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Gwin LeShelle

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Everything posted by Gwin LeShelle

  1. SL is showing a lot of things flying... teleporting...clotheswise...adultstuffwise ...BODYshapewise...kid avs...furries elves..scars or body Cuts... that I personally would never do in RL but I do enjoy to see them in SL as long as others enjoy themselves...it's all adult people they can decide themselves lol so I don't think I need to be made feel bad for this one I also eat too much virtual sugar and drink virtual coffee almost all the time when logged in XP
  2. Is this now a thing that happens every tuesday? Maybe its some kind of free nostalgia for us oldbies, like back then when SL was down for some hours for the restarts My hubby and daughter can login fine tho ... <.<
  3. Is it maybe the radio stream? Hm but you said all media is muted ... Are you really sure its SL? Have you muted the main sounds? Or just partly? Have you tried taking all your stuff off? Maybe an item is doing those sounds, so just get naked x3 and put one thing after the other on again to see if one of those things is doing that.
  4. Do not forget that you only have 5 tries each day, but I think when you try with the houseboats or stilt homes you will lucky with a nice spot fast although those come up rather not so often! I wish you all the luck with it ^^
  5. So you do not want pay money for a region of yourself...but complain about not being able traveling linden roads...I personally NEVER encountered any ban lines on linden roads! Why is that? Because they are owned by LL and no one can put ban lines on them...when you encounter ban lines on land it's not official linden roads and whoever lives there has all the right to do so. I travel alot via different vehicles, and my family also and that's just the way it is. Also it sounds as if you take ban lines very personal, just don't...I never do and I really doubt people do this on evil purpose...just everyone has a different definition of privacy and a different need for it, so thats the way I take it! Except people that are creeping on their neighbours parcel rezzing evil things and get banned from there...they deserve all the ban lines
  6. Did it ever cross your mind that people exactly know all this and want it that way? Their land their rules, when I put ban lines at my roadside parcel, that was exactly what I wanted it to do. If you do not want ban lines while RPing road travel, invest in a region yourself maybe.
  7. What baffles my mind is...you claim you got hacked...but don't even waste a minute of thinking that whoever did that is meddling with your account? XD and you rather jump to "Flickr is stealing my likes" in case they would do that, they actually would hurt paying members because that would take away likes from them, and let's be honest the like is what many people are there for on such sites. So nope I doubt they would do that, and you should really change your password XD oh and yeah the app is funky and won't update likes etc sometimes as someone already mentioned, just check from your PC. So I really think you maybe have a slow connection and like too fast x3 I really doubt it's hackers or Flickr stealing your likes. It's just a glitch. Oh and btw...you don't need a credit card just use PayPal
  8. I'd take one of the batteries out of every thing in the house using some...like remote controls and Xbox Controllers. My son would be soooo happy x3
  9. Yes I learned languages in school and later also because I loved languages, I speak 5 languages near fluent and some more I am good at understanding and reading, and some others I can only speak different words for foods haha but this really surprised me back then, because when you learn about the USA in school and the rich history and background you would expect that many of their ancestors languages would have been teached in the families or school. So to me this was a very surprising experience! Not a bad one to make it clear, just unexpected (~‾▿‾)~
  10. Thank you (。・//ε//・。) I took it at past 3 am after we finished last day of bon festival in RL because I was still all excited and couldn't sleep and tried to calm down with taking a pic haha(~‾▿‾)~
  11. What Ceka said is super useful, but I don't think that was the question. I understood that the OP is looking for a way to get EEPs that she saw on others land for herself. And I don't think there is a way for that other than asking the owner and maybe they are sharing it with her. (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
  12. Awww I understand the cute memories we have with some certain things in SL. But in this case I do not believe that this is even still up for sale at all. Have you got a Flickr account? Maybe upload the picture there and ask if anyone recognizes it. Many designers are in certain big SL Flickr groups so add it there and just hope the designer in question remembers it. That's the only advice I have in this case sadly ( ◜‿◝ )♡
  13. It's like these animations I recently start seeing more and more where a girl grabs, Twists, pulls, jiggles and whatnot her own bossom...I am used to halfnaked people on PG sims after 14 years in SL but seeing people do this on a PG sims? "Right-click>Derender>Blacklist"
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