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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. On the startup screen, check out the "What's Hot Now" list. Those places are always empty. Seriously, there are lots of empty places in Second Life if you need a place for a one-time meeting. Take a look at this one for example: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Conference%20Center/120/92/22 That one is actually a demo of one of LL's ready-made themed sims but nobody buys those anymore (they're a bit outdated unfortunately) so it's not used for anything at all these days. This is if you're thinking about a one-time occasion. If you want to have regular meetings in-world, you really want your own place for it. Borrowing space may be cheaper but it's rather impractlcal in the long run.
  2. If I understand you right, you've changed the color often on the small size belt but only tried a few times with the others? Try this: Rez or wear the belt Right-click on it and select "Edit" Click on the "Content" tab in the edit window Open the script you find there Click on the "Reset" button That should help for a while but you'll have to do it all over again every now and then. The best permanent solution is to make several copies of the belt, one unmodified backup and one for each color you use. Then remove the script completely from the copies you use and never bother with that HUD again.
  3. Rhikki wrote: So I've been on SL for a couple of months now and I've been using Firestorm at the advice of my roommate because she uses it. Yes, lots of people in SL are absolutely convinced that their viewer is The One And Only Truth. I've heard old-timers telling stories about the Browser Wars they used to have but there haven't been a proper one since I joined. A shame really, sounds like something that would be fun to watch.
  4. Adams Scarmon wrote: Why do they ignore it if its frequently requested? I suppose you'll get about a dozen "because LL doesn't care" replies to that question. But I think they're wrong actually, LL does care and I think they're even beginning to understand what is expected and needed from a good web store now. But there are so many things that need to be fixed and they're so far behind. And the core of the MP software is rotten, there's no other word for it really. That means everything has to be done slow. The poor programmers assigned to the task have to somehow try to figure out the mess before they can do anything about it and even then they have to be very cautious because any changes can have unexpected consequences.
  5. Qie Niangao wrote: In my experience, the script load of riders makes more difference to region crossings than the vehicle's scripts, An asset is an asset and it shouldn't matter whether it's attached to the avatar or part of the vehicle. But an avatar tends to be a lot heavier than any driveable vehicle of course. Qie Niangao wrote: Yeah, I know: that doesn't make any sense. Why should Physics=None Mesh geometry ever even be known to a sim? I would like to think this is superstition, but it sure seems replicable. I don't know how or why visual models affect and are affected by sim crossing but they clearly are. When you cross sim borders you can often see objects in the new sim suddenly vanish and then reappear. I'm not planning to buy any more SL cars so my opinion may not matter but I do live next to a Linden Road and I really, really wish car makers could learn how to make mesh. No wait, that was to broad a sweeping statement, there are of course some excellent mesh makers who create cars - and not only the two I mentioned earlier. But the average standard is pitiful to out it mildly, poorly optimized meshes with bloated LI, bloated lag and disastrous LoD, clearly uploaded by people with no understanding whatsoever how to make mesh for Second Life.
  6. That's great news and another sign LL is strating to take content creation more seriously.
  7. Since Theresa mentioned a name, I suppose I can too. Two of the makers I had in mind were of course Arton Rotaru and Kaliska (Yetius Resident). They have lots of experience with SL vehicles and are quite unique (or is it "unique" when there are two of them?) in that they belong to the crème de la crème of SL content creators both as mesh makers and scripters. They don't make much regular street cars though and that may be a problem. The third maker was GEMC, not qutie up to the Kaliska/Arton standards but still well ahead of the field. If you want cheap, well Arcadia Asylum's good ol' cars are free for the asking, look cool and usually handle really well. Many of Arcadia's scripts were made by a professional progrmmer who is also an expert in making things move in SL and althoguh I haven't checked, I think he did some of her vehicle scripts as well. Edit: Come to think of it, has Arduenn Schwarzman ever made cars? Sounds like something he would want to have a go at and as far as I know, he's never ever done a poor job.
  8. I don't suppose we should mention specific names here but there are three makers I know of (and probably a few I don't know of) who make their own models rather than use hastily uploaded stuff from the internet and - even more important - write their own efficient vehicle scripts. Most cars I've seen in SL use a rather clumsily made and very inefficient motorcycle script system and those will never handle sim crossings very well. Sim crossing will always be tricky. Essentially what happens is that you log off from one sim and on to another. The new sim has to load everything you carry with you. That is bound to take a little bit of time but with efficient low lag objects and - above all - scripts and a little bit of care how you cross the border, you shouldn't usually run into big problems. It's not only about the vehicle btw, your avatar can cause just as much problems so keep it as low lag as possible, ideally a classic avatar, maybe some low lag hair and shoes and nothing else. I once put a catamaran made by one of the three makers I didn't mention to the test, sailing all over Blake Sea at 45 knots speed (to save you the math: that means it took 11 seconds to cross a whole sim). I didn't even notice the 70-or-so simc rossings I did before I finally crashed and that was at a time when people were posting complaints here about how difficult Blake Sea sim crossings had become. A car is of course trickier than a boat in SL since it has to take ground level into account but even so, that should give you an idea what a well made vehicle can do.
  9. You don't have to buy land for an in-world store, there are lots of places where you can rent a store. Whether you need one is hard to say. It depends on how ambitious you are and what you are selling. It's almost impossible for a new name to market anything on MP, you just drown in the masses of listings there. You can sell though MP but mostly to people who are looking specifically for your products. An inworld store in a reasonably visible location will be seen by people and some of them may be curious enough to check out what you have to offer. Not the most effective marketing channel but still far better than anything you can do thrugh MP. If you sell mesh objects (not clothing), you really need a place where people can see what you have. There's so much garbage mesh on MP these days and lots of people are very reluctant to buy unseen from an unfamiliar seller. And of course, if you want to sell in volumes, you want a redelivery terminal and special offers for your group. You'll need an inworld base for that.
  10. Most likely somebody in the area using a media-on-a-prim media player. They can be heard for 100 m or more around and across sim borders. Firestorm used to have media autoplay switched off by default. I don't know but it's possible they changed that in the latest version. The only solution is what Callum suggested, open your preferences and switch off media auto-play.
  11. If you just unlisted the items, they will still show up in your Marketplace listings window inder the "Unlisted" tab and you can relist them. Of course, if they were unlisted by LL because of some problems, you need to make sure you fixed that first But if you deleted the listings, I'm afraid there is no way to recover anything from them and you will have to re-upload everything.
  12. Comment to Rolig's answer: do not use shared media on the ground on a mainand parcel or on a private sim unless you own the whole sim. Shared media is heard for up to 100 m around, across parcel borders and a cross sim borders and the only way other people can block it is by switching media off completely in their viewers.
  13. There are always minor adjustmets but as far as I know, the recent addition of Horizon is the first major addition to mainland since 2011. Here is Tyche Shepherd's graph over Linden owned regions: http://gridsurvey.com/charts/econ2.png Please note that "Linden Lab owned " doesn't necessarily mean mainland, LL has quite a lot of permanent and temporary isolated sims and smaller sim clusters too.
  14. xnathan23 wrote: I actually DID sent a DMCA letter once via mail last year but my item is still there... That is very interesting. May I ask what kind of answer you received from Linden Lab?
  15. Pussycat Catnap wrote: I'm a little curious to how you could think this outrageous? Do you think its more likely people hire animals from your local zoo? Sorry, that was actually supposed to be a joke.
  16. Simply put: you buy a mesh body and wear it on top of your old avatar. To clear up a misunderstanding here: a mesh body is not a replacement for your regular avatar, it's an attachment you wear on top of the system avi, jsut like a hair or a piece of mesh clothing etc.
  17. Are you sure this is something new and not just something you haven't noticed before? It's a well known issue with fitted mesh and I haven't noticed any more of it with the new skeleton. In any case, it can often be corrected with very minor tweaks to your body shape.
  18. Beau Daniels wrote: Also, am I correct in saying that mesh is not ubitiquous yet? Oh, definitely yes. Also, a mesh body can never make a good looking avatar in itself, it can only add to the qualities of the classic avatar underneath it. So work on your classic avatar first because if it doesn't look good, covering it with mesh isn't going to help. Edit: There is one side to mesh bodies we haven't mentioned here yet and that is that you don't really know how other people see you. Fitted mesh is slow to render initially and notoriously prone to render failure. You may see your glorious looking avatar in a wonderful outfit on your computer, others may see it naked or even just as a severed head floating in the air. Some people don't worry about such things, others think they don't worry and get a serious shock if/when they realize.
  19. It means that your wife's avatar is right on the border to trigger your anti-avatar-lag filter and the wedding ring is just enough to take her over the threshold. Or maybe the wedding ring is so render heavy it can activate the filter all by itself, some jewelry actually is. More about it here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Avatar-Rendering-Complexity/ta-p/2967838 Edit: You can increase the filter's threshold in your graphics preferences and even disable it completely, but you really should be careful with that. The filter is there to keep lag level down and also protect out computers from overload. Set it higher than you hardware can manage and you may end up with serious problems.
  20. Penny Patton wrote: LL, for the most part, only hires programmers. When they do hire residents and content creators it's never for their feedback on the software. That is a truth with some modifications. The original Linden Lab crew included Eric Call and Cory Onderjika, two very skilled content creators, and they also had Ryan who worked mainly with administration but was also a very keen and talented amataur builder. It didn't take long before LL had strengthened their work force with other skilled content creators like Albedo, Xenon and Michael and LL took content creation very seriously the first few years. But then most of them left and they weren't replaced. Eric and Cory may have been the biggest losses here, they had been in it right from Day 1 so their words must have counted for a lot. It may not be a coincidence that the problems we see in SL today started to visibly accumulate around the time they quit. I think Michael actually was the only one working with content creation at LL for a while until Patch joined the team and they founded LLDPW. That meant LL had a good work force to do the building needed but these guys weren't heard when decisions were made and that may have been the biggest mistake LL ever made. They have learned that lesson now. I'm not sure but I get the feeling Patch has been given wider responsibilities, better matching his actual qualifications, recently and if I'm right, that's a very good sign. A much clearer sign that things have changed is how LL has tried to involve experienced content creators in recent development programs, Bento is perhaps the best example here. They haven't quite figured out how to do it yet but they are trying and they are getting better.
  21. Dansintherain wrote: Could someone reccomend a few stores that sell skins and hairs for classic avi's that you like to visit. Thanks! I don't know of any skin that does not work with the classic avatar. Even if the skin comes with mesh body appliers, the package will still include a classic skin. Some skin makers have chosen to sell appliers for their old skins separately rather than update the original package though so you might have watch out for that. The hair is a completely separate attachment and usually there is no difference whatsoever between hairs for classic avatars and hairs for mesh bodies. What is a good skin and a good hair is very much a question of personal preference and your chosen style and what suits somebody else may not be the right for you. If you want a really good looking avatar, it's important to match your skin to your body shape. A skin that looks gorgeous on one body may look horrible on another so if you don't want to waste a ton of Lindens it's important to try demos and see what works for you. I think it's fair to say that it's the skin/body combination that defines an avatar's appearance. Everything else, including any mesh body/body parts, are just details emphasizing (or ruining) that basic look. As for hair, I much prefer a rally good old style flexihair to modern fitted mesh. Fitted mesh hair may look great in a picture but the moment you start moving around it's just too obvious that it odesn't move freely. I may be too sensitive to this but to me seeing somebody with the ends of their hair locks glued to their shoulders is seriously disturbing. The big problem with flexihairs is to find one that is both good looking and low lag. Making a great flexihair is perhaps the most advanced for of SL content creation. Very few people have the skills and patience to do it right and most of the masters seem to have been copybotted to death long ago. A flexihair doesn't have to be laggy if the creator is concious about the issue. Unfortunately most of them were made long before people started to become aware of how vital avatar lag is to the SL experience so the makers didn't take that into consideration. Not sure if I should mention specific makers but Truth is one of the few old masters the copybotters didn't manage to kill, his hairs are always well made, his old flexihairs tend to be relatively low lag and since flexi isn't fashionable anymore, he sells them very cheap in his inworld store. The Free Dove and GNC (the German Newbie Center) are probably the first places to look. Unlike mort freebie stores they are not filled up with old outdated stuff but rather with content donated by various current quaity designers. You can find some really great clothing and avatar parts for free there and you also get the chance to check out the work of different designers and see who matches your preferred style. Edit: I completely forgot the most important point: Don't just look at photos on MP or in a blog or on an inworld vendor. Try the demos! A picture can lie more than a thousand words.
  22. I Oh yes. I even had to log on again when I tried to reply to this post. Edit: should have mentioned: Windows 8.1, Firefox 50.0.2
  23. Did you use the "Instant Buy" or "Best Rate Buy" option? When you buy Lindens, you do not buy from Linden Lab, you're buying from other users who offer their Lindens for sale at different prices. If you choose instant buy, you sell right away because that price is for offers that already are there. If you choose best rate, you'll have to wait until somebody who are willing to sell at that price turns up and that may well take a while.
  24. I'm not sure if I should post this but... I was going about my business as usual wearing a popular brand mesh body and some shabby but decent clothing when one of my tenants sent me this picture of my avatar (I had to censor it a bit for this forum): What happened was that parts of my mesh body's clothes layer that looked perfectly fine in my viewer, failed to render on his computer, revealing the skin layer underneath, This is not unusual, mesh clothing and mesh body parts fail to render all the time. If you wear any kind of fitted mesh, sooner or later (most likely sooner) somebody will see parts of your avatar that you believe are fully covered and you won't know about it. It's not a possibility, it's a certainty. Now, I'm not a prude and it's my avatar anyway, not me. But if such things bother you, do not wear a mesh body in public and do not wear mesh clothing unless you have your avatar well covered with good old system clothing underneath it. Of course, if you fancy appering as a person with hands and/or feet cut off, or as a severed head floating in the air or the latest fashion - a brain and two eyes floating above a headless body, then you can just use alphas. It won't be a pretty sight but at least you'll be decent.
  25. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Avoiding 'freakish proportions' is more about knowing what to do with shape dials. See my guide in my sig links.. Wow, great work! Thank you Pussycat. One thing though... Pussycat Catnap wrote (in her blog): I could be wrong, but I’m going to just guess that the average motion capture studio hires human dancers and not the zoo crew. Do you have any evidence whatsoever to support such an outrageous assumption? Pussycat Catnap wrote: Don't presume a system avatar / clothes will be less (or more) lag - this is going to depend on the whole outfit composition you go in for. A system avatar will always be less laggy because it's a part of any avatar anyway and it only has four textures with a max reslolution of 512x512 (the eyer texture may - and should - be even lower res). Anything you add on top of that will add to the total load of course but with a little bit of care, that extra load can be negligible.
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