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Gwin LeShelle

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Everything posted by Gwin LeShelle

  1. LMAO actually I use hoohaa too that way I wanted to type hoppla because watching to much spongebob lately but autcorrect on my phone as not having it xDD and thanks for the close look and indeed that is something I have not seen like that before BUT I really really hope that no Linden zoomed in that close haha and yes kids these days ...my son is the age where any curse word is the good words but the word "sexy" was declared the official root of all evil when some girl in his class said it he came home and was still red faced when talking about it so lately I like to add it to many things in the house ...like to ketchup...toiletpaper...and he goes like MOOOOOM everytime haha And just follow away so I can follow back
  2. Its the same just with more hoohaa aka light and EEP added and yes thats why I said mystery solved, thats the reason the forums are awesome more people means more different input, and when two people already thought it was seethrough its likely that a Linden thought so too and and I can not blame them ^ ^
  3. Izzie had just a free gift for closed eyes...I will check and see where it is. Ok it was a veins and eyeliner add on for her new closed eyes that Rowan posted already ^ ^ and the gift is at the same event "The Fifty"
  4. As I said they are not BUT the shading on the sides might make it seem so!! SOOO I would say when two people thought it was seethrough I guess the mystery is solved of WHY it was rejected x3 Thank you everybody ❤️
  5. Totally true, and if I can have bad mopey nitpickey days they are allowed to have too x3 ❤️
  6. Not to be even creepier but sadly they are not Simple as that! If they would have been seen through I would have not posted it there as usual ^ ^ I even checked again inworld if I oversaw it lol Zooming your own twinklecave...only in SL
  7. Sooo knowing myself I would probably pay like 90 Dollars to be Gwin LeShelle...maybe I should really skip that XD I probably would never get used to a new name T^T only if they make the district of tokyo I was born in last name I would change my name I guess haha so many ok-ish names but none has hit me so far disappointed in myself at this point lol I seem to picky
  8. My son and I give weird names to almost EVERYthing in this house or places we frequent often...and its often a lot of fun when he asks "has anyone seen Fred?" and I tell him "he should be beneath the sink in the kitchen where he usually lives" and the confusion on my oldest daughters face and husbands face when the son leaves the kitchen with the tiny vacuum! Also to make it worse...we both give things DIFFERENT names, so today its fred next week Miku and yet we BOTH seem always to know what the other is talking about...but ONLY we two lmao so its like a secret club
  9. I was here to just say that but Sid was faster...as usual x3 ❤️
  10. I was also wondering if I would lose my name forever when I get a new one or is there a way that someone can go back to their legacy name?
  11. On a sidenote my husband is working as SQTM+A and asked about it he simply put "it has a username (usually well known to others on the web because you SLers are famecrabs) and a PW of COURSE its hackable if someone wants to, every site/account is when you just want to put enough time and effort into it" I really do not know where all this "SL is unhackable" comes from always, yes maaany click weird links way too fast because, here is this Youtube link a "friend" sent or here here is this seemingly MP link in some "merchants" profile, oooh look super cheap sale spam phishing link in discord weee ooor look here this Lumiya version I found fallen off the back of some shady truck! And I really doubt that SL in general is that interesting to hackers nower days, but single people might be, just for the purpose for hurting them, many people in SL met people on here that are not as trustwworthy, and even stalkerish and harmful and seem to hold personal vendettas, I totally would be not surprised by such people trying such things, since they already know your Login name and not many people use really good PWs If SL was unhackable why did they bring in 2FA into the game at all? But I also think that this discussion takes away from the OPs question/need for help! But s/he did all they could to fix it I guess, PW change etc. and contacting SL and no matter how their account got compromised I feel sorry for them and really hope they got it back fully and happily...but I really doubt LL can or will do much about the missing $L sadly
  12. Its a discussion forum so this is my ground for one (and I have seen for ME far worse ones :P), and they do not make mistakes in this group x3 and if it was one they would invited the pic to the group cause thats what you can do as an admin, and resubmitting probably just gets you banned from the group for spamming because no admin likes that! And maybe its a cultural thing and I need to even usse MORE smiley but you seem to take this rather way too serious, I am just personally fed up with the male nipple vs. femal nipple thing in general lately, so the Lab probably just harvested all my frustration. But not in very serious, life changing way lol its more like "ARGH NOT YOU TOO, MY BELOVED SL! Y U BETRAY ME?!" its probably just cause I was just telling the other day a friend how the people at LL seem really inclusive and embracing any sort of humans and forms ( many Lindens are furries etc.) and treat anyone fair and equal, so its probably just that I was hit by surprise and needed to yell at clouds.
  13. I posted this pic, because no nude and safe as always to the official Flickr group and it got rejected: Nooow I thought mayyybe lingerie is too wild, but I was sure I had seen less dressed pics in there...so I took a quick look and among the last entries were: I don't feel less dressed than any of those other newer pics...but maybe I am wrong? And I now wonder why it got rejected and why they seem to be more ok with half naked men (shirtless only tiny thongs lol) than with a woman fully covered in undies and a robe? Or maybe someone simply hates pink or sideway pics ***Mystery solved see below xD*** thank you everybody! ❤️
  14. I just went to check my transaction history for you and yes I got my stipend today or for me yesterday already x3 But yes it is sometimes super late
  15. I think it is like with a lot of stuff...you just need to find the right person to sell it to x3 I see some places on mainland still where people obviously breed them hardcore...but if they sell? I can not tell ...but I have never been into that breeding game other than owning a few kittycats for myself and just for pure fun ...because cats x3 Maybe you both could check inworld groups for horse breeders (sounds so wrong sorry XD) and have a look if there are sims where people sell them and see how it goes?
  16. Ikr?! I am Premium, I don't mind to pay for L whenever I want something inworld, the husband and I have awesome and wellpaid jobs in RL, we have several online gaming subscriptions...game passes for 4 XBoxes alone ugh...and several video streaming subscriptions so I am well used to wasting money lol... and still it's really hard for me to justify paying that much for a new name only ... Or maybe the right name wasn't in the pool for me so far? especially since I have a legacy name still x3 maybe if you could get the same name for you and your partner for that price would get them sold better to more people but when I think how often people have new partners ...XD
  17. That was my fave too...If they ever release Squarepants I'm probably finally sold on a new name 🤣
  18. My RL husband keeping me from decorating the pixel house and garden x3 but he was also helpful...if this makes any sense haha ( he is not online that often in SL so I had to take a pic x3)
  19. With my japanese friends from RL it's voice chat (but usually we sit in the same room in RL when we all play SL together so then we not use it)...makes it easier to laugh and explore (we always go on weird adventures when we meet in SL) or build together. But other than that I despise voice chat with strangers. So for me any text form is fine but I prefer local or group chat I think... ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) I don't like IM I am like a squirrel and get distracted too easily with RL stuff so I wander off often or get bored too fast ...and in a group chat that's harder to notice haha
  20. Was the second thing I put out and even before the house was put out lol 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
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