho, if someone is making any bento avatar, then they need to do some of their own animations. Yes and making good smoth natural looking animations requires a different skill set than making good mesh and there aren't that many people in SL who have experience with both. Also, people will want to personalize their avatar's animations. This is probably not a big issue for nonhuman avis but for the human ones you don't really want exactly the same facial expressions and exactly the same hand gestures as everybody else regardless of how good the default animations are.
  6. Syo Emerald wrote: Good idea, but not an option for her. She said she lives in a Linden Home and Linden Home owners aren't allowed to place skyboxes there. Except camming into a skybox is just as easy as camming into a house on the ground. With Firestorm, right-click on green dot on minimap or find the name in the radar list, select "Cam" and there he/she is. I ocne got an IM from a guy who had cammed in on my avatar from 11 sims away and wanted to say hello.
  7. In the little we have of sales statistics every listing you have ever had in your store is included and there is no way to remove them. It can be a nuisance but it's not really that much of a problem in the long run. Eventually the inactive and deleted listings will end up right at the bottom of the sales stats, well out of the way of the listings you are interested in watching.
  8. That depends on where your home is. Some regions, including the Linden Home sims, have covenants forbidding commercial activities but most don't. Land prices vary a lot, depending on location and how much the seller believe they can get somebody to pay. If you shop around a little you should be able to find unspecified nothing-special-at-all mainland land for 0.5 L$ per square meter. You certainly should be able to find it for 1 L$/m2. Parcels with higher or - for some weird reason - lower quality tend to cost a bit more, sometimes a lot more. Please note that there may also be additional monthly tier to pay if you buy land. As a premium member you can have either a Linden Home or up to 512 m2 of mainland for free. But if you want both at the same time, you'll have to pay a bit extra. (Edit: or you could do as Lindal suggested, play music and let somebody else take care of the boring bits about land and house and such. )
  9. Correct, that is not allowed. I suppose you actually could have different prices if your MP and inworld stores were owned by different alts... That would be an interesting case. Another possible workaround is to make the MP package just different enough from the inworld one you can claim it's not the same one...
  10. You put a huge flat prim across your entire parcel 399 m up in the air with your spam on the top surface. As Alwin said, make absolutely sure you don't extend it outside your borders because your neighbor not only can but most likely will delete it if possible. If you have the decency to make the bottom and sides of the prim invisible, your sky billboard will only be a nuisance on the map and for skyboxes located so low they're asking for trouble. Edit: On second thought, did you say it's a marina? Are you really sure it's a good idea to use an advertising trick that is going to make you mighty unpopular among people who depend on the map to navigate, such as boaters?
  11. First, go to the log on page at secondlife.com and click on the Forgot password link to get the password reset. You better do that as fast as you can - every minute may count. If that doesn't help (that is, if if the phishers have changed the email address for your account), you need to open a support case: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and hope LL is able to sort it out.
  12. ChinRey

    Bento on MP

    Callum Meriman wrote: But Bento boxes in themselves are a wonderful lwork of art. I am going to blame the Lab for picking a tasty food based name. Yes. I feel especially sorry for the poor creators who have made bento (in the RL meaning of the word) related items and are now going to be falsely accused of keyword spam. Quite a few of them on the list too.
  13. ChinRey

    Bento on MP

    Nalates Urriah wrote: Laugh or cry... or may be just exercise patience. I know. Toady told me their first Bento avatars were coming up soon. They just had to rerig them since they were made very early in the process and don't match the final skeleton. But that wasn't my point, it was all those merchants who try to capitalize on the latest buzzword and the presumably many buyers who are taken in by it. Says so much about human nature. Nalates Urriah wrote: The best way to find Bento stuff now is to follow blogs like Strawberry Singh's and Mesh Body Addicts. You'll find the designers working with Bento and then you can follow them. Thanks! I doubt those blogs are going to mention the kind of Bento avis I'm interested in myself but it's a good tip anyway. Apart from the tragicomedy of fake overly creative advertising, the one worrying thing is what the animation makers are going to do. So far the answer seems to be not very much but it may be they're just waiting to see what meshes that need animating turn up. People like Toady and Flea and Medhue are fully capable of creating their own quality animations of course but those guys don't make the dollatars that are going to be featured in blogs and make up the major part of Bento's potential market. Most mesh makers will have to either learn a new craft from scratch or rely on the experienced anmiation creators if they really want more than simple mechanic movements that grow old fast.
  14. ChinRey

    Bento on MP

    I know this is rude of me but has anybody tried a search for Bento on the MP? How many actual Bento related listings are there among all the "Bento compatible" body shapes and hairs and who-knows-what? And should we laugh or should we cry?
  15. Ormand Lionheart wrote: What he says does happen on mine GTX 780. Yes, I've noticed it myself since Arton mentioned it here. I sometimes have to increase the graphics setting to improve render speed and reduce render failure.
  16. MattMonroe wrote: The consequences of the actionsof a few unethical people are being overlooked and we are at a loss to stop these consequences from taking place. I am not saying that the consequences have only one cause but it is without a doubt a major contributing factor. It is indeed. In the past, especially between c. 2005 and 2012, Linden Lab made a number of serious strategic mistakes that have hampered the development of Second Life. Some of them are only easy to see with hindsight. Others, like their failure to implement effective measures against abuse and fraudulent business practices at an early stage, they really, really should have anticipated. But they didn't and it's much harder to fix it now than it would have been to get it right from the start. The people working with SL at Linden Lab today are actually working very hard and well trying to fix mistakes of the past. We don't usually notice this since it's such a slow process but if we look closely, we can begin to see some results now. I think it's too late to "save" SL and judging by what Ebbe has said in interviews, so does LL. (I don't even think it's possible to slow down the decline anymore but they should manage to keep it from accelrating.) But this is way off topic. I really hope you don't give up and manage to find a new and better sim for your place. But that's up to you of course.
  17. Qie Niangao wrote: See Tyche Shepherd's gridsurvey for true historical SL metrics such as Median Daily Concurrency. IMportant for everybody: remember to do as Qie did and include an important disclaimer when referring to gridsurvey.com in general: Although Tyche Shepherd is doing her best to maintain the statistics, much of the data she used to rely on haven't been available for several years and she does not clearly distinguish between the statistics that are still reliable and those that aren't. So always remember to check the timeline to see when the statisitc were last updated. The concurrency data is still updated btw so the graph Qie referred to specifically is one of the reliable ones, apart of course from the fact that it coutns the number of accounts logged on - there's no realistic way to determine how many actual users that number represents. The number of active users is not one of the figures LL still publishes but in June last year Ebbe accidentally slipped that the number had dropped below one milion for the first time. If we stipulate a decline rate similar to those of the concurrency and sim count figures, we'll probably end up somewhere between 800,000 and 900,000 by now (I'm not going to do the math, anybody want to check my estimate?) It is of course likely that the active user count has dropped faster than concurrency since people who use SL a lot add proportionally more to the concurrency than to the active users count and they are likely to be the last to leave. (The same applies to bots of course.) Even so, 600,000 sounds a bit low and it's certainly not an official figure since there are no official figures anymore.
  18. Qie Niangao wrote: This seems way better to me today. I have no idea if restarting all the sims with yesterday's roll had anything to do with it, but this has always been frustratingly subjective anyway. Regardless of the reason, it seems to be over now. I've kept an eye on one specific object through this, a large (64x64*32 m) but low poly (24 tris) photo box right next to my landing point at my workshop. Last week or two it always took a minute or so for it to render, today's it's instantaneous. (Edit: Come to think of it, that's on a Magnum sim and I noticed the chaneg before RC channel restarts.) Qie Niangao wrote: Or maybe "steps were taken" in response to this being mentioned at the Server User Group yesterday. (I missed it this week, but read about it in Inara Pey's report.) Thank you! It's really interesting and quite nice to hear that LL can react to posts here in that way. Qie Niangao wrote: One tangent I've been meaning to mention: I sometimes screw-up and leave my Draw Distance set way deeper than usual, and that causes symptoms pretty similar to these "slow to load" problems. That's quite interesting too. High draw distance shouldn't cause this kind of issues since they fixed the major bugs in Project Interesting. I can only speak for myself but on my work platform I would have noticed increased draw distance instantly. There are other sky platform barely out of view around there. Besides, I switch between different preset graphics configurations several times a day and any accidental change in the settings would have been corrected the first time I did that.
  19. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I've learned in my life that you get the respect you give to people regardless of who or what they are. Take people on their merits rather than your preconceived notions and you'll get a lot further in life. That's very good advice but even so, those Harvard tests Madelaine linked to fail miserably in what they try to do but there are numerous serious studies on the topic and they all show the result the Harvard tests try to achieve. Also, by sheer coincidence the Harvard tests do demonstrate someting else that is significant here: how important conditioning is. You do things in a specific way for a minute or two, the suddenly you are told to do the opposite and you just can't. Even a minute of conditioning is more than enough to completely skew the result of the second part of that test. Each and every one of us was imprinted with a specific set of attitudes while we grew up (different ones for each person of course). Some of those attitudes are good and some inevitably are bad. It's simpy not possible to get away from that. Yu can't simply say one day: "No, I don't believe in this anymore and I will not think or feel that way from now on." As Robert Heinlein put it describing his own childhood: "You can take the boy out of the bible belt but you can't take the bible belt out of the boy." Even deeper than childhood conditioning lies the fear of the unknown and, even more important, the fear for the almost but not quite familiar. That is probably encoded into our genes. We can fight it and we can keep it down but we can never kill it.
  20. Being banned from a group and being banned from Second Life are two completely different things and Linden Lab will not in any way interfere in how a group owner or group administrator manages a group. That means the person who banned you from that group didn't abuse her power because she does have the right to evict anybody for any reason or even for no reason at all. Sorry about that. On the positive side, it also means the ban only affects that group and has no significance whatsoever for anything else you do or are part of in Second Life.
  21. Pamela Galli wrote: If. however, you are using content to create decor and landscaping, then the smallest details are what make the environment an expression of your personality and creativity -- the blogs and Flickr are full of these tableaux. Your friend Hattie creates for this contingent. And there's nothing wrong with that. Second Life can easily be Daz 3D online, it's already far better at being DAZ than DAZ is itself, it's the way SL's been heading for a while and it may well be the only possible future for this old place. But you can't ride two horses at the same time. There are still lots of machinima, role playing (in the widest possible definition of the term) and games going on and there will be for quite a while. When you start filling up places intended for those purposes with photo session style props, that's when you run into problems.
  22. For those who are unfamiliar with the name GoldTokens is the organisation that runs the Gold Hunt, the original FIsh Hunt and a couple of other advertising networks. It is of course essentially a way for land owners to increase their traffic count but there's enough of a skill gaming element to be allowed. It's certainly still going on with LL's full knowledge. I used to paly it myself and I can actually recommend it to newcomers. It pays about the same as Linden Realms but is more fun and you get around to see quite a variety of Second Life places. And for Jeeps: You should have noticed already but most people in SL do not know that particular game. It's very small compared to Second Life as a whole. Anyway, the list of hunting grounds is up on their website now so I'm not sure what the problem is/was. Was it just a temporary glitch or does it keep going down?
  23. Drongle McMahon wrote: "You can reuse baked textures too" Yes indeed. In my experience, that is very good for high resolution detail with minimum texture area, but, the way I have ever used it, you have to be extremely accurate in the geometry to get the ao to match perfectly. It can. I use a lot of "realistic natural"¹⁾ textures and with them it's often possible to redefine the purpose of various details, what is a shade along the top on one surface may be a smudge in the middle of another and so on. Maybe not a method recommended to people who don't love solving puzzles. ¹⁾ In SL "realistic natural" means "with all imperfections rather heavily exaggerated" as opposed to the more common "with all imperfections extremely heavily exaggerated"
  24. Pamela Galli wrote: Oh, I did not know that there was in fact an advantage to repurposed mesh, yay. Well, a reused mesh is cached locally at least and that alone will often give a significant improvement in speed. It should also reduce the load all the way to the graphics processor but to be honest, I'm not at all convinced it does. Pamela Galli wrote: Yes, Drongle also taught me not to triangulate in Blender :-) Along with a lot of other things. Aww, and I thought I had made a brand new discovery! Oh well, es gibt nichts neues unter die Sonne. Pamela Galli wrote: Peter was not present, btw. The painting portrays the moment the fellow travelers realize who their companion is. Oh sorry, I got the theory that the second disciple present was Peter from a web site about the painting and I thought everything you read on the internet was true! Pamela Galli wrote: I wondered why the basket was half off the table, I don't remember anything in the story about that. I know this is getting really esoteric but for those who are interested, I think there are a few things to learn about Second Life in this. Here's a better representation of the story made only a few years later than Caravaggio's:  I doubt Jesus wore a visible halo all the time but apart from that, this is a realistic image of the scene, as realistic as Rembrandt could make it 16 centuries after it took place. Caravaggios painting isn't actually realistic at all. I've heard people call it the first impressionistic picture and there's something to that but what it mainly is, is a collection of symbols. Just about every item in that picture has a specific meaning, anything that didn't, he left out if he possibly could. These symbols were all part of fairly well formalised visual "language" that most learned ladies and gentlemen at Caravaggio's time would be quite familiar with, their meanings may be a bit more obscure today. Caravaggio's picture is not nearly as realistic as Rembrandt's but it still feels more real, doesn't it? This is not because he was a better painter than Rembrandt but because the two paintings have different purposes. Rembrandt's picture is a scene to watch and probably contemplate, Caravaggio's is an experience to join. Which of these is Second Life? How we build for SL depends on the answer to that question and the answer to that question depends on how we build. If we want SL to be a picture to look at, we probably want as many details as can possibly be rendered on a computer screen. If we want SL to be an experience to join, we need to do as Caravaggio and get rid of the distractions, partly to increase the pace but mostly to focus better on the essentials. I don't think I surprise anybody when I say I would have preferred option no. 2 here but that's my personal opinion, I'm certainly not going to claim it's more "right" than the other alternative. By now it's probably too late to change course anyway. (I've been writing at length about art picturing a scene from the bible here so in case somebody wonder what my own religious beliefs are: don't ask and I promise not to tell.)
  25. Have you taken the classes at Builders Brewery? You can catch Jewelry 101 10 AM SL time tomorrow and then Jewelry 102 and 103 Wednesdays at 9 AM the next two weeks. If you miss it, don't worry. It starts all over again in three weeks.
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